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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语四级分类模拟题463大学英语四级分类模拟题463Translation问题:1. 大熊猫被称为“中国国宝(Chinas national treasure)”,是中国特有的动物。大熊猫外表黑白相间,体型肥胖,是一种温顺可爱的动物。它们主要生活在中国西南地区,80%以上分布于四川境内。它们习惯居住在温暖潮湿的环境中,喜欢吃竹类。由于生育率低,对生活环境的要求又相当高,它们的数量越来越少。中国政府早已意识到这一问题的严重性,所以做出了很多努力来保护这一濒危物种。答案:Referred to as C

2、hinas national treasure, panda is an animal unique to China. With a black and white coat as well as a fat body, it is a gentle and lovely animal. Pandas live mainly in the southwest part of China, over 80% of them living in Sichuan Province. They are accustomed to living in warm and wet environment.

3、 Bamboo is their favorite food. Because of low birth rate and high requirement for living environment, the number of pandas is declining. Having realized the seriousness of the problem, Chinese government has made a lot of efforts to protect the .endangered species.1第1句的前半句可使用过去分词短语Referred to as作状语

4、,置于句首;“中国特有的”可译为unique to China。 2在翻译第2句时,可把大熊猫的外貌特征“外表黑白相间,体型肥胖”用介词短语With acoat as well asbody来表达;“大熊猫是温顺可爱的动物”则视为主句,从而避免出现三个孤立的并列英语短句。 3在第3句中,“80%上分布于四川境内”可译为独立主格结构over 80%of them living in Sichuan Province,对该句的前半句进行补充说明。 4“(它们)喜欢吃竹类”可考虑译成一个独立的句子,理解为“它们最喜欢的食物是竹类”,用bamboo作主语可起到强调作用。 5“由于生育率低,要求又相当高

5、”可考虑把原因译为两个并列的名词性短语low birth rate和high requirement。用Because of引出这两个名词性短语。 6最后一句是个因果关系句,可考虑把前半句的“因”译为现在分词短语,置于句首,在句中充当状语;而把后半句的“果”译作主句。“来保护这一濒危物种”可译为动词不定式短语,作定语修饰“努力(efforts)”。 问题:2. 下午茶 中国饮茶的传统可以追溯到公元前3000多年,但“下午茶”的概念却是到17世纪中叶(the mid 17th century)才在英国出现的。当时那里时兴的晚餐时间是晚上8点,所以一位公爵夫人(Duchess)养成了在下午4点约朋

6、友吃糕点的习惯。很快下午茶成为当时的社会潮流。随着东西方文化交流的加深,这个英国传统逐渐进入中国。如今,下午茶在国内日渐流行起来,尤其是在广东和福建地区。 答案:Although the tradition of drinking tea dates back to more than 3,000 B.C. in China, it was not until the mid 17th century in the UK that appeared the concept of afternoon tea. The dinner time then was popularly late at

7、8 pm, so a Duchess developed a habit of inviting friends to enjoy some cakes at 4 pm in the afternoon. Quickly, afternoon tea became a fashionable social event. With the cultural exchanges between the east and the west deepening, this British tradition was gradually introduced into China. Now, after

8、noon tea is increasingly popular in China, especially in the area of Guangdong and Fujian provinces.解析 1仔细分析发现,第1句的前后分句语义上表转折。翻译时,可以考虑用“虽然但是”(although., it.)的结构来译。“下午茶的概念却是到才出现的”可用it is not until.that.句型来表达,译为it was not until.that the concept of“afternoon tea”appeared,但为避免显得头重脚轻,可把谓语appeared提前,进行倒装以

9、平衡结构。 2第2句中的“当时那里时兴的晚餐时间是晚上8点”翻译时进行“增词”处理,加一个late(晚的)更能准确表达出下午茶的必要性;同时,“时兴的”转换成副词popularly,使译文自然流畅。 3倒数第2句中的“这个英国传统逐渐进入中国”逐字对译则为this British tradition gradually entered into China,这样翻译略显生硬。实际上,这是一句没有被动标记词的被动句,宜译为this British tradition was gradually introduced into China。 4最后一句中的“广东和福建地区”不可直译为Guangdo

10、ng and Fujian area,应把“广东”和“福建”的性质交代清楚,译作in the area of Guangdong and Fujian provinces才符合英语表达习惯。 问题:3. 筷子 筷子(chopsticks)是中国古人发明的一种具有鲜明民族特色的进食工具(tableware),是反映中国饮食文化特色的重要组成部分。中国人使用筷子的历史可追溯到商代,距今已有三千多年。筷子可谓是中国国粹(quintessence),既轻巧又灵活,在世界各国餐具中独树一帜,被西方人誉为“东方的文明”。凡是使用过筷子的人,不论中国人或是外国人,都因其使用方便、物美价廉而赞叹不绝。 答案:

11、The Chopsticks The chopsticks, invented by ancient Chinese people, are a kind of tableware with distinct national features, being an important component that reflects the characteristics of Chinese diet culture. The history of using chopsticks in China dates back to the Shang Dynasty, more than 3,00

12、0 years ago. Chopsticks, the quintessence of Chinese culture, whose lightness and flexibility develop a school of its own among various tableware all over the world, are praised as Eastern Civilization by the westerners. All those people who have ever used chopsticks, no matter Chinese or foreigners

13、, marvel at their convenience, excellent quality and reasonable price. 问题:4. 中国新颁布的老年人保护法(elderly protection law)规定,成年子女必须看望他们年迈的父母。年迈的父母如果感觉被子女忽视了,可以把他们已成年的孩子告上法庭。但是,法律没有说明子女必须看望父母的频率。法律中也没有说如何执行这项法律、忽略长辈如何惩罚。一位帮助起草老年人保护法草案的教授说,立法主要是为了提高人们对于老年人情感支持需要的意识。答案:Chinas new elderly protection law states t

14、hat adult children must visit their elderly parents. Aging parents can take their adult kids to court if they feel neglected. However, the law does not state how often a child must visit his or her parents. There is also nothing in the legislation that states how the law would be enforced and what t

15、he punishment is for neglecting ones elderly parents. A professor who helped draft the elderly protection law said that the legislation is mainly introduced to raise peoples awareness that elderly people need emotional support.问题:5. 相声(Xiangsheng)是中国最重要的表演艺术之一。共有三种不同形式的相声,分别由一人、两人和多人表演。其中由两人表演的对口相声(

16、cross talk)最为流行,传播最为广泛。“相声”一词最初是指模仿别人的言谈举止。现代相声包含四种基本技能:说、学、逗(tease)、唱。由于相声的许多内容是笑话和有趣的故事,语言幽默而又讽刺(sarcastic),因此深受人民群众的喜爱。答案:Xiangsheng is one of Chinas most significant performing arts, including three different forms, performed respectively by one person, two persons and three or more persons. Of

17、the three forms, cross talk, performed by two persons, is the most popular and widespread. The term Xiangsheng originally referred to the act of imitating someones speech and behavior. Modern Xiangsheng is composed of four basic skills: speaking, imitating, teasing and singing. Due to its contents w

18、hich are mainly jokes and interesting stories and its humorous and sarcastic language, Xiangsheng has become very popular among people.1前两句的主语相同,且信息量都较少,故可考虑将这两句合译,将第2句译成including引导的伴随状语。 2第3句的主干是“对口相声最为流行,传播最为广泛”。把动词词组spread widely转换成形容词widespread,与popular并列成为句子的表语。 3第4句中,“一词”应该译成term,而不是译成word。因为前

19、者指专门的术语,而后者单纯指单词,前者更适合指代相声这门艺术。本句增译the act,意为“相声是一种模仿的艺术或行为”,使表达更加完整。 4最后一句是因果句,其中原因有两点,“内容是笑话和有趣的故事”和“语言幽默又讽刺”,这部分可处理成原因状语从句(because its contents areand its language is),或用due to, owing to等引导的原因状语(due to its contents and language)。本句需注意避免出现because so的错误。 问题:6. 经过多年的摸索,绿色交通的发展理念早已成为我国交通运输行业发展的共识。根据规

20、划,到2020年,我国交通运输行业有关指标将比2005年实现大幅提升,基本建成绿色循环低碳交通运输体系。要实现这一目标,加快智能交通系统(intelligent transportation system)与信息化建设、不断推动多项信息化技术应用在交通领域的应用成为重要的工作着力点。信息化技术应用在交通领域的广泛铺开,不仅展现出良好的发展前景,也促进了相关领域的企业加大合作力度。答案:With many years of explorations, the idea of the development of green transportation has already been the

21、common sense in Chinas development of transportation industry. According to the plan, by 2020, the relevant indicators of Chinas transportation industry will rise sharply compared with 2005 and a green, recyclable and low-carbon transportation system will be basically established. To achieve this go

22、al, we should accelerate the development of intelligent transportation system and information technology and keep promoting the application of many information technologies in the transportation field as our key focus. The extensive application of information technology in the transportation field n

23、ot only presents a good development prospect, but also facilitates the enterprises in the relevant fields to deepen their cooperation.问题:7. 在中国,玉(jade)的历史可以追溯到商朝(the Shang Dynasty)。数千年来,人们都视玉为最珍贵的石头。在古代,玉是仅限于宗教仪式的物品。在封建社会(imperial society),玉是财富和社会地位的象征。人们普遍相信玉能辟邪,能保护佩戴者免于灾祸。玉饰不仅能使佩戴者更美丽,还能促进其身体健康。中国

24、的玉石种类有很多,其中最出名的是新疆的和田玉。答案:The history of jade in China can date back to the Shang Dynasty. For thousands of years, jade has been regarded as the most precious stones. In ancient times, jade was confined to ritual objects only. In imperial society jade was a symbol of wealth and social status. It is

25、widely believed that jade can ward off the evil and protect the wearer from disaster. Wearing jade jewelry can not only help to make the wearer more beautiful, but also promote the health of the wearer. There are various kinds of jade in China, among which the most famous one is Hetian Jade produced

26、 in Xinjiang.问题:8. 景德镇,原名昌南,位于江西省境内。景德镇历史悠久,是中国历史上的四大名镇之一。景德镇因其瓷器(chinaware)的生产而闻名,据记载,其瓷器生产可以追溯到汉代(the Han Dynasty)。在明代(the Ming Dynasty),大量景德镇瓷器销往国外,极大地推动了景德镇陶瓷的对外贸易,扩大了中国陶瓷的影响。由于制瓷历史久远、瓷器产品质地精良、对外销量大,景德镇获得了“瓷都”(capital of chinaware)的称号。答案:Jingdezhen, formerly named Changnan, is located in Jiangxi

27、 Province. With a long history, Jingdezhen is one of the four famous towns in Chinese history. Jingdezhen is famous for its production of chinaware. It is recorded that Jingdezhens production of chinaware can date back to the Han Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, lots of Jingdezhens chinaware was export

28、ed to foreign countries, greatly promoting the foreign trade of chinaware in Jingdezhen and extending the influence of Chinese chinaware. Jingdezhen has earned the title of capital of chinaware, thanks to its long history of chinaware production, the excellent quality and large amount of export of i

29、ts chinaware.问题:9. 能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。人类文明的每一次重大进步都伴随着能源的改进和更替。能源的开发利用极大地推进了世界经济和人类社会的发展。 中国是目前世界上第二位能源生产国和消费国。能源供应持续增长,为经济社会发展提供了重要的支撑。中国已经成为世界能源市场不可或缺的重要组成部分,对维护全球能源安全,正在发挥着越来越重要的积极作用。 答案:Energy is an essential material basis for human survival and development. Each and every significant step i

30、n the progress of human civilization has been accompanied by energy innovations and substitutions. The development and utilization of energy has enormously boosted the development of the world economy and human society. China is now the worlds second-largest energy producer and consumer. The sustain

31、ed growth of energy supply has provided an important support for the countrys economic growth and social progress. As an irreplaceable component of the world energy market, China plays a more and more important positive role in maintaining global energy security. 问题:10. 王羲之,祖籍为现在的山东省,东晋大书法家,后人尊称他为“书

32、圣”(the Sage of Calligraphy)。王羲之年轻时跟卫夫人学习书法,后来又到处游历,学习了书法界前辈们的碑刻。据说他常常夜以继日地练习书法。休息时,他还想着字的结构,手指就在衣服上画,时间一长,连衣服也写破了。王羲之在行书(running script)和草书(cursive script)方面的独特风格对后世书法家影响很大。答案:Wang Xizhi was born in todays Shandong Province. He was a great calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was called by l

33、ater generations the Sage of Calligraphy. He learned the art of calligraphy from Lady Wei in his youth. Then he traveled widely to study tablet inscriptions executed by venerable seniors in calligraphy. It is said that he used to practice day and night. When he took a rest, he still thought of the s

34、tructure of characters, and his fingers would trace them on his garments which became worn out over time. Wang Xizhis unique style in both running script and cursive script had a great influence on calligraphers of later generations.问题:11. 四合院与胡同都是人们常见到的,有超过700多年的历史。但是由于现在的城市改造和中国的经济发展,四合院正慢慢地从北京消失。

35、四合院是从元代的北京延续下来的古典建筑风格的住宅。四合院之间的狭窄的街道被称为“胡同”。一个标准的四合院通常由一个位于中心的院子和四侧房屋构成。在胡同中我们只能看见四合院的大门,门通常漆成红色,并有大的铜门环。答案:Siheyuan and Hutong with a history of more than 700 years have been very familiar to people. But now suffering from the urban renovation and economic development of China, they are slowly disa

36、ppearing from Beijing. Siheyuan is a classical architecture style of residential housing of Beijing citizens dated from the Yuan Dynasty. The narrow streets between the Siheyuan are called Hutong. A standard Siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the centre. The gate bu

37、ilding of each Siheyuan is the only thing that we can see along the Hutong, which is usually painted red and has large copper door rings.问题:12. 网络犯罪 网络犯罪是增长最快的犯罪类型之一。越来越多的犯罪分子利用现代科技所提供的快速、便捷和匿名性(anonymity)从事各种各样的犯罪活动,包括电脑数据攻击、身份盗用、散播虚假信息及传播电脑病毒等。互联网的全球性特征使犯罪分子得以在世界任何地方从事几乎任何违法犯罪活动。这使得所有国家有必要将其国内线下控制

38、措施应用到网络犯罪领域。 答案:Cybercrime Cybercrime is one of the fastest growing crimes. More and more criminals are exploiting the speed, convenience and anonymity that modern technologies offer in order to commit a diverse range of criminal activities, including attacks against computer data, identity theft, t

39、he distribution of false information as well as the deployment of computer viruses. The global nature of the Internet has allowed criminals to commit almost any illegal activity anywhere in the world, making it essential for all countries to adapt their domestic offline controls to cover crimes carried out in cyberspace. 12 / 12


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