新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 4 Li Ming Comes HomeLesson 19 Buying Gifts》教案_20.doc

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1、冀教版六年级英语下册lesson19 Buying Gifts教学设计1、【导入】问候,演唱歌曲复习上个单元内容出示两个谜语让学生猜测国家PPT呈现加拿大地图图片师:Its a map of (Canada).教师引导学生说出Canada.呈现中国地图图片师:And its a map of (China).教师引导学生说出China.呈现李明图片师:We know hes our friend (LiMing).教师引导学生说出LiMing.师:Yes.Hes in Canada now.He misses family very much.So hell fly home next wee

2、k.呈现从加拿大飞回中国的飞机图片师:He wants to buy something for his family.【设计意图:由国家地图和李明导入,学生理解起来既直观又有趣,知道李明要回国了】呈现一个礼物图片师:Wow,Whats this?生:Gift.呈现许多礼物图片师:Yes.He wants to buy many gifts for his family.【设计意图:礼物呈现,直接突出本课的教学重点】呈现李明和Jenny在商场买礼物的图片师:Now where are LiMing and Jenny?生:They are at the shop.师:LiMing is buy

3、ing gifts for his family. Today well learn“Buying Gifts”.教师板书Lesson19 Buying Gifts.教师领读标题,学生跟读。【设计意图:呈现在商场买礼物图片,营造购物环境,引出本课主题】2、【新授】1)出示一个礼物和许多礼物的PPT图片,板书gifts单词,学习单词gift,gifts,教师随意叫学生读单词。【设计意图:图片与单词结合学习,形象易学】2)整体感知,了解文本大意师:Do you want to know what are the gifts?生:Yes.师:Ok.Can you guess?生:A/some toy

4、(s)、some clothes.师:I think so./Maybe its a good gift./Any else?/Good try/Maybe they are.【设计意图:让学生大胆猜想礼物是什么,发挥学生的想象力,锻炼学生的大胆尝试】师:Lets listen what are the gifts?出示Question:What are the gifts?播放课文视频师:Who wants to say?生:Flag/cap/T-shirt/toy(学生有可能说flags、caps、T-shirts、toys)师:Good./Clever/Wonderful/And wha

5、t?/Please have a try,hands up教师将每个礼物图片贴黑板上板书.教师PPT一一呈现图片flag、cap、T-shirt、toy.师:So many gifts for his family.【设计意图:带着问题初听文本,整体感知,了解文本大意】3)学习单词flag、cap、T-shirt、toy和句型How many.do you need?a.呈现加拿大国旗图片师:Look! Its a (flag)引导学生说flag学生跟读Its a flag.教师黑板上贴flag单词,教师领读单词,叫几个学生读单词,强调发音,学生齐读单词。【设计意图:图片与单词结合学习,学生易

6、懂易学】回到加拿大国旗图片师:I think the flag is beautiful.What colour is it?生:Its red and white.师:Whats on the flag?生:It has a leaf on the flag.师:What country is it?生:Canada.师:Its the flag of (Canada)引导学生去说.师:Its a good gift from Canada.依次呈现中国、美国、澳大利亚、英国的国旗,引导学生在句子中练习单词flag师:Therere many (flags)引导学生说出复数flags.【设计

7、意图:通过不同国家国旗在句中操练单词flag】出示实物little flags师:Heres the (little flag).Herere (little flags)引导学生认识去说little flag.出示PPT许多各国小国旗图片,教师领读Here are some little flags. 学习句子学生跟读.师:LiMing wants to buy the little flags of Canada for his family.How many flags does he need? 黑板上贴句子How many.do you need?师:Listen carefully

8、听flags的第一小部分录音,先教师与学生问答.【设计意图:围绕重点句型听录音,培养学生独立学习的能力】PPT呈现文字LiMing says “Ill take three.”教师旁白,学生说“Ill take three.”教师板书数字3. 然后叫两组学生一问一答”How many flags does LiMing need?He needs three.”【设计意图:在重点句型中问答操练,反复运用,提高学生说的能力】b.出示图片cap师:LiMing is a good boy.He also wants to buy caps for his family.教师黑板上贴cap单词,教师

9、领读,强调cap 和flag的发音,学生跟读,叫几个学生读.】出示许多caps图片师:There are many (caps).Lets count together.师生齐说one cap,two caps,three caps师:How many caps does LiMing need?One,two,three or how many?Do you want to know?生:Yes【设计意图:出示许多装饰不同的caps 的图片,激发学生学习的乐趣】听录音,先教师与学生问答. PPT呈现文字LiMing says “Ill take three.”教师旁白,学生说“Ill tak

10、e four.”教师板书数字4.然后叫两组学生一问一答. ”How many caps does LiMing need?He needs four.”师:Maybe LiMing needs the caps for his father,his grandfather and his uncle.师:When do you wear the T-shirt?生:I wear the T-shirt in summer.How many T-shirts does LiMing need?Listen听录音,先教师与学生问答. PPT呈现文字LiMing says “Ill take thr

11、ee.”教师旁白,学生说“Ill take three.”教师板书数字3.然后叫两组学生一问一答. ”How many T-shirts does LiMing need?He needs three.”【设计意图:根据录音独立搜索信息,在句中问答完成学习任务】d.师:Is that all?生:No.出示toys 图片师:Wow!Look!Toys!So lovely!出示toy图片,教师黑板上贴图片和单词,教师领读,学生跟读,叫几个学生读,强调发音.【设计意图:将学生带到toys 购物区,调起学生的学习积极性并学习单词toy】出示toys 图片师:I want a toy.But its

12、not for me.Who will LiMing give the toy to?Listen听录音,学生说出答案师:How many toys does LiMing need for his cousin?Listen and read生:One toy教师板书数量1【设计意图:结合图片带着问题听录音,捕捉重要信息】3.完成习题出示礼物价格表格.师:Look at the price of the gifts,finish how much are the gifts?Work in pairs.【设计意图:完成礼物价钱的习题,丰富了所学知识,增强了内容的真实性与生动性】4.综合运用情

13、景模拟,轻松的背景音乐,服务员与顾客图片.范文A:Can I help you?B:YesA:What do you want to buy?B:I want to buy.A:How many do you need?B:I need.B:How much for one.A:.yuan.B:Ok.Ill take.A:Here you areB:Thanks.Bye.A:Bye师:We are at the shop.Here are some little flags,caps,T-shirts,toys.Choose you likePractise with your partene

14、r.【设计意图:情景模拟,尝试表演,使学生的综合运用的能力不断提升】母亲节即将到来,让同学们观赏一个为母亲准备节日礼物的英文绘本视频,抛砖引玉让学生发散思维谈一谈他母亲节要为妈妈准备的礼物。【作业】作业与板书1.布置作业师:Are you happy today?生:Yes师:Todays homework:Activity book and prepare a gift for your mother.【设计意图:作业与课堂内容衔接,进行知识巩固】2.板书设计Lesson 19 Buying GiftsHow many. do you need?gifts flag cap T-shirt toy totalHow many? 3 4 3 1 11How much?


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