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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语四级分类模拟题502大学英语四级分类模拟题502Part Writing问题:1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed30 minutes to write a composition of at least 120 words on Can Money Buy Happiness?答案:Can Money Buy Happiness? Whether money can buy happiness is a controversial issu

2、e for a long time. Different people hold different ideas. People who uphold it believe that money is the source of happiness. When one owns money, they can buy anything they like, do whatever they are willing to do. Therefore they draw the conclusion that money can bring comfort, security, and so on

3、. It is the source of happiness. Yet a lot of others who disagree with it believe that money is an evil thing. Once people have strong desire for more and more money, they will lose their reason and try to obtain money by all means. Such phenomenon can be seen in our daily life. For money, people wo

4、uld rather fight, die, or even sell their souls to the Devil. As far as I am concerned, although money is fundamental to life and perhaps it can bring happiness to you, it is not the sole purpose we live for. Happiness can be gained without money. For instance, love that is the real source of happin

5、ess cant be bought with money; self-esteem that is another crucial factor that produces happiness cant win with money. So it is unwise to reckon only on money to achieve happiness. What money will bring to you depends on whether you utilize it correctly. Part Reading ComprehensionPassage One The nex

6、t generation telephone is called superphone or Personal Communication Network (PCN). Your superphone goes wherever you go, in your pocket. You can use it in the street, in an aeroplane, a boat, or a taxi; you can call from anywhere on the globe to anywhere else. Calls travel at the speed of light, v

7、ia satellites using ultraviolet (紫外线的), high-frequency wave bands and each communication is automatically billed to your account. This new phone is the size and shape of a billfold (皮夹). You unfold it to use it, making it long enough to reach from your ear to your mouth. There is a miniaturized touc

8、h pad, on which to enter the number you are calling. There is also a tiny liquid crystal screen on which you can read weather, news or financial reports. These news items are constantly updated by the company that sells the service. Letter keys on the touch pad also allow you to use this electronic

9、marvel as a computer or word processor. You can plug it into your large home or office computer in order to transfer any data that you feed in during a business trip. The PCN also stores any useful information of your own that you might need as you travel, such as the names, addresses and phone numb

10、ers of several hundred people, important meetings, flight details, and so on. When you need information, you simply call it up on the screen. You can even use your PCN to activate electronically controlled equipment at home. For example, you could switch your oven on or off, start the sprinkler syst

11、em (洒水系统) in your garden during a dry spell, get your video recorder to record a show on television, turn off the central heating, and so on. All of this from thousands of miles away, perhaps from the back of a camel in the desert. Prototypes (雏形) are already being trialed. In spite of the complex t

12、echnology, they will be cheap because of the enormous sales that will be made. 1. What can we learn about superphone from the first paragraph?A.It has a very wide coverage of signals.B.It deducts fees directly from a users account.C.It offers a nearly free communicating service.D.It enables users to

13、 speak quickly.答案:A解析 第1段中提到,你可以在全球的任何一个地方接通到另一个任何的地方。这说明这个电话的信号覆盖范围很广,故A正确。B是对第1段最后一句的误解;文中没有提及通信费用的情况,排除C;D是对第1段第4句的误解。2. What do we learn about the various news items on the PCNs screen?A.They are compiled according to users appetite.B.They are renewed by the provider.C.They provide information a

14、bout goods discounts.D.They advertise products for companies.答案:B解析 第2段第5句提到,电话液晶显示屏上的新闻内容会由出售此项服务的公司不断地更新,B内容与原文意思一致,故为答案。3. What is a function of the superphone?A.It can extend as long as you want.B.It can be used as a billfold.C.It can turn into a mini-TV.D.It can act as a remote control.答案:D解析 第

15、2段第5句提到,你可以使用你的个人通信网络(即下一代电话)遥控你家中的电器,接着举例进行了详细说明。D是对原文的同义转述,故为答案。原文只是说这种新式电话可以打开,使用时使其长度足够达到从耳朵到嘴的距离,并没有说可以伸长到任意长度,故A错误;原文说这种新式电话的大小和形状如同一个钱包,不是说可以当作钱包使用,故B错误;C在文中没有提到。4. What is the authors purpose of mentioning from the back of a camel in the desert?A.To show the great impact of the new phone on

16、the world.B.To emphasize the strong remote control function of the new phone.C.To demonstrate how to operate the new phone in such places.D.To show travelers affection for the new phone.答案:B解析 作者在第2段中运用实例强调新式电话的强大遥控功能,故答案为B。A“为了体现新式电话对世界的影响”不是举例的目的;提到沙漠也不是为了介绍在那里怎样操作新式电话,故C不正确;D“为了表示旅行者对新式电话的喜爱”也不符合

17、文章意思。5. What statement does the author agree with?A.The new phone will be very expensive.B.The new phone is still a brainchild.C.The new phone has been put into mass production.D.The new phone has excellent prospects in market.答案:D解析 第2段最后一句指出,虽然技术很复杂,但是由于它的销量将会很大,因而其售价会很低廉。由此可以判断,这种新式电话的市场前景很好,故答案为

18、D,同时排除A。B与文章倒数第二句意思相悖,同时排除C。Passage Two In the second half of the twentieth Century, many countries of the South(发展中国家) began to send students to the industrialized countries for further education. They urgently needed supplies of highly trained personnel to implement a concept of development based

19、on modernization. But many of these students decided to stay on in the developed countries when they had finished their training. At the same time, many professionals who did return home but no longer felt at ease there also decided to go back to the countries where they had studied. In the 1960s, s

20、ome Latin American countries tried to solve this problem by setting up special return programs to encourage their professionals to come back home. These programs received support from international bodies such as the International Organization for Migration, which in 1974 enabled over 1,600 qualifie

21、d scientists and technicians to return to Latin America. In the 1980s and 1990s, temporary return programs were set up in order to make the best use of trained personnel occupying strategic positions in the developed countries. This gave rise to the United Nations Development Programs Transfer of Kn

22、owledge through Expatriate(移居国外的) Nationals, which encourages technicians and scientists to work in their own countries for short periods. But the brain drain(人才流失) from these countries may well increase in response to the new laws of the international market in knowledge. Recent studies forecast th

23、at the most developed countries are going to need more and more highly qualified professionals around twice as many as their educational systems will be able to produce, or so it is thought. As a result there is an urgent need for developing countries which send students abroad to give preference to

24、 fields where they need competent people to give muscle to their own institutions, instead of encouraging the training of people who may not come back because there are no professional outlets for them. And the countries of the South must not be content with institutional structures that simply take

25、 back professionals sent abroad, they must introduce flexible administrative procedures to encourage them to return. If they do not do this, the brain drain is bound to continue. 1. Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage?A.The developing countries believe that sending student

26、s to the industrialized countries is a good way to meet their own needs for modernization.B.The South American countries have been sending students to developed countries since the 1920s.C.Many people trained abroad remain in the developed countries instead of coming back to serve their home countri

27、es.D.The International Organization for Migration successfully helped more than 1,600 professionals to return to their own countries in a single year.答案:B解析 根据题干信息NOT correct可知解答本题需通观全文,对细节信息一一进行判断。 文章第一段提到:“20世纪下半叶,许多发展中国家开始将本国学生送往发达的工业国家深造。这些发展中国家迫切需要受过高级培训的人才采推进基于现代化的发展理念。”选项B却意为“从20世纪20年代起,南美国家就

28、开始向发达国家派遣留学生”,时间以及动作的发出者均不正确,因此本题选B。其他三项在文章的前三段均可以找到依据。 2. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the developing countries are losing their brain power?A.Many professionals did not feel comfortable in their home countries after they returned home.B.Temporary return programs encouraged

29、professionals to work in their home countries for short periods.C.The new laws of the international market encourage knowledge transfer.D.The professionals from the developing countries have been trained in fields where they could not apply their knowledge to the best advantage in their home countri

30、es.答案:B解析 根据题干信息NOT one of the reasons, losing their brain power可知解答本题需通观全文。 第二段提到有很多专业人才回到祖国,但是却感觉不像以前那样自在,最后还是决定回到当初留学的国家,因此A正确;第四段段末提到,随着国际市场推出新的知识法律,发展中国家的人才流失情况很可能进一步加剧,因此C项也正确;最后一段第二句提到,一旦在国内没有用武之地,这些留学生学成之后可能就不回国了,对应D项。这些都是导致发展中国家人才流失的原因。用排除法可知本题答案为B项。该项所提及的“短期回国”项目是发展中国家为吸引人才回国采取的策略,而非人才流失的原

31、因。 3. In the authors opinion, the developing countries should _.A.keep their present administrative procedures so as to ensure that their students return after graduationB.cooperate more effectively with international organizationsC.set up more return programs under the guidance of the UND.send stud

32、ents abroad in the fields where their knowledge is more likely to be made full use of in their own countries答案:D解析 根据题干信息the authors opinion可将答案定位到最后一段,只有在该段中作者才给出了自己的观点。 作者在最后一段第二句中提到:“因此,发展中国家迫切需要根据本国缺乏人才的领域外派留学生,从而使其能够为本国机构出力;而不是盲目鼓励留学深造,一旦在国内没有用武之地,这些留学生学成之后可能就不回国了。”这与选项D所表达的意思相同。 4. According t

33、o the passage, the problem of the developing countries will continue _.A.as long as the developed countries need more qualified professionals than they can educate domesticallyB.as long as the developing countries are content with their present institutional structuresC.unless those countries stop s

34、ending large number of students to be trained abroadD.if their governments fail to make administrative adjustments concerning the return procedures of their professionals答案:D解析 根据题干信息the problem.will continue可将答案定位到最后一段末尾处。 文章最后提到:“发展中国家不应单纯依靠体制结构召回外派专业人才;它们必须引进灵活的管理机制,鼓励人才回国。如果它们不这么做,人才流失的现状还将继续。”综

35、合考虑,D项中的make administrative adjustments concerning the return procedures of their professionals与文中表述接近,为正确答案。 5. The best title for the passage is _.A.The Brain Drain of the Developing CountriesB.Knowledge TransferC.The Talents from the Developing CountriesD.The Failure of Development Programs答案:A解析

36、 根据题干信息best title可知解答本题需通观全文。 四个选项分别为:发展中国家的人才流失、知识转移、来自发展中国家的人才、发展项目的失败。整篇文章的内容都围绕着发展中国家人才流失的问题展开,因此A项是概括文章主旨的最佳选择。 Part Translation问题:1. 异地团圆 俗话说,有钱没钱回家过年。按照传统习俗,异地游子春节都要回到老家与父母过年。但近来,儿女回家看望父母的传统习俗被逐渐打破,“异地团圆”的潮流正在悄然兴起。有学者认为,如今,四位老人、一对夫妻、一个孩子的421型家庭逐渐成为社会主流,对他们来说,“异地团圆”不失为对传统探亲方式的补充,也是一种不错的选择。 答案:

37、Having Reunion in a Place away from Home As the proverb says, one should go home to celebrate the Chinese New Year with or without money. According to the traditional custom, those residing away from home are supposed to return to their native place during the Spring Festival to spend the Chinese Ne

38、w Year with their parents. However, recently the tradition of sons and daughters going home and visiting their parents has been gradually broken while a trend of having a reunion in a place away from home is quietly emerging. Some scholars believe that since the 421 type of family (four aged grandparents, a couple and one child) gradually becomes the mainstream of society, having a reunion in a place away from home may after all serve as a supplement to the traditional practice of going home to visit ones family and be accepted by them as a good alternative as well. 13 / 13


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