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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语四级模拟70公共英语四级模拟70Section Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are t

2、hree parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answer in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

3、 If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW, as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a dialogue about a lost property. Listen and complete the sentences in questions 15 with the information youve heard.

4、Write not more than 5 words in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. Name of the radio programme 1 Time of the programme is 2 Visitors nationality is 3 Weather in Brighton is 4 Visitor plans to go to 5 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: Radio

5、Brighton. 听力原文 1-5Radio: Good afternoon. This is Radio Brighton. Its two oclock and time for On the Town and this is Evan Windsor introducing the programme.E: Hello. Im here on Palace Pier and its a beautifully hot day. The pier is crowded with visitors. Lets talk to some of them. Where do you come

6、from?J: Vancouver.E: All the way from Canada?J: Thats right.E: Are you enjoying yourself here in Brighton?J: Yes, its a lovely day and therere lots to do.E: How much of Brighton have you seen?J: Not very much. Weve only been here for an hour.E: Where are you going now?J: Were going to Royal Pavilion

7、.E: And after that?J: We havent decided yet.E: What about tonight?J: Well probably go to a restaurant and then catch the last train back to London.E: Well, thanks for talking to us, and have a good time.2.答案:2 oclock.3.答案: Canadian.4.答案: beautifully hot day.5.答案: Royal Pavilion.Part B You will hear

8、a conversation about a crime. Answer questions 6-10 while you listen. Use not more than 5 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the questions. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. In whose house did this conversation take place?答案: Mrs. Smiths house.听力原文6-10Mrs

9、. Brown: Oh, good evening Mrs. Smith. May I introduce my husband to you?Mrs. Smith: How do you do, Mr. BrowneMr. Brown: How do you do, Mrs. Smith? I am very pleased to meet you. Im afraid we are rather late. We were detained at the last moment, and could not get here earlier.Mrs. Smith: Not at all;

10、you are in quite good time.Mrs. Brown: Most of your guests have already arrived, I see.Mrs. Smith: Yes, they seem to be coming in now quite fast. Do you know Mr. and Mrs. Foxwell?Mrs. Brown: No, we have not yet had the pleasure of meeting them.Mrs. Smith: Then I will introduce you.Mrs. Brown: Thank

11、you. Please do so.Mrs. Smith: Mrs. Foxwell, Mrs. Brown; and Mr. Brown.Mrs. Foxwell: How do you do, Mrs. Brown? How do you do, Mr. Brown? This is my husband, Mr. Brown.Mr. Foxwell: How do you do? I have often heard of you in business, Mr. Brown; but have not before had the pleasure of making your acq

12、uaintance.Mr. Brown: Yes, and I have frequently heard your name; and am now glad to know you.Mr. Foxwell: This is a very pleasant occasion.Mr. Brown: Yes, very. Do you know many people here?Mr. Foxwell: Yes, I met most of them before.Mr. Brown: You are an old resident of Boston, arent you?Mr. Foxwel

13、l: Yes, my ancestors were among the early settlers.Mr. Brown: Oh, indeed; quite old stock, truly. Well, I am a newcomer. My father came from England, and I was born in New York.Mr. Foxwell: Well, England is a good place to come from, you know.Mr. Brown: Yes, but with no emphasis on the from.Mr. Foxw

14、ell: Oh, of course.Mr. Brown: Boston is a good place to come from also.Mrs. Foxwell: Yes, most people think so.Mr. Brown: That is why it is called the axis, isnt?Mr. Foxwell: So I believe. Excuse me, as I want to speak to a friend over there. I will see you again before the evening is over.Mrs. Brow

15、n: Yes I hope so.2. How come Mr. Brown knew Mr. Foxwell so well?答案: Often heard his name.3. What did he mean when Mr. Foxwell said thats why it is called the axis?答案: Many people come from Boston.4. How many people were mentioned in the conversation?答案: Seven.5. When were the guests supposed to leav

16、e?答案: When the evening was over.Part C You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one. You will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answer. You will

17、 hear each piece once only. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What was the woman doing when the policeman found her?A.She was lying near a lonely road.B.She was driving along a lonely road.C.She was seriously ill.D.She was having a terrible accident.答案:A听力原文14-16 Some years ago. an American policeman found a

18、woman lying near a lonely mad. She did not appear to have had any accident, but she was trembling and clearly in a state of shock, SO he rushed her to the nearest hospital. She began lo tell the doctor on duty a story which was astonishing in all respects. She had been driving along a country road w

19、hen she was stopped by a flying saucer landing in front of her. She bad been forced to leave the car and enter the flying saucer by some creatures. These creatures looked like human beings and could easily make themselves understood although they could not speak. It was as though they could read her

20、 thoughts and she could read theirs. They treated her politely and allowed her to leave after carrying out a number of tests on her. As she otherwise seemed to be normal, the doctor decided that she was probably suffering from the side effects of some drug. The woman insisted on being allowed to go

21、home but when she gave her address, it was in a town over a thousand miles from the hospital. The police then started to make inquiries, They soon discovered that there was already a search going on for the woman, whose husband had reported that she had disappeared. Her car had been found with the d

22、rivers door open and engine running. In front of her car the surface of the road had been completely destroyed, not by any explosion or anything of that kind, but as though a large, circular, wide, hot object had burnt through it. 故事第一句话即指出,警察found d woman lying near a lonely road,即警察发现她时,那位妇女躺在一条偏僻

23、的路边,选A。2. According to the womans account, what happened to her?A.She was attacked by robbers.B.She escaped from her family.C.She survived a traffic accident.D.She was forced to enter a flying saucer.答案:D故事第六句指出:She had been forced.by some creatures,而后文描述的都是那位女性对这些creatures的印象,因此本题选D。3. Which of the

24、 following statements is true?A.The woman was intended to leave her husband without telling him.B.The woman had met some creatures from outer space.C.The woman and the creatures couldnt understand each other.D.The creatures could read and speak English.答案:B本题较为容易,实际上由题目提示就可看出来。其余三项都与故事后半部分对于那名妇女的描述及

25、她离家情况等相关内容不符。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. What is the main purpose of the talk?A.To explain the importance of learning rhythm and harmony in jazz.B.To show that jazz is not really music at all.C.To point ont similarities between jazz and classical music.D.To describe what makes a good jazz performance.答

26、案:D听力原文 11-13 To play their music well, jazz musicians dont really need to know a lot about the rules of harmony and rhythm. Of course they might have some knowledge of both harmony and rhythm, but that kind of knowledge isnt what makes them good musicians. What does make them good is having an intu

27、itive feeling for how the music works. For artists in the medium of jazz, the music comes naturally. It flows almost spontaneously through them. Their music performance is not planned in advance. As they play, they dont monitor themselves in term of a formal theory of performance. As a result, jazz

28、is a natural expression of the self. Now you are in for a treat. I brought some recordings of my favorite jazz artists. Well spend some time listening to some good examples of really good jazz. 5. What does the speaker say as a distinctive character of Jazz musician?A.They memorize their music befor

29、e performing it.B.They are more famous than performers of other kinds of music.C.They perform their music as a means of self-expression.D.They possess detailed knowledge of the rules of jazz performers.答案:C6. What will the class do next?A.Practice various jazz rhythms.B.Interview a jazz musician.C.W

30、atch a film about jazz performers.D.Listen to some recordings of jazz music.答案:D (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. Who is the speaker?A.a film starB.a play writerC.the chairmanD.the director of a film答案:B听力原文 11-13 Thank you to everyone who thought that my story was good enough to be considered the one of the

31、 best. I realize that I am giving the last speech of the night and that I have everyones attention so Ill be making one thats a little longer than normal. Id like to thank Zak for putting this wonderful ceremony together, something I know that I could never have accomplished. Id like to thank all th

32、ose that helped him and did not get the glory of having their names known. And Im sure that like everyone else I cant wait for the next Scooby Awards. Also, Id like to thank Joss Whedon for writing the wonderful show that we all obviously enjoy. Id like to thank the fine actors who make it such a go

33、od show. And Id like to thank Scooby for giving us a model for theseahfine awards. Id like to thank all the fan-fiction writers who provide us with wonderful stories, and even those who provide us with less so wonderful stories. And Id especially like to thank the people who send me feedback and mak

34、e my writing worthwhile, without whom I would have given up writing long ago. And finally, I have a suggestion to the next awards, Smaller statues! Its going to take me a month to get my statues back to my home on the East Coast. So make them a little smaller, maybe only five pounds, please. Well th

35、ats it. Id like to say that Ive had fun and hope to see you all here next time around. Thanks for the awards and good night. 8. What kind of speech is the speaker giving?A.an opening speechB.a closing speechC.a welcome speechD.an award-winner speech答案:D9. What has the speaker been awarded?A.a prizeB

36、.a statueC.a medalD.a cup答案:BSection Use of English Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. What do you do to 1 care of the books in your library? Some of the most collectors 2 to read the books in their collection; 3 the books r

37、emain in mint 4 . Others buy two copies of a book; they 5 one, and leave the other untouched. Many readers must read their books, 6 they still want to protect and care for the volumes. Here are some tips to remember 7 you want your books to remain in good condition. Firstly, avoid Writing. You may h

38、ave been told to 8 in the margins of your books, or even to underline or highlight words, phrases, and paragraphs. But, if you plan to 9 the book, add it to your library, or even sell it - dont write in the book. The ink permanently damages your book. Use a journal or notebook to take 10 on pages or

39、 use pieces of paper or Post-It notes. If you are 11 to write in your book, use a pencil, and erase the markings. Secondly, avoid Food and Drink. Food and Liquids which are hazards to your books. The best practice is to avoid eating or drinking 12 you read. If you need to read while you eat, make su

40、re your fingers are clean and dry as you hold the book or turn the pages. Also, 13 the book away from the food and drink. Check the table or other surfaces for water, crumbs, and stickiness 14 you put your book 15 . Finally, take care. When you handle your book, hold it 16 care. When you read the bo

41、ok, dont 17 down the corners of the pages and use a bookmark instead. Dont fold the 18 of the book back. Dont break the binding; and dont 19 your book with the book 20 , face-down. Use a book cover to keep your books in the best condition. 1.A.underlineB.writeC.symbolD.document答案:B命题目的 此项考查动词辨析和对文章的

42、理解。 解题要点 A项意为“在下划线,使突小”,B项意为“写”,C项意为“标记,象征,符号”,D项意为“用文件证明,为引证”。根据下文“in the margins of your books”可知,此处想表达的意思是在书边栏上写字,其他三项均不符合文意,故此题应该选择B项。 2.A.exhaustB.keepC.decorateD.reserve答案:B命题目的 此题考查动词辨析。 解题要点 A项意为“用完,耗尽”,B项意为“保存”,C项意为“装修,装饰”,D项意为“预定,保留”。根据下文“add it to your library, or even sell itdont write i

43、n the book”可知,此处的意思应为“保存书”,其他三项均不符合文意,故此题应该选择B项。 3.A.quizB.subjectC.notesD.extracts答案:C命题目的 此题考名词辨析和对文章理解。 解题要点 A项意为“非正式的测验,询问”,B项意为“主题,学科”,C项意为“笔记”,D项意为“摘抄”。根据文意“The ink permanently damages your book. Use a journal or notebook to take notes on pages or use pieces of paper or Post-It-notes.”,墨水会对你的书

44、籍造成永久性伤害,用日记或笔记本来记东西吧,或是用小纸片,好易贴之类的,故排除ABD。此题应该选择C项。 4.A.understoodB.believedC.forcedD.required答案:D命题目的 此题考查动词辨析和对文章理解。 解题要点 A项意为“理解,明白”,B项意为“相信;认为”,C项意为“强迫,迫使”,D项意为“要求”。根据文意“If you are required to write in your book, use a pencil, and erase the markings.”,“要是别人要求你在书上写字,那也最好刚铅笔,事后擦去”可知,此处想表达的意思是“被要求

45、”,故此题应陔选择D项。 5.A.whileB.beforeC.afterD.since答案:A命题目的 此题考查连词辨析和对文章理解。 解题要点 四项均引导时问状语从句,A项意为“当时”,B项意为“在之前”,C项意为“在之后”,D项意为“自从”。根据文意应为“在改书的时候,不要吃饭”,故此题应陔选择A。 6.A.takeB.keepC.bringD.give答案:B命题目的 此题考词语搭配。 解题要点 keep away from意为“远离”。根据文意应为“把书放的离食物酒水远点”。take away意为“拿走”,give away意为“赠送”,bring不与away搭配使用,故此题应该选择

46、B项。 7.A.afterB.untilC.beforeD.when答案:C命题目的 此题考查连词的用法。 解题要点 四项均引导时间状语从句,A项意为“在之后”,B项意为“直到为止”,C项意为“在之前”,D项意为“当时”。根据文意应为“把书放到桌上之前,确认桌面(或其他表面)没有水,面包渣以及粘质物体”。排除ABD项,故此题应该选择C项。 8.A.downB.awayC.upD.off答案:A命题目的 此题考查动词短语辨析。 解题要点 A项意为“放下”,B项意为“收拾、整理”,C项意为“搭起、建起”,D项意为“推迟,延期”。根据文意“Check the table or other surfaces for water, crumbs, and stickiness before you put your book down”可知,此处强调的是把书放下之前检查桌面,故此题应该选择A项。 9.A.forB.toC.withD.in答案:C命题目的 此题考查介词辨析和文章的理解。 解题要点 A项意为“为了”,B项意为“对”,C项意为“伴有”,D项意为“在里”。根据文意应为“拿书时要小心”,表示一种伴随状态,故此题应该选择C项。 10.A.breakB.foldC.snap


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