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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全北京成人本科学士学位分类模拟题39北京成人本科学士学位分类模拟题39Cloze In every cultivated language, there are two great classes of words, which makes up the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words 1 which we become familiar in daily conversation, which we 2 , that is to say, f

2、rom the 3 of our own family and from our friends, and 4 we should know and use 5 we could not read or write. They 6 the common things of life with all the people who 7 the language. Such words may be called popular, since they belong to the people 8 and are not excluded 9 a limited class. On the oth

3、er hand, our language 10 a large number of words which are comparatively 11 used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little 12 to use them at home or in the market-place. Our 13 acquaintance (熟悉) with them comes not from our mothers 14 or from th

4、e talk of our schoolmates, 15 from books that we read, lectures that we 16 , or the more 17 conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular 18 in a style properly higher above the habitual 19 of everyday life. Such words are called learned, and the 20 between them and the

5、 popular words is of great importance to a right understanding of language study process. 1.A.atB.withC.byD.through答案:B2.A.studyB.imitateC.stimulateD.learn答案:D3.A.matesB.relativesC.membersD.fellows答案:C4.A.whichB.thatC.thoseD.ones答案:A5.A.evenB.despiteC.even ifD.in spite of答案:C6.A.mindB.concernC.careD

6、.relate答案:B7.A.hireB.applyC.adoptD.use答案:D8.A.in publicB.at mostC.at largeD.at best答案:C9.A.inB.fromC.withD.on答案:B10.A.consistsB.consists ofC.makesD.composes答案:B11.A.seldomB.muchC.greatlyD.often答案:A12.A.possibilityB.wayC.reasonD.necessity答案:D13.A.primaryB.firstC.principalD.prior答案:C14.A.lipsB.mouthC.

7、earsD.tongue答案:D15.A.besidesB.andC.yetD.but答案:D16.A.hear ofB.attendC.hear fromD.listen答案:B17.A.formerB.formulaC.formalD.forward答案:C18.A.themeB.topicC.ideaD.point答案:B19.A.borderB.linkC.degreeD.extent答案:D20.A.relationB.distinctionC.connectionD.similarity答案:B About a month ago I was present at a seriou

8、s occasionthe reading of a will. I can remember one passage that particularly smack me. It ran something 21 this. And I direct that $10,000 be 22 to old William B, whom I have wished to help for many years, 23 always put off doing so. It 24 the last words of a dying man. But the story does not 25 th

9、ere. When the lawyers came to 26 out the bequest (遗赠), they discovered that old William B had 27 , too, and so the 28 deed was lost. I felt rather 29 about that. It seemed to me a most regrettable 30 that William should not have had his $10,000 just 31 somebody kept putting 32 giving it to him. And

10、from 33 accounts, William could have done with the 34 . But I am sure 35 there are thousands of kindly little deeds waiting to be 36 today, which are being put off 37 later. George Herbert, in praise of good intentions, 38 that One of these days is better than 39 of these days. But I say that 40 is

11、better than all. 21.A.aboutB.likeC.forD.of答案:B22.A.consumedB.costC.paidD.devoted答案:D23. A. and B. or C. still D but答案:D24.A.wasB.wereC.isD.has been答案:A25.A.remainB.endC.finishD.appear答案:B26.A.findB.pointC.putD.carry答案:D27.A.diedB.disappearedC.escapedD.hidden答案:A28.A.invaluableB.identicalC.goodD.hist

12、oric答案:C29.A.happyB.sorryC.faithfulD.exciting答案:B30.A.mattersB.dreamC.taskD.thing答案:D31.A.becauseB.forC.as thoughD.till答案:A32.A.inB.forC.offD.on答案:C33.A.everyB.someC.anyD.all答案:D34.A.paymentB.moneyC.regretsD.expense答案:B35.A.whetherB.ofC.thatD.often答案:C36.A.protectedB.madeC.doneD.rewarded答案:C37. A. still B until C. too D. toward答案:B38.A.saysB.markedC.regretsD.implies答案:A39.A.someB.anyC.allD.none答案:C40.A.TodayB.SpringC.MorningD.Time答案:A 14 / 14


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