美国签证DS160 在线填写指导.doc

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1、DS160英文申请表 在线填写指导Step 1) 在线填写网址:https:/ceac.state.gov/GENNIV/ 点击最下方Step 2) 选择领馆所在地:北京,上海,广州,成都,沈阳,或武汉 例:Step 3)上传数码照:2英寸x2英寸(51毫米x51毫米)正方形白色背景的彩色正面照文件格式:JPEG格式文件大小:240千字节尺寸:照片像素尺寸必须按照正方形的比率(即高度与宽度必须一致)。最小尺寸不得小于600像素(宽)*600像素(高)。最大尺寸不得超过1200像素(宽)*1200像素(高)。Step 4) 选择:请注意:当申请闲置20分钟后,DS160表就会中断(time ou

2、t),所有已经输入的信息都将丢失。因此,请定时永久保存(步骤如下):1. 按“SAVE”(保存),可临时保存申请;2. 按“Save Application to File”,可永久保存文件至指定地方;3. 按“Continue Application”,可继续填写申请表 (建议每隔15分钟重复步骤1,2,3);4. 你可以使用“Getting Started”页面上的 “Upload a previous application” 选项来上传你已经保存的信息。Personal, Address, Phone, and Passport Information 个人信息1. Surnames

3、姓氏2. Given Names 名3. Q:Have you ever used other names? 是否有曾用名? 单姓单名学生选No,例:张天;非单姓单名学生选Yes, 例王小明。如有曾用名,请如实回答。非单姓单名的学生:Other Surnames Used:每两个拼音姓氏的中间空一格,例: OU YANGOther Given Names Used:每两个拼音名字的中间空一格,例: XIAO MING 4. Sex性别5.Marital Status婚姻状况:填Single6.Date of Birth出生日期 (日月年)7.City of birth 出生地城市8.State

4、/Province of Birth 出生地省份9.State/Province of Birth 出生地国家:选CHINA10.Nationality 国籍: 选CHINA11.Do you hold or have you held a nationality other than the one you have indicated above? 选NO12.National Identification Number 身份证号码: 13.U.S. Social Security Number 美国社会安全号 “Does Not Apply”14. U.S. Taxpayer ID Nu

5、mber 美国纳税人身份号码“Does Not Apply”15. Home address 家庭住址:街道地址,城市,省份,邮编,国家16.Mailing Address 邮寄地址Q:Is your Mailing Address the same as your Home Address? 选No。注: 邮寄地址是护照回寄的地址,请填写各地项目办公室地址。17. Phone 电话号码: 如实填写。例:0086+区号(去0)+家电;0086(0)+手机号注:Work Phone Number 工作电话:填写各地办公室电话18.Email address 电子邮件地址19.Passport N

6、umber护照号:20.Passport Book Number护照本标号: Does Not Apply21.Country/Authority that Issued Passport 护照签发国家/机关:选CHINA22.Where was the Passport Issued? 护照签发地 City 城市State/Province 省份*如果护照上有显示 Country 国家23.Issuance Date签发日期; Expiration Date有效期至24.Q:Have you ever lost a passport or had one stolen? 您的护照是否曾遗失或

7、被盗? Travel Information 旅行信息1.Q:Are you the principal applicant? 您是主申请人吗? 选YesPurpose of Trip to U.S.访美目的:选STUDENT EXCHANGE VISA (F, J, M, Q)2.Intended Date of Arrival计划到达日期:17 Aug 20103.Intended Length of Stay in U.S.计划在美停留时间 10 months4.Address Where You Will Stay in the U.S. 在美停留期间的住址:Street Addres

8、s:9 West Broad Street City:Stamford State:Connecticut Zip code:06902 (如已有安置表,请填写住家地址。)5.Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip支付您行程的个人或组织名:选Other person6.Surnames of Person Paying for Trip 支付您行程者的姓氏: 根据实际情况填写,一般父母亲Given Names of Person Paying for Trip 支付您行程者的名字Telephone Number 电话号码Email Address电子邮件地址Rel

9、ationship to You 与你的关系7.Q:Is the address of the party paying for your trip the same as your Home or Mailing Address? 支付您行程者的地址是否与您的家庭地址或邮寄地址相同? 选Yes。8.Q:Are there other persons traveling with you? 是否有人与您同行? Yes9.Q:Are you traveling as part of a group or organization?是否作为一个团队或者组织的成员? Yes10.Enter the

10、name of the group you are traveling with 输入您旅行团队的名字:Academic year in America exchange students11.Q:Have you ever been in the U.S.? 您是否曾经去过美国? 根据实际情况填写12.Q:Have you ever been issued a U.S. Visa? 您是否曾经获得过美国签证? 根据实际情况填写13.Q:Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, been refused admission to the United St

11、ates, or withdrawn your application for admission at the point of entry? 您是否曾经被拒签,被拒绝入境美国,或者在入境时被撤回您的入境申请? U.S. Contact Information 美国联系信息1.Contact Person or Organization in the United States 在美国的联系人或组织 Contact Person:Surnames 姓氏: STACK (如有住家,写住家姓氏)Given Names 名字:PATRICIA (如有住家,写住家名字)Organization Na

12、me 组织名字:AIFS Foundation2.Relationship to You 与您的关系: 选other3.Address and Phone Number of Point of Contact 联络人/方的地址和电话号码:U.S. Street Address:9 West Broad Street City:Stamford State:ConnecticutZIP Code:06902 Phone Number:(203)399-5000 Email address: Does not apply (如有安置表,请填写住家信息。)Family Information 家庭信

13、息 1.Fathers Full Name and Date of Birth 父亲的全名与出生日期Surnames 姓氏 Given Names名字Date of Birth出生日期Q:Is your father in the U.S.? 您父亲是否在美国?2.Mothers Full Name and Date of Birth母亲的全名与出生日期 (同上)3.Q:Do you have any immediate relatives, not including parents, in the United States? 除父母外,您在美国是否还有其他直系亲属?(直系亲属指:未婚夫/

14、妻、配偶、子女或者兄弟)4.Q: Do you have any other relatives in the United States? 您在美国是否还有其他亲属?Work/Education/Training Information 工作/教育/培训信息1.Primary Occupation 主要职业 选student2.Present Employer or School Name 当前工作单位或学校的名称:填学校名字3.Present employer or school address: 当前工作单位或学校的地址:填学校地址4.Monthly Salary in Local Cu

15、rrency (if employed) Does Not Apply5.Briefly describe your duties:请简要描述您的工作职责例:I study at * high school. My main courses include Chinese, English, moths, Physics, Chemistry, History, etc.6.Were you previously employed? 您是否曾有过工作单位? NoSecurity and Background Information 安全与背景正常情况下,所有答案都选No。如有特例,请说明。St

16、udent/Exchange Visa Information 学生/交流签证信息1.Additional Point of Contact Information其他联络信息注:请列出至少两位您居住国的联络人,以核实您签证申请中所提供的信息;直系家属或其他亲属不可作为联络人。也不接受邮政信箱号码。Surnames 姓氏Given Names 名字Street Address 街道地址 City城市 State/Province 省市 Postal Zone/ZIP Code 邮政编码Country 国家Telephone Number 电话号码Email Address 邮箱地址2.SEVI

17、S ID SEVIS 身份证明 (在DS2019表格右上方的条形码上的一串字符)3.Q:Do you intend to study in the U.S.? 选YesName of School:AIFS Foundation (如已有安置表,填表上的学校信息和学校地址)Course of Study: High school coursesStreet Address:9 West Broad Street City:Stamford State: Connecticut Postal Zone/ZIP Code:06902Step 5) Review the Application 认真检查以确保所有信息都正确,之后您不能做任何的修改。第 4 页 共 4 页


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