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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语六级翻译分类模拟题522大学英语六级翻译分类模拟题522Translation问题:1. 每个人从呱呱坠地起,便有了自己的姓名,然后带着它进入各种社会活动,使之起到代表自我的作用。中国是世界上最早使用姓氏的国家。中国人的姓名文化,是中华民族物质生活和精神生活的重要组成部分。它在政治、文化及社会活动等诸领域中,都发挥着极其重要的作用。中国人的名字既是家族血脉传承的符号,也是社会发展和时代变迁的记录仪,带有鲜明的时代烙印,因此从一个人的名字中便可以大致推断出他的年龄。答案:Everyone has

2、gained a name since he or she comes to the world, and then bears it in various social activities, making it represent oneself. China is the first country in the world to use surnames. The Chinese name culture is an important part of the material and spiritual life of the Chinese nation. It plays an

3、extremely vital role in a variety of fields including politics, culture and social activities. The name of the Chinese is not only the symbol of the bloodline of the family, but also the recorder of social development and the changes of the times. With a distinctive mark of the time, the age of a pe

4、rson can be roughly inferred from his or her name.问题:2. “互联网+”(Internet+)代表一种新的经济形态。通俗来讲,“互联网+”就是“互联网+各个传统行业”,利用信息通信技术以及互联网平台,让互联网与传统行业进行深度融合,创造新的发展生态。“互联网+”战略的核心内容有两方面:一是运用互联网促进传统产业转型升级和发展水平提升;二是催生以互联网为基础的新兴业态和新的经济增长点。“互联网+”的时代不可阻挡地来临了,它创造了人类新的需求,改变了我们与世界互动的方式。答案:Internet+ represents a new economic

5、 form. Generally speaking, Interact+ is the Internet + various traditional industries By using information and communication technologies and the Internet platform, the Internet and the traditional industries are deeply integrated to create a new development mode. The core of Internet+ strategy lies

6、 in two aspects: first, the Internet is applied to promote the transformation, upgrading and development of traditional industries; second, the Internet-based emerging industries and new sources of economic growth are generated. The era of Internet+ has come irresistibly, which creates new demands f

7、or human beings and changes the way we interact with the world.问题:3. “共享经济”(sharing economy)也叫作“协同消费”,在金融和经济危机中被普遍接受并广泛传播。这种利用互联网降低交易成本、提高效率、减少资源浪费的模式是一种可持续发展的经济。共享经济以实现社会资源最优配置为核心目标,是改善不平衡不充分发展的重要手段。共享经济企业创造了大量灵活就业机会,推动了就业方式的改变,使分配机制更加公平。共享经济符合“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”新发展理念,必将迎来更加广阔的发展前景。答案:The sharing econ

8、omy, also known as collaborative consumption, was widely accepted and disseminated in the financial and economic crisis. This model of using the Internet to reduce transaction costs, increase efficiency and reduce waste of resources is a sustainable economy. With the core objective of achieving the

9、optimal allocation of social resources, the sharing economy is an important means to get rid of the imbalanced and inadequate development. Enterprises adopting sharing economy have created a great number of flexible employment opportunities and promoted the change of employment patterns, making the

10、distribution mechanism fairer. Sharing economy meets the new development concept of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing and thus will surely enjoy broader prospects for development.问题:4. 改革开放近40年,中国成为世界上制造业最大的国家,制造业产量超过美国。中国作为“世界工厂”,以物美价廉的优势在世界市场上占有重要地位。但中国是制造大国,却不是制造强国。“Made i

11、n China”曾是山寨、低品质的代名词,在国际市场上一度遭到抵制(boycott),甚至连国人自己都看不起国货。要想摆脱困境、改变原来的形象,中国就必须转变模式进行产业升级,实现由“中国制造”向“中国创造”的转变。答案:Since the reform and opening up policy was implemented, China has become the largest manufacturing country in the world in the last 40 years, with larger manufacturing output than the Unite

12、d States. As a workshop of the world, China has occupied an important position in the world market with the advantage of being attractive in price and quality. However, China is a major manufacturer, but not a powerful one. Products labeled Made in China were considered as cheap copies with low qual

13、ity, being boycotted in the international market. Even Chinese themselves were thinking little of domestic products. To get rid of the difficulties and change its original image, China must make changes in its mode to make industrial upgrading, thus realizing the transformation from Made in China to Created in China. 5 / 5


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