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1、雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,1,Unit 6雅思口语Part 2物品篇高频考题,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,2,Describe a photo you took,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,3,物品类:outline,1. 审题 2. 结构安排 3. 范文 4. 真题演练 5. 如何合并话题 6. 相关真题库,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,4,1. 审题,1.1划题(5-10sec) 1.2找思路(40sec) 1.3写关键词(10-15sec),雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,5,Describe a photo you took.,You should say: what

2、you can see in this photo who took this photo when and where you took this photo why you talk about it,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,6,1.1划题(5-10sec),你会划哪些? Photo you took What can you see Who when where took Why talk,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,7,1.2找思路/1.3写关键词,70% What can you see Who when where took 30% Why talk,雅思口语预备-Pa

3、rt2物品篇,8,最容易弄混的词们:,photograph futr:f, -rf照片 N photographer ftrf 照相的人N photographyftrfi摄影 N,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,9,拍照片的场合,Fare-well party 欢送会 House-warming party 暖房party Wedding anniversary 结婚纪念 Family reunion 聚会 Live- concert 音乐会,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,10,照片类型,静物 Still life 自画像 Self portrait 风景 Landscape,雅思口语预备

4、-Part2物品篇,11,拍照的效果,憋镜头 Camera-shy 不上相 Photogenic 巨上相 Flatter somebody,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,12,拍照的意义,capture 捕捉 precious moments 珍贵的瞬间 Recall the happy moment 回忆快乐的瞬间 见证生命中的奇迹 Witness the miracle in our life,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,13,2. 结构安排,2.1 转述题目-要求用复杂句 2.2 描述事物 时间,地点,人物 2.3 具体内容 拍摄原因,拍摄内容,特别之处 2.4 用一两句扣题,雅思

5、口语预备-Part2物品篇,14,2.1 转述题目,说到照相,我可是个照相狂, 我随时带着我爱疯4,不仅为了打电话,更为了抓拍(Snapping ) snpi 有这么一张照片我想和你好好说一说。 In terms of photos, I am a big fan of it, I take I phone 4s with me all the time. not only for phoning, but more importantly for snapping photos. There is one particular photo I want to talk with you,雅思

6、口语预备-Part2物品篇,15,2.2 时间,地点,拍摄人,I clearly remember that it was taken by_ when we _ 我清晰地记得它是由_照的,当我们_ 例如: 我清晰地记得它是由我爸爸照的,当我庆祝我生日聚会时照的。 I clearly remember that it was taken by my father when I had my birthday party.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,16,我清晰地记得它是由我最好的朋友照的,当第一天我心爱的小狗狗来到我家时照的。 I clearly remember that it was

7、 taken by my best friend, the first day when my dear puppy came to my home.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,17,我清晰地记得它是由我爸爸照的,当我表姐举办婚礼时照的。 I clearly remember that it was taken by my father when my cousin held her wedding ceremony.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,18,2.3 原因+内容,谈拍摄风景的照片: 拍摄原因:当时风景优美。 在照片里你能看到蓝天与绿色的草原(grassland),这是为了抓

8、住(capture)美景(breathtaking scenery)拍的。 You can see the blue sky and green grassland in that photo, which was taken to capture the breathtaking scenery.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,19,谈拍摄still life 的照片,拍摄原因:对这个物品感兴趣。 照片里面你能看到自由女神像the statue of liberty , 因为我酷爱旅行,所以我喜欢拍这种风景landscape的照片。,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,20,You can s

9、ee the statue of liberty in this photo because Im crazy about traveling And I like to take a picture of my favorite landscape.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,21,谈拍摄self/portrait照片:,拍摄原因:人物,自拍 照片里面是我的小妹妹,照片突出feature了她有神的双眼twinkling ,显得她很可爱。 You can see my little sister in the photo, which features her lovely charac

10、ter thought her twinkling eyes.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,22,你也许发现了,我为照相成心摆的姿势,而且这张照片还显得我挺上镜。 Pose for picture Flatter me You may notice that I posed for pictures and that photo really flattered me.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,23,2.3 照片特点,这张照片的特别之处是在那个夜晚我抓拍到了流星。 What really special about this photo is I snapped meteor mi

11、:ti 流行 at that special night. 这张照片的特别之处是我最终和我的偶像合影了。 The reason why this photo differs from others is I finally got the shot taking photo with my idol.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,24,这张照片可以让我回想我生命中的宝贵时刻。 This photo can let me recall the precious moment in my life. 这张照片见证了我和我女朋友最值得怀念的时刻。 It is a photo that witne

12、sses the most memorable moment between my and my girl.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,25,2.4 用一两句扣题,I would find out the negative netiv of this photo, so that I could have it well saved.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,26,范文,点题 In terms of photos, I am a big fan of it, I take I phone 4s with me not only for phoning but more impor

13、tantly for snapping photos. There is one particular photo I want to talk with you,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,27,描述 I clearly remember that it was taken by my father when I had my birthday party. All the family member and friends attended the wedding ceremony (the party) and to be frank, it was really amazing.,

14、雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,28,people showered new couples in front dinning hall. Like money wrapped in red envelop ,boiled eggs painted in red indicating guests will that new couples could have a baby sooner. at the reception the scrumptious food and assorted beverages were served,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,29,You can se

15、e my extended family with me in this photo, which was taken on my cousins wedding ceremony. 功能 This photo can let me recall the precious moment in my life. 扣题 I would find out the negative netiv of this photo, so that I could have it well saved.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,30,Lets practice these topics,Describe

16、 a photograph that you particularly like You should say: What the photo is about? Who took the photo? How you got the photo? And explain how you feel when you look at it?,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,31,同类话题可以合并,Describe a happy memory Describe a school trip.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,32,Describe a book you recently read,

17、雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,33,物品类:outline,1. 审题 2. 结构安排 3. 范文 4. 真题演练 5. 如何合并话题 6. 相关真题库,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,34,1. 审题,1.1划题(5-10sec) 1.2找思路(40sec) 1.3写关键词(10-15sec),雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,35,Describe a book you recently read.,You should say: who wrote this book whats the book about how you got it why you talk about it,雅思

18、口语预备-Part2物品篇,36,1.1划题(5-10sec),你会划哪些? Book recently read who wrote What it about Job How I got Why,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,37,1.2找思路/1.3写关键词,50% Book recently readRunner who wrote-Allen How I got- given by a friend 50% Why- tell us principles of our life What it about Job-,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,38,2. 结构安排,2.1转述题

19、目-要求用复杂句 2.2描述事物 背景 外观 功能 特点 2.3 具体内容 2.4 用一两句扣题,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,39,2.1 转述题目,尽管我痴迷于读书,但我也很少一本书读两遍,但有一本书例外。 Though Im crazy about reading, I seldom reread a book; however, one book is so unique to me that I reread it recently.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,40,2.2 描述事物,2.2.1背景: 书的名字,怎么知道的,读者群是谁,作者是谁 2.2.2外观 2.2.3功能

20、 2.2.4特点,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,41,2.2.1背景:书的名字,The name of the book was_(书名)_, a big hit_(时间)_ 那本书是_(书名)_,_(时间)_很红火的书籍。 例如: That name of the book was Journey to the West, a big hit several years ago. 那本书是西游记,几年前很红火的书籍。,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,42,如何得知,I knew it from_and then I became addicted to it. 我从_知道的这本书,之后我变

21、得对它痴迷。 例如: 我从朋友们那里知道的这本书,之后我变得对它痴迷 I knew it from my friends and then I became addicted to it.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,43,读者群是谁,_is geared towards _which_ _面向_,它_ 例如: The biography of Jobs is geared towards people of all ages because it tells us the experience of Jobs. 乔布斯的自传面向所有年龄段的人,它告诉我们乔布斯的经历。 The novel

22、 Runner is geared towards young people, especially people who are eager to make friends, which is about friendship. “奔跑者”面向年轻人,尤其是想交朋友的人,它是关于友谊的。,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,44,补充能量,书的种类: biography 传记 motivational book 励志书 best-seller 畅销书 literary classic 文学经典 suspense novel 悬念小说 travel guide 旅行指南 cookbook 菜谱,雅

23、思口语预备-Part2物品篇,45,额外赠送,layout 排版 The layout of the book is pretty neat. 书的排版很清晰 publish 出版 它于上个月出版。 It was published last month. illustrations插图 comments评语 The book is provided with illustrations and comments. 这书既有插图又有评语,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,46,作者是谁,这本书是_写的,他/她是一名世界著名的作者。 The book is written by_who is a

24、famous writer in the world. 例句: 这本书是J.K. Rolling写的,她是一名世界著名的作者 The book is written by J.K. Rolling who is a famous writer in the world.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,47,2.2.2 外观,封面样子: It is a thick copy with the glossy and beautifully illustrated cover . 那是一本有美丽封面和精致插图的厚书。,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,48,封面内容: There are comme

25、nts on their covers: 封面上有些书评: The action unfolds at a breath-taking pace, you wont want to put this book down. A moving story of love and self-discovery, based on a true story.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,49,2.2.3 Functions:为什么读,_is an excellent way to_ _是个用以_很棒的方式。 例如: Reading English novels is an excellent wa

26、y to boost your vocabulary. 读英文小说是个用以扩大词汇量很棒的方式。 Reading novels is an excellent way to expand your thoughts. 读小说是个开阔思路很棒的方式。 Reading motivational books is an excellent way to encourage you to pursue your dream 读励志书籍是个鼓励你追逐梦想很棒的方式。,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,50,Im crazy about reading_because_ 我喜欢读_因为_ 如: Im cra

27、zy about reading English novels because they contain a lot of useful expressions. 我喜欢读英文小说因为它们包含很多有用的表达法。 Im crazy about reading novels because they tell us some principles of our life. 我喜欢读小说因为它们告诉我们一些人生哲理。 Im crazy about reading motivational books because they tell us the successful experience of

28、some famous people. 我喜欢读励志书籍因为它们告诉我们一些名人的成功经历。,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,51,2.2.4 特点,内容上的不同 Unlike other books, this book features flash back(倒叙), touching plot and unpredictable ending. 语言上不同 different from other books, this book is written by English native speaker, which means I can learn the most authenti

29、c(地道的) language from it.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,52,2.3 具体内容,In this book, the experience of the hero is really unusual and moving. His friend sacrificed himself to protect the hero. Then the hero almost died for the life of his friends child.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,53,从中学到了什么,What I learnt from it is_ 我从中学到了_ 例如:

30、 What I learnt from it is that we should treat our friends sincerely. 我从中学到的是我们应当真诚地对待朋友。,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,54,2.4 扣题,I cherish it in my_ and Ill keep it there forever. 我把它珍藏在了我的_,并且我将把它一直保存在那里。 例如: I cherish it in my bookcase and Ill keep it there forever. 我把它珍藏在了我的书柜里,并且我将把它一直保存在那里。,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,

31、55,范文示例:,I used to read many books about fairytales in my childhood, Cinderella, Snow white and the seven dwarfs, the monkey king, the little mermaid, I remember I got used to reading one story to fall asleep before I was 7 years old, what impressed me the most is a small paperback called three monk

32、s I was fascinated by the beautifully illustrated cover at the sight.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,56,Once a upon a time, there was only one monk living in the temple, he drew water far way down the temple, another monk came to live in the same temple, they negotiated to draw water with a water barrel and a shou

33、lder pole, at last the third one joined in, due to the reason they couldnt assign the task fairly, they were thirsty to death at the end.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,57,It seems that the story in the book has become an intimate part of my life, as a grown man, I have a deeper understanding of the author and the

34、 story. This story mirrors the issues in contemprary society. People monetize every thing with their individual emotional bonds, people haggle with every ounce in their workplace for fear they are not farely treated. Plus many people dont make u turn until they see the dead end. Instead, we should t

35、ackle things flexiblely, on the other hand, wed better not, dedicate more, gain more.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,58,Lets practice these topics,A book that you learned something from: What the book was about Who wrote the book How long it took you to read the book And explain what you learned from it,雅思口语预备-Par

36、t2物品篇,59,同类话题可以合并,Describe a gift you gave/received. Describe something special you want to buy in the future,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,60,雅思对应真题及扩展练习:,Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future Describe a handicraft made by you. Describe a meaningful letter or card. Describe a TV program you disl

37、ike. Describe a book Describe equipment (except computer),雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,61,Describe a movie Describe an article you read in a magazine/newspaper. Describe a magazine Describe an advice that was given to you by a friend Describe a subject that you have studied Describe an outdoor activity Describe

38、a toy from your childhood,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,62,Describe a practical(实用的) skill practical skill即:实用技能与academic skill (学术技能)相对。 Describe an occasion that is very important in your culture Describe a story in your hometown that everybody knows Describe a popular music in your country Describe a thing tha

39、t you broke in your house when you were a child (toy) Describe a language you want to learn (except English). Describe your favorite magazine and newspaper.,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,63,Describe a website. Describe your hobbies Describe a type of sport you played when you were a child. Describe a piece of law

40、 you want to make. Describe a photograph Describe a piece of interesting news you read on newspaper or TV Describe a news story that made you happy Describe a product that you bought but you do not often use Describe a special meal that you liked Describe a foreign cuisine.Describe an advertisement,

41、雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,64,Describe sth you did with a computer Describe a TV quiz show Describe a soft-drink that you liked when you were a child Describe an unforgettable talk Describe something that you kept with your family Describe a sport that you are good at Describe a program Describe a useful tool

42、Describe a toy that you liked when you were young Describe a song,雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,65,Describe a law that you think should be improved Describe a vehicle that you often use Describe an expensive thing that you bought before Describe a project you did while you were studying Describe your hobbies Describe one particular regulation employed during Olympic Games Describe a product that you bought but you do not often use Describe an expensive thing that you bought before Describe a song Describe an oil painting Describe clothes in a special occasion (特殊场合着装),雅思口语预备-Part2物品篇,66,Thank you,


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