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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语四级分类模拟题273大学英语四级分类模拟题273Translation问题:1. 每个国家的形象宣传片(promotional video)都希望能让世界更好地了解本国。中国国家形象宣传片在纽约的播放引起了世界关注。这则长达60秒的宣传片以中国红为主色调,通过文化和生活方式展现中国的“软实力”(soft power)。宣传片展示了中国各行各业的代表,包括名人(celebrity)和许多面带微笑的普通百姓。中国希望通过该宣传片提升国家形象,展现一个繁荣发展、民主进步的中国。答案:Any natio

2、nal promotional video is supposed to promote better understanding of the country. Chinas promotional video aired in New York attracted the worlds attention. The 60-second video, displayed dominantly with Chinas traditional red color, shows Chinas soft power through culture and lifestyle. The video f

3、eatures a wide range of Chinese peopleincluding celebrities and lots of ordinary, smiling Chinese. With the video, China hopes to improve its image as a prosperous, developing, democratic and progressive nation.问题:2. 眼下,“土豪”(tuhao)当属中国最热门词汇(buzzword)之一用来指称那些受教育不多且品味差的富人们。这是中国网友运用聪明才智和创造力为老词注入新生命的又一个

4、例子。“土豪”曾指那些有钱有势、剥削农民的地主们。几年前,当中国魔兽(World of Warcraft)玩家用它来指代那些为强大的虚拟武器一掷千金的有钱玩家时,它的意思就彻底变了。如今,“土豪”这个词已经被引入日常语言之中。答案:One of the hottest buzzwords in China right now is tuhao, a term referring to rich people of little education and poor taste. This is another example of Chinese Internet users applying

5、 their wisdom and creativity to an aged phrase to give it a new life. The term used to mean rich and powerful landlords who exploited peasants. But a few years ago when Chinese players of the computer game World of Warcraft adapted this term to refer to rich players who spend big money on powerful v

6、irtual weapons, its meaning changed significantly. Now, this term has been introduced into daily conversation.问题:3. 在春节期间,消费热潮(consumption boom)达到了顶点。越来越多的人走出家门到餐馆吃年夜饭。在春节前的几个月,很多餐馆就已经被订满了。珠宝店和服装店同样生意兴隆。春节也是娱乐最佳时机。去年春节黄金周期间电影的票房总收入(box office receipts)高达4.8亿元。年轻人喜欢利用春节假期进行旅游,因此尽管门票和食宿价格飞涨,景区里还是人山人海。

7、答案:The consumption boom peaks during the Spring Festival. More and more people go out to have their reunion dinners in restaurants, many of which have been booked to capacity several months m advance. Jewelry shops and clothing shops also have a roaring trade. The Spring Festival is also a prime tim

8、e for entertainment. Box office receipts during last Spring Festival Golden Week amounted to RMB 480 million. Younger citizens enjoy going on tours during this vacation. As a result, the scenic spots are packed with overcrowded tourists, although admission fees and prices of food and accommodations

9、are soaring问题:4. 不久前,一条新的国际道路运输线路(transnational highway)开通。这条线路连接广西崇左市和越南下龙市(Ha Long city),长达400公里。它将两个城市之间的公路出行时间缩短至7.5小时。这两个城市的旅游业都有着良好的发展前景。崇左市因其美丽的跨国瀑布(transnational waterfalls)和独具魅力的民族文化吸引了大量的游客。下龙市则毗邻越南著名的旅游胜地下龙湾。中越两国都希望借此线路促进两国旅游业的发展。答案:A new transnational highway opened not long ago. The hig

10、hway connects Chongzuo city in Guangxi Province and Ha Long city in Vietnam with a length of 400 kilometers. It shortens bus travel time between the two cities to 7.5 hours. Both the tourism industries in the two cities enjoy a bright prospect for developmentChongzuo attracts a great number of touri

11、sts with its beautiful transnational waterfalls and charming ethnic culture, while Ha Long is next to Ha Long Bay, a famous tourist attraction in Vietnam. The highway is expected to boost the development of the tourism industries in the two countries.问题:5. 中国实行在公共场所禁止吸烟的规定。此举旨在遏制死于与吸烟有关的疾病(smoking-r

12、elated diseases)的人数,并保护那些不抽烟民众的健康。然而禁烟令的有效性却遭到了质疑,因为它没有明确规定如何处罚那些违反规定的人。在中国,大约有3亿烟民。很多商家因为抽烟客人的抱怨并不欢迎禁烟令。禁烟令涉及的公共场所包括酒店、饭店、剧院和火车站候车室等,却不包括,办公场所(workplace)。答案:A ban on smoking in public places has come into force in China. The move is aimed at curbing the number of deaths from smoking-related disease

13、s and protecting the health of other nonsmoking people. But the ban has been questioned on its effectiveness because it doesnt specify any penalty for those violating the rules. The number of smokers in China stands at around 300 million. Many businesses dont welcome the ban because of the complaints about such rules from their customers who smoke. The ban prohibits smoking in public places such as hotels, restaurants, theatres and waiting rooms at railway stations, but not in the workplace. 5 / 5


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