新冀教版四年级英语下册《Unit 3 All about MeLesson 13 How Old Are You.》教案_7.docx

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1、Lesson 13 How Old Are You? 教学设计(一)教材分析:本课是四年级第三单元第一课的内容,本单元围绕Jenny、Danny和他们的同学一起谈论人的外貌和其他一些个人情况为话题而展开。内容比较广泛,有年龄,身高,服装,住址,交通等方面。而本课是在学生已经掌握了较多的颜色,数字,月份,序数词的基础上,进行适当的拓展和延伸,培养学生实际运用语言的能力。(二)学情分析:四年级学生的年龄在十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对探究、合作的活动特别感兴趣。学生学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,课堂上要以表扬为主,注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们自信、大胆地说英语。(

2、三)教学目标:1、能听说读写when birthday。2、能听说读写 How old are you? Im _years old. When is your birthday? My birthday is _.3、培养学生大胆自信地说英语。(四)教学重点:How old are you? Im _years old. When is your birthday? My birthday is _.(五)教学难点:When is your birthday? My birthday is _.(六)教具:录音机、图片、课件(七)教学过程:一、Warming up1、Greeting.T:

3、How are you?S: Im fine, thank you.2、Sing a song “How are you?”为学生学句型作铺垫。T: Today, I bring a song for you. Lets listen and sing.(播放音乐How are you,师生一起拍手跟唱一遍)二、New concepts1. 学习句式:How old are you? Im _years old.T: You are so great! Can you read this sentence?(教师手拿折叠的字条How are you?的句子让学生读,然后展开读How old a

4、re you?学生开火车读一遍,同样的方法教授Im eleven years old.)2、 work in pairT: Now, every body stand up and make a circle.(每个小组的学生牵着手围成一圈,教师示范游戏规则,学生小组练习“How old are you? Im _ years old.” )3、学习单词:birthday、when。T: I bring a gift for you. Look! Whats it?(教师拿出一张蛋糕图片,让学生回答图片上是什么?借机教授单词:birthday,教师领读单词,带着学生一起拼单词并书空,然后让学生

5、一个一个读。出示课件:birthday birthday birthday birthday Its my birthday birthday birthday.师生打拍子Chat。出示图片教授when,教师领读单词,带着学生一起拼单词并书空,然后学生一个一个读。)4、学习句式When is your birthday? My birthday is_.T: I have another sentence. Please read after me.(教师出示When is your birthday?的字条,先领读,然后让学生一个一个读。相同方法教授My birthday is Decemb

6、er 17.)5. 师生进行会话练习。T: when is your real birthday?(教师引导学生说出自己的真实生日,指名用英语回答。)6、学习课文T:I bring a friend for you. Do you know how old is Danny and when is his birthday.(教师出示Danny的图片,激发学生的好奇心,引入到听录音环节。)T: Lets listen to the radio and fill in the blank.(教师课件出示:1、Danny is _ years old.2、Steven is _ years old

7、.3、Stevens birthday is _.4、Dannys birthday is _. 让学生听录音,填空。)、学生汇报。听完两遍录音之后,学生汇报答案。、学生听录音读课文,教师领读课文,学生分角色自由读课文。学生展示分角色朗读。三、HomeworkT: Lets do a survey after class.教师课件出示调查表格:Age(how old)StevenDecember 17ten四、板书设计Lesson 13 How Old Are You?How old are you?Im eleven years old. When is your birthday? My birthday is December 17.


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