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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语六级翻译分类模拟题630大学英语六级翻译分类模拟题630Translation问题:1. 尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德。尊老,就是要尊重、关心、照顾、赡养老人;爱幼,就是要爱护、关怀、教育、抚养幼小儿童。尊老爱幼是人类敬重自己的表现,每个人都有自己的儿童时代,每个人也都有老的一天。早在汉朝(the Han Dynasty),政府就曾颁布法令,提倡并奖励孝敬老人的行为。中国人以友善和严格的方式对待子孙后代,体现了强烈的责任感。现在,中国的老人和儿童都有法定的节日老人节(the Elders Day

2、)和儿童节,我们正在将尊老爱幼的传统发扬光大。答案:To respect the elderly and love the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. To respect the elderly is to respect, care about, look after and support the elderly, and to love the young is to care for, take care of, educate and raise young children. Respecting th

3、e elderly and loving the young reflects humans respect for themselves, because everyone has their own childhood and their old age. As early as the Han Dynasty, the government issued laws that advocated and rewarded the behaviors of treating the old with respect. The Chinese people treat their offspr

4、ing in a friendly and rigorous manner, embodying a strong sense of responsibility. Nowadays, both the elderly and children in China enjoy statutory holidaysthe Elders Day and the Childrens Day, indicating that we are carrying forward the tradition of respecting the elderly and loving the young.问题:2.

5、 国际上将65岁以上人口占总人口的比重达到7%作为国家或地区进入老龄化社会的标准。中国是世界上老龄人口最多的国家。截至2016年年底,我国60岁及以上老年人口数接近2.4亿。中国步入老龄化社会使独生子女一代面临着巨大的工作和生活压力。近年来,健康老龄化的观念日益受到国际社会的关注。联合国提出,将健康老龄化作为全球解决老龄问题的奋斗目标。要实现健康老龄化不仅需要社会各方面协调一致的努力,也需要老年人的积极参与。答案:Internationally, for a country or a region, the proportion of people over the age of 65 in

6、the total population reaching 7% is taken as a standard for entering an aging society. China is the country with the largest elderly population in the world. As of the end of 2016, the number of elderly people aged and over 60 in China has reached nearly 240 million. As China enters an aging society

7、, the one-child generation faces tremendous pressure from both work and life. In recent years, the concept of healthy aging has increasingly attracted the attention of the international community. The United Nations has proposed that healthy aging should be the global goal of solving the problem of

8、population aging. To achieve healthy aging, it requires the coordinated and concerted efforts by all sectors of society and the active participation of elderly people.问题:3. 随着生活水平的提高,人们的营养状况得到改善,“发福者”日渐增多。肥胖(obesity)可不仅仅是影响人们的体型而已。研究发现,肥胖是一个特别重要的与生活方式有关的癌症决定因素。世界卫生组织的国际癌症研究机构(the International Agenc

9、y for Research on Cancer)发现,肥胖会增加13种癌症风险。大约有9 010的癌症与肥胖有相关性。中国逾3亿人属于超重和肥胖人群。肥胖已成为导致癌症的“罪魁”,因此,养成良好的饮食习惯、控制体重和多运动成为最主要的防癌措施。答案:With the improvement of living standards, peoples nutritional status has become better, resulting in an increasing number of fat people Obesity doesnt simply affect peoples s

10、hape. The study found that obesity is a particularly important determinant of cancer related to lifestyle. The International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization has found that obesity increases the risk of 13 kinds of cancer. About 9% of cancers are associated with obesity

11、. More than 300 million people in China are overweight or obese. Obesity has become the leading cause of cancer. Therefore, to develop good eating habits, control weight and do much exercise have become the most important measures to prevent cancers.问题:4. 每个人从呱呱坠地起,便有了自己的姓名,然后带着它进入各种社会活动,使之起到代表自我的作用

12、。中国是世界上最早使用姓氏的国家。中国人的姓名文化,是中华民族物质生活和精神生活的重要组成部分。它在政治、文化及社会活动等诸领域中,都发挥着极其重要的作用。中国人的名字既是家族血脉传承的符号,也是社会发展和时代变迁的记录仪,带有鲜明的时代烙印,因此从一个人的名字中便可以大致推断出他的年龄。答案:Everyone has gained a name since he or she comes to the world, and then bears it in various social activities, making it represent oneself. China is the

13、 first country in the world to use surnames. The Chinese name culture is an important part of the material and spiritual life of the Chinese nation. It plays an extremely vital role in a variety of fields including politics, culture and social activities. The name of the Chinese is not only the symb

14、ol of the bloodline of the family, but also the recorder of social development and the changes of the times. With a distinctive mark of the time, the age of a person can be roughly inferred from his or her name.问题:5. “互联网+”(Internet+)代表一种新的经济形态。通俗来讲,“互联网+”就是“互联网+各个传统行业”,利用信息通信技术以及互联网平台,让互联网与传统行业进行深度

15、融合,创造新的发展生态。“互联网+”战略的核心内容有两方面:一是运用互联网促进传统产业转型升级和发展水平提升;二是催生以互联网为基础的新兴业态和新的经济增长点。“互联网+”的时代不可阻挡地来临了,它创造了人类新的需求,改变了我们与世界互动的方式。答案:Internet+ represents a new economic form. Generally speaking, Internet+ is the Internet + various traditional industries. By using information and communication technologies

16、and the Internet platform, the Internet and the traditional industries are deeply integrated to create a new development mode. The core of Internet+ strategy lies in two aspects: first, the Internet is applied to promote the transformation, upgrading and development of traditional industries; second, the Internet-based emerging industries and new sources of economic growth are generated. The era of Internet+ has come irresistibly, which creates new demands for human beings and changes the way we interact with the world. 6 / 6


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