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1、初中阅读技能训练 词义猜测,Guessing game,What is it ?,Who is he ?,Guessing game,If you meet new words when you read in exams, what will you do?,1. Pay no attention and continue reading.,2. Look them up in the dictionary.,3. Guess the meaning.,词义猜测是指阅读时根据已知信息猜测文章未知词语的能力。词义猜测题又是考查这一阅读能力的重要题型。,遵义市中考连续三年(2014、2015、2

2、016)在阅读理解中出现了词义猜测题。全国多个省、市2016也都出现了词语猜测题。,1 What is the meaning of “peer pressure” in this passage? 2 The underline word/phrase in the first paragraph probably means _? 3 What does the underline word/phrase in the first paragraph mean?,词义猜测题的设问方式,Lets guess.,游戏规则: 1 小组合作讨论老师给出的每个问题(总共5个小组)。 2 每个人都必须

3、加入讨论。 3 小组成员必须轮流抢答问题。 4 每个问题有一分钟的讨论时间。 5 抢答时需在老师发出“begin”指令后,方可举手抢答。 6 回答正确得一分。(Who wants to win the first prize?) 7 如违反游戏规则,取消该题的答题资格。,A calendar is a list of the days, weeks, months of a particular year.,Guess the meaning,起解释说明的作用,日历,Tip1 : 定义描述法:根据定义或释义猜测词义。,Key words:,is, mean, that is to say,2)

4、 标点符号:破折号 “_”、 冒号 “:”,3) 定语从句。,2. If you agree, write “Yes” ; If you dissent ,write “No”.,Guess the meaning,disagree,Tip2: 同反义词法;根据同义词和反义词猜测词义。,3. I could see nothing because the light was too faint.,Guess the meaning,因果关系,Tip3 : 因果关系法:根据前后句因果关系猜测词义。,dark,Key words: 1) because 2) so 3) as, since, fo

5、r,Practice,He is an announcer, that is to say, a person who gives information about something in a station, an airport, etc. Mr. White loves to talk; his wife is also as loquacious as him. All his attempts to unlock the door were futile because she was using the wrong key.,(3 minutes),He is an annou

6、ncer , that is to say, a person who gives information about something in a station, an airport ,etc.,起解释说明的作用,Mr. White loves to talk, his wife is also as loquacious as him.,同义关系,All his attempts to unlock the door was futile because she was using the wrong key.,因果关系,useless,4. He is a punctual boy,

7、 but he was late this morning.,Guess the meaning,转折关系,守时的,Tip 4 : 对比转折法: 根据反义词或对比关系猜测词义。,Key words : but, however, although, though, while, rather than, instead of,5. Its our duty to protect it and everyone has responsibility to protect the earth.,Guess the meaning,并列关系,Tip 5: 并列关系法,利用语境及前后的提示来猜测词义。

8、,Key words: and, also, asas, the same as,6. Land pollution is caused by solid waste, such as cans, bottles and some plastic things which arent broken down quickly.,Guess the meaning,举例说明,Tip6: 举例归纳法:根据例子隶属的类别归纳出词义。,固体的,Key words: such as, like, for example, for instance,1.He had been getting better,

9、 however, during the night his condition deteriorated. 2.Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful. 3.On the farm they mainly raise poultry, such as chickens, ducks and geese, for their eggs and meat.,Practice,3 minutes,定义描述,并列关系,Ways

10、 to guess the meaning of words?,举例归纳,同义词 反义词,因果关系,对比转折,Self Check,规则:1 你有5分钟的时间完成三个题。 2 自己独立完成。 3 一次只能抢答一道题。 4 答对一题得两分,得分计入本组得分栏。 5 抢答时需在老师发出“begin”指令后,方可举手抢答。 6 如违反游戏规则,取消该题的答题资格。,1. Many of you have heard a Cinderella story, but you may not know that there are over a hundred different ways to tell

11、 the Cinderella story. When writers tell the same story in a different way, it is called their “version” of the story. The story of Cinderella has many different versions. (2016 重庆市中考题) Q: The Chinese meaning of the word “version” in this paragraph is probably “_” A语气 B 方法 C 版本 2. Robert was standin

12、g in line to purchase a bed in the trains sleeping car from the conductor. The conductor was standing on the platform selling tickets at the entrance to the train. (2014遵义中考题) Q: The underlined word “purchase” means_. A. make B. buy C. find 3. And people can prepare meals without having to collect f

13、irewood or spend money on coal. Such individuals would be less possible to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoke. (2016福州市中考题) Q: The underlined word “individuals” most probably means “_” A cookers B experts C people,Self Check,Homework,请大家课后找一篇难度稍高于中考要求的阅读材料,用你今天所学到的六种方法去猜测文中的新单词。注意方法要灵活使用。,Reading makes a full man. A good reader is a good guesser.,Thanks for listening!,


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