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1、动词不定式作宾语和宾语补足语用法归纳 以下动词可跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。 即:sb to do sth1. ask 2. tell 3. would like 4. want 5. help 6. invite 7. teach 8. order (命令)9. remind (提醒)10. advise (建议)11. encourage (鼓励) 12. allow (允许)13. expect (期待)14. need特别提醒:hope不可跟动词不定式作宾语,即不能说hope sb to do,只能说:hope to dohelp后面的to可以省略。即:help sb (to) do s

2、th。动词不定式的否定形式在to前面加not。如:ask sb not to do sth. 以下动词可跟动词不定式作宾语。 即:to do sth1. agree2. learn3. hope 4. prefer 5. plan 6. decide 7. choose 8. would like 9. fail 10. need11. prepare12. help 13. wish 14. seem (似乎)15. promise (承诺)16. afford (负担得起)17. remember (以下动词亦可跟doing,但含义或有异同,使用时注意)18. forget 19. sto

3、p 20. like 21. love 22. hate 23. begin 24. start 使用动词不定式的部分句型:1. what/how/when to do2. Its time to do; 3. try ones best to do; 4. cant wait to do; 5. There is no need to do; 6. the first to do; 7. have no choice but to do;除了别无选择8. Its +adj+(for/of sb) +to do9. be heard /watched /seen /noticed sb.to

4、do (被动语态)10. be made to do(被动语态)江苏13城市中考试题汇编单项选择:(c ) 1. Last week our geography teacher told us _ more information about how to protect the environment. (08南京) A. get B. got C. to get D. getting(b ) 2. The boy promised _ late for school again. (08徐州) A.to not be B. not to be C. not being D. being n

5、ot(c ) 3. Some children are arguing about what TV programmes _. (08扬州) A.watching B. for watching C. to watch D. will watch(b ) 4. Hell use what he has _ her a new dress. (09无锡) A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. been bought(a ) 5. It is cold. Lets make a fire _ the room warm. (09镇江) A. to keep B. kee

6、ping C. kept D. keep(c ) 6. How hard the noise made it for us _!(09淮安) A. fell asleep B. fall asleep C. to fall asleep D. falling asleep(b ) 7. Im not strong. I decide _ more exercise from now on. (09徐州) A. take B. to take C. taking D. took(b ) 8. The doctor did what he could _ the dying man. (09宿迁)

7、 A. save B. to save C. saved D. saving词汇:1. - You forgot _to_close_(close) the window again. -Really? I wont next time. (09常州)2. It is important for us _to_take_(take) action to prevent A-Flu-H1N1 spreading. (09泰州)3. The story was funny enough _to _make_(make) all of us laugh. (08常州)4. We should thi

8、nk about what we can do _(keep) animals and plants from becoming endangered. (08无锡)5. Its my job _(introduce) the film stars from Taiwan on the show. (08宿迁)6. We are told _not_to_laugh_(not laugh) at those in trouble. (08泰州) Keys: 单项选择:15 C B C B A 68 C B B 词汇: 1. to close 2. to take 3. to make 4. to keep 5. to introduce 6. not to laugh3行稳致远b


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