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1、1,Lesson Two,Going Home,2,Pete Hamill was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. in 1935. He attended Mexico City College in 19561957, studying painting and writing. He has been a columnist for the New York Post, the Daily News, and New York Newsday, and has won many journalistic awards.,Lesson 2 Going Home,Author

2、,To be continued on the next page.,3,Introduction to the Text,1 The plot follows three stages Part I: Para.14 Introduction of the setting: timespring; placea bus from New York to Florida; protagonistVingo; minor characterssix young people Part II: Para.59 The plot develops: where Vingo was going and

3、 what for; how the young people got interested in what was going to happen. Part III: Para.1012 Conclusion: Vingo was forgiven and welcomed home.,4,Questions:,1) What do you think Vingo had done that got him in prison? 2) What kind of person do you think his wife was? Why didnt she write to him? 3)

4、What does the yellow ribbon symbolize? What did it mean to Vingo? 4) What lesson do you think the young people can learn from this story?,5,Language study,6,1. “get”VP p.38,get onget offget along with get to,7,2. to dream of/ about (doing) sth:,to imagine and think about sth. that you would like to

5、happen. eg: On the way to school the boy dreamed about the football match in the afternoon. The girl dreamed of becoming a movie star.,8,3.vanish: to disappear suddenly; to cease to exist Madeleine ed without trace. ing species Syn: Evaporate, fade Hopes of reaching an agreement are beginning to . H

6、opes of a peace settlement are now ing,9,4. Mask: to cover Eyes ed by huge, round sunglasses Our opponents their antagonism behind sweet words. To conceal ones annoyance with a of politeness,10,Syn: Screen, veil, shield,Part of the room was screened off as a reception area. (hide from view) He scree

7、ned his eyes with his hand.(protect) He admitted the crime in order to screen his wife, who was the real criminal. (protect from punishment) The negotiation was veiled in secrecy. She lied to the police to shield her friend.(to hide/protect from harm or danger),11,5. to be unaware of sth.: not knowi

8、ng or realizing that sth. is happening or that sth. exist eg: He worked at his computer for hours, unaware of the noises outside.,12,6. Pull in/into(车等)到站,(船)靠岸,They will pull into the station at seven sharp. The train pulled into the station on time.,13,7. to engage sb. in sth:,to make sb. take par

9、t in sth. eg: She tried to engage her roommate in a philosophical discussion. Engage sb. in conversation They allowed him to the woman in further conversation. Engagement I called my wife to cancel our lunch . Their relationship came to an end all of a sudden during the .,14,engaged: adj. 1) having

10、agreed to marry (to) 2) busy, spending sometime on doing sth. (in/on) 3) (of a telephone line) in use Sorry! The line is engaged. (BrE) engaging: charming,15,8. forget it: (spoken) used to tell sb. that something is not important and that he/she shouldnt worry about it. eg: - I still owe you 70 cent

11、s. -Forget it.,16,9. retreat: to move back or leave (a center of fighting or other activity); to give up She ed from him, pressing her back against the door. The country ed into neutrality. More and more the little girl retreated into books. retreat into oneself 隐退 He retreated into himself after 30

12、 years of public service.,17,Syn: retire, Antonym: advance,Tired of the ongoing conversation, he retired to his study upstairs. (go away to a quiet or less central place) His provocative comments will do nothing to advance the cause of world peace. (help, improve, or bring advantage to),18,N. The ar

13、my fell back in full retreat.全线溃退 the retreat from reality逃避现实 retreating eyes/forehead/chin,19,Howard Johnsons,The world of 28 flavors. Someone you know wherever you go. Landmark for hungry Americans,20,Howard Johnsons,The first turnpike restaurant in the United States was opened in 1940 by Howard

14、Johnsons on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The company soon became the leading toll road operator in the country.,21,Howard Johnsons,Each restaurant is topped with a bright orange roof so the traveler could immediately recognize the restaurant. This has become a beacon to travelers as Howard Johnsons is

15、 known for quality food at reasonable prices and with the added lure of ice cream in 28 flavors.,22,10. insist,1) declare firmly; place great importance on e.g. He insisted on the accuracy of his account. Our teacher insists on discipline in the classroom. The suspect insisted that he was innocent.

16、2) order or demand (sth./ sth. must happen or be done) e.g. Our boss insists on punctuality. He insists on driving her home.,23,Congress has insisted that the constitution (should) be amended. He insists that she not accompany him.,24,Syn: persist: to continue to do sth.,in spite of opposition or wa

17、rning,If you in causing trouble, the company may be forced to dismiss you. The pain ed until the morning. (continue to exist),25,11. come through,(of news, results, etc.) to become publicly known e.g. News has just come through that your daughter has been admitted by a prestigious university. News h

18、as come through that Fu Dan is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the university.,26,12. be caught up in/be involved in He was determined not to get caught up in any political nonsense. (unwillingly) The government got caught up in a bitter dispute between the miners and their empl

19、oyers. (against ones wishes),27,13. tighten: to hold more firmly; to makebecome tense and stiff; to make rules stricter or more efficient,His face and eyes ed with hatred. The authorities security around the embassy. Tighten up Adj.+env.,28,Classroom Activities: Performance : Vingo returned back hom

20、e ( 2 pairs) Journal: Forgiveness and forget is important in human relationships Love makes all hard hearts gentle If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive,29,30,In the 1950s, the United States began to send troops to Vietnam, during the following 25-year period, the ensuing war would

21、 create some of the strongest tensions in US history. Almost 3 million US men and women were sent thousands of miles to fight for what was a questionable cause. In total, it is estimated that over 2,5 million people on both sides were killed.,31,This site does not try to document the entire history

22、of the Vietnam War but is intended as a picture essay, illustrating some of the incredible conditions under which soldiers from both sides lived, fought, played and ultimately died. The legendary combat photographer, Tim Page, took almost all of the images shown; they are nothing short of stunning.,32,33,34,35,36,37,Thank you!,


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