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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学三级(B)写作分类模拟311大学三级(B)写作分类模拟311Writing问题:1. 说明:根据下列信息写一封催款信。 写信日期:3月30日 内容: 1.根据账单9876号,David未收到Frank的已过期一个月的欠款; 2.David猜想原因可能是Frank未及时收到3月3日发出的$10000的催款单; 3.David现在再寄给Frank一份催款单,希望他说明原因并尽快还款。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 账单account 过期overdue 答案:范文 March

2、 30 Dear Frank, As you are usually prompt in settling your accounts, I wonder whether there is any special reason why I have not received payment of Account No. 9876 so far, which is a month overdue. Please check your records. I think you may not receive the payment reminder we have sent you on Marc

3、h 3 showing the balance of $10000 you owe. No doubt there are some special reasons for delay in payment and we would welcome an explanation and also your remittance. I will send you a copy of the payment reminder and hope that it will receive your early attention. Yours sincerely, David 问题:2. 说明:假定你

4、是李明,给ABC公司人力资源部经理Mr. Smith写一封求职信,应聘该公司财务部经理助理的岗位。 时间:6月23日 内容: 1.告诉对方你是如何获得招聘信息的; 2.简要陈述你的个人情况:即将从上海财经大学毕业;主修财务管理专业,上学期间学习成绩优良,多次获得奖学金;组织领导能力强,曾担任校学生会副主席; 3.希望得到面试机会并告诉对方你的联系电话和电子邮箱地址。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 财务管理financial management 奖学金scholarship 答案:范文 June 23 Dear Mr. Smith, I am Li Ming fro

5、m Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. I have read the recruitment information on your website and I want to recommend myself for the position of finance manager assistant. My major is financial management and I will graduate this July. During my college years, I have worked hard and won sc

6、holarships many times for my outstanding academic performance. Besides, I have been working as the vice president of the Students Union, which has effectively improved my communication and management skills. I hope I may have the chance to show my potential in the interview. Thank you for your atten

7、tion to my application. Please feel free to contact me at 13187654321 or send e-mails to . Look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 问题:3. 说明:假定你是李明,请根据以下内容以第一人称发一封电子邮件。 内容: 1.发件人:李明 2.收件人:Linda 3.发件人邮箱地址: 4.收件人邮箱地址: 5.事由:李明是某网上书店的销售员,最近美国的Linda在该书店买了一本书,书名为Introduction to Success。 6.邮件涉及

8、的内容: 1)首先要感谢顾客购买该书; 2)告诉顾客书已经按时寄出,预计在一周内送达; 3)希望顾客收到书后到网站上进行评价; 4)最后推荐一本书,欢迎该顾客再次来本店选购。 注意:不要逐字翻译上面给出的内容提示。 答案:范文From: To: Dear Linda, This is Li Ming, a book salesperson in the ABC online bookstore. Thank you for buying the book Introduction to Success in our bookstore recently. Im writing to tell

9、you that the book you ordered has already been sent. It is due to arrive within a week. I would appreciate it if you would like to evaluate the book and our service on the Internet after you receive the book. Moreover, I would like to recommend another book called Twilight to you and welcome to our

10、online store to buy books again. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 问题:4. 假定你是海伦,是公司的一名秘书。公司内部将要举行一个培训,请写一份英语公告,涵盖以下内容: 1.本次培训全员参加; 2.本次培训为期三天,从本周二到周四,9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.; 3.培训期间请听从培训老师的安排; 4.其他注意事项。 答案:范文 Notice Our company is going to hold an internal training before long and all the staff are required to t

11、ake part in it. This training will last for three days, from Tuesday to Thursday, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Everyone should follow the training teachers arrangement during the training. Moreover, please make sure that your cell phone is turned off in class. If you have something emergent, you can call

12、the director to ask for leave. Secretary: Helen 问题:5. 你是HJR电脑公司售后服务部的John Green,昨天收到了客户Sam的来信。他在信中提到,他新买的电脑不能正常启动。现在请给Sam写一封道歉信。 日期:3月12日 内容主要包括: 1.首先对产品出现的问题表示歉意; 2.指出公司会及时提供具体解决方案,必要时会更换新机器; 3.再次对给客户造成的不便表示歉意。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 售后服务部After-sale Service Department 答案:范文 March 12 Dear Sam,

13、 This is John Green from HJR Company. Im sorry to hear that your newly-bought computer can not work properly. For this, we show our deepest apology. After receiving your letter, our company pays prompt attention to the problem. We will work on a specific solution to the problem as soon as possible. Our After-sale Service Department will get in touch with you in time. If necessary, well replace your computer with a new one. Please accept our sincere apology again. Sincerely yours, John Green 7 / 7


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