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1、小学英语“基于标准的教学”教学设计 Unit3 look at me Part B Lets learnLets do(词汇教学) 单位:新郑市外国语小学姓名: 杨艳日期:2012-11-12 Unit3 look at me Lets learn lets do【设 计 者】新郑市外国语小学杨艳老师【课程标准】1.能根据听到的词句识别或指认图片或实物。2.能听懂简短的指令并做出相应的反应。 3.能根据录音模仿说话。4.能根据图、文说出单词或短句。5.能在教师的指导下用英语做游戏并在游戏中进行简单的交际。6.能在指认物体的前提下认读所学单词 。7.能正确的书写字母和单词。8.能模仿范例写词句。

2、9.能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意。10.能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词。11.能根据图片、词语、或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。12.了解简单的拼读规律。13.在具体的语境中理解以下语法项目的意义和用法。(名词的单复数形式)【教材分析】本课时为PEP小学英语三年级上册第28页,lets learn lets do 的内容。主要学习lets learn中的词汇,要求学生能够正确的发音并且正确的拼读 ,并能在老师创设的情景中正确运用This is the 句型边指边说自己的身体各个部位。本课时的学习重点是学生能够熟练的说出身体各个部位。运用句型This is the 来介绍自己的身体部

3、位。【学情分析】为了找准学生学习的认知起点,我从学生已有的知识储备和课前学情口语调查两个方面进行了学情分析:(一)、 根据学生已有的知识储备:学生在剑桥预备级教材中已经学过部分单词如:leg arm foot.等。在剑桥一级第一单元已学习过This is my new book。在这里学生见到This is.不会陌生。在本次教学中主要进行This is the.的强调和拓展教学。同时由于我们是外语特色学校,从一年级开始就要求学生书写单词,随着年级的增高,逐步加入识记单词、读背课文和重点句型、写简单的语句等要求。这为本课时的学习打下了一定的知识和能力基础,也使本课的主句型This is the

4、的学习和运用降低了难度。(二)、根据课前学情口语调查:口语问答中 :1.60%学生对leg arm foot 的掌握基本令人满意,但是有30%的同存在有很明显的遗忘现象,尤其是在结合实际,词意已经混淆不清。2. 70%学生对于This is 句型的掌握基本令人满意,但是有30%的同存在有很明显的回生和遗忘的现象,尤其是在结合实际,口语表达上存在有明显的不足。3.60%的学生对于动词Clap Touch Wave shake stamp 读得都比较生硬。所以结合以上两方面的分析,我把这节课的难点确定为学生能够在图片和老师给出的提示句型的帮助下,在小组内运用This is 句型介绍自己身体。Cla

5、p Touch Wave shake stamp等动词要达到会认会读的准确清晰。【学习目标】.1.在图片、实物、录音、班班通多媒体课件资源和老师肢体语言的帮助下,能够正确的说出、拼读出、写出这些词汇。做到发音清晰、语音语调正确自然,拼读正确,书写规范。达成率为85%。(主目标,学习重点)2. 熟练地运用This is .句型向别人介绍自己的身体。3在图片、录音、游戏以及班班通多媒体课件资源的帮助下,能够拼读出词汇。做到发音清晰、语音语调正确。(主目标,学习难点)4.能够在图片和老师给出的提示句型的帮助下,正确说出Lets do 部分的六个句子,并随句子意思同时进行肢体表现。做到发音清晰、语句正

6、确,语调达意,动作正确。达成率为80%。(学习难点) 【评价设计】1.针对目标1,可以采用指名提问、观察学生的口型、听辨发音、同桌互相读背情况、提问某排学生、巡视学生自己读背,学生互评的形式来达成。2.针对目标2,通过小组合作、指名提问、观察学生的口型、听辨单词结构和语音语调的形式来达成。【教 具】 PPT课件、单词hand body head 图片【学法指导】Game Chant Group work Pair work Task-based teaching method、【学习过程】环节学习过程StepWarm-up1、Greeting with the students. Show t

7、he chant.Close your eyes open your mouth touch your nose touch your ear touch your face 设计意图:(运用lets do 变成chant复习五官类旧单词,轻松自然地引入新课,并为新授单词作铺垫)。let the students look at these pictures: 2.Then the teacher asks the students:“Whats this ? let the students try to answer .(设计意图:通过图片直接引出词汇,同时复习This is 句型。很自然

8、地在情景中导入新词汇)。Step Presentation & practise : Step Presentation & practise T:Look!whatsthis? And this is the body. (PPT出示动物body的图片,引入body) Let students know the meaning of body. Read after the tape. And Ill choose some students to read it. body Then let students spell, read and try to recite it. And le

9、t students pay attention to the pronunciation of friends. (跟读,抽查个别学生读,拼读,试着识记单词,并强调body的发音。在老师的示范下,引导学生运用句型造句。) For example: This is my body。Next word:whats this? head And this is the head .(此单词教学方法同上) 。Next word:whats this? hand And this is the hand。(此单词教学方法同上)。1.T: Everyone Look! This is my arm .T

10、his is my leg .This is my foot. Teacher points to and say “leg”. Show the picture of leg. Choose some students to read the words directly. And let all the boys and girls read them. After it let students spell and try to recite it. (设计意图:由于在剑桥预备级时学生们已经分别学习过arm, leg 和foot,老师只要用图片或动作引出,学生自己就可以读出来,所以把这三

11、个单词放在一起,直接找学生来当小老师领读、拼读、运用旧单词来识记。) 在这里学习lets do 部分的 wave your arms shake your legs stamp your foot (1)跟录音读 (2)教师领读 (3)学生自读(4)小组成员轮流读,一人读,其余人做动作。(5)老师来发号口令,学生来做相应的动作。2. Teacher makes an example and lets students make some sentences. For example: this is the leg. 2. T: Look at me! This is the arm. Thi

12、s is the leg。(板书句型) Let students know the meaning of the sentence. (板书句型并引导学生听录音找出两个句子的不同之处。进行语法总结:the后面紧跟着a e i o u ,the的读音要变,并举例说明。) Teacher leads students to read the sentences for some times and lets them make some sentences.(在这里渗透重点句型并让学生区分This is the arm 和This is the leg中the的读音。)body: 1. Teach

13、er points to the picture and say: body ( help students to understand the meaning.) Read after the tape. And Ill choose some students to read it. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation of “o”. Because its a little difficult for students. After it, Let students spell, read and try to recite i

14、t. 在这里学习了lets do部分的 shake your body(1)跟录音读 (2)教师领读 (3)学生自读(4)小组成员轮流读,一人读,其余人做动作。(5)老师来发号口令,学生来做相应的动作。head: T: Use this way to lead out the word“head”. Let students know the meaning of head. Read after the tape. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation of “ea”. And Ill let students to read it

15、in groups. Then let them spell, read and try to recite it. 在这里学习了lets do部分的 touch your head(1)跟录音读 (2)教师领读 (3)学生自读(4)小组成员轮流读,一人读,其余人做动作。(5)老师来发号口令,学生来做相应的动作。hand: Teacher points to the picture and say: hand. (help students to understand the meaning.) Read after the tape. And Ill choose some students

16、 to read it. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation of “an”. Because its a little difficult for students. After it, Let students spell, read and try to recite it. 2.Let students make some sentences with the word “head” and “hand”.在这里学习了lets do部分的 clap your hands1.跟录音读。2.教师领读 3 学生自读4小组成员轮流读,

17、一人读,其余人做动作。5老师来发号口令,学生来做相应的动作。(落实学习目标1和渗透学习目标2中的重点句型并进行简单的讲解。)Practice:1. Read after the tape.2. Choose a little teacher and lead the students to read the words. 3. I point and you say.4. I will give you three minutes to recite all the words.5. Check the spelling.(设计意图:为了落实学习目标1中的在单词卡片或动作帮助下,能正确认出并读

18、出单词,并能借助旧单词或字母组合的发音,在规定时间内拼写单词等要求,此环节,通过在单个单词的学习基础上,采取跟读录音、小老师领读、师指生读或师做动作生猜单词、给出时间识记单词以及抽查学生检测Practice等方式,进行集中巩固单词的发音及拼写。)Step Consolidation &extensionStep Consolidation &extensionHomework (1) Play a game Simon saysT:Boys and girls , Lets play a game . It names Simon says When I say Simon says touc

19、h your head , please touch your head and say head head .but when I say Touch your head , Please dont do the actions . Thus you will fail .1.The teacher say the sentences and the students say and do it .2.Do it after the teacher and choose the best group and give them the flags.(设计意图:此时是课堂的后半时段,学生的学习

20、状态不是很好,需要这样动一动并且特别集中注意力的游戏,调节学生的情绪,并考察了学生根据教师的指令作出相应反应的能力。)(2) Write and say .The students take out the paper write down the name of the bodies and then try to intrduce them .This is the This is the This is the 1. choose someone come to the platform to introduce it . (请同学们对他们的介绍进行评价。)提示句型 :Look at t

21、he bear.This is the .2. Check the words in pairs . And give each other the assessment .3. Summary assessment : T: Boys and girls , lets count the flags of each group . Lets see who is the first . 1. Write the words for two times and try to recite them. 2. Act “lets do” to your parents and show it on next class.BlackboardDesignsUnit 3 Look at me Part B Lets lear Lets do (词汇教学) body head hand


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