人教版八年级英语下册《Unit 1 Will people have robots.(通用)》课件_1.ppt

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1、Unit 1 Will people have robots?,Section B,1a,1a,Write each word in the correct column:,astronaut, house, apartment, computer programmer train, rocket, space station,Jobs,Transportation,Places to live,computer programmer,rocket,apartment,train,astronaut,Space station house,1b,Think of other words and

2、 write them in the chart above:,Places to live: hotel, house, apartment, dormitory.,Jobs: policeman, teacher, factory worker, shopping assistant, office worker, doctor, nurse, engineer.,Transportation: train, airplane, ship, bike , bus, car, rocket, truck.,2a,Listen to Alexis and Joe. Number the Pic

3、tures 1-3.,Coversation1: Alexis-A Joe-J,A: Hi, Im Alexis. J: Nice to meet you, Alexis. Im Joe. A: Nice to meet you, Joe. Do you live here in Techville? J: Yes, I do. I live in an apartment across the street from here. A: Oh, really? J: Yes, I work near here too, at Sisco Software Systems. Im a compu

4、ter programmer.,Conversation 1,A: A computer programmer? That sounds interesting.,J: Well, actually its kind of boring. I do the same thing everyday.,Conversation 2,A: Hey, Joe, is that a picture of you? J: Yeah, that was me ten years ago. A: So, did you live here in Techville ten years ago? J: No,

5、I lived with my parents in Greenville. We lived in a house in the country. I went to school here in Techville, though.,conversation2,J: Oh, I took the train to school.,A: Really? Thats pretty far from here. How did you get to school?,Conversation 3,A: So, Joe, what do you think your life will be lik

6、e in ten years? J: Oh, I think Ill be an astronaut. A: An astronaut? Are you kidding? J: No, Im serious. Ill fly rockets to the moon and Mars. Maybe there will be flights to other planets. A: Oh, and where will you live? J: Ill live on a space station.,2b:,Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the c

7、orrect verbs from the box.,work,am,lived,took,Will be,Will fly,Will live,2c,PAIR WORK,Now talk about Joe with your partner. One student pretends to be Alexis and the other student pretends to be Joe. Then change the places.,Read Mings answer to the question“ What will your life be like in ten years?

8、” Then fill in the chart below.,3a:,I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. In ten years, Ill live in Shanghai.,Ill be a reporter and meet interesting people. Also, Ill live in an apartment with my best friends. Ill have pets.,Now, I cant have any pets because my mother hates them. Be

9、sides, our apartment is too small.,In ten years, Ill have many kinds of goldfish. I might even keep a pet parrot! Ill go skating and swimming every day. During the week Ill look smart, but on the weekends, Ill wear crazy clothes.,Ill go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Austra

10、lia.,Shanghai,Hong Kong,Australia,jobs,Ming in ten years,Pets,Sports,Places,Clothes,reporter,goldfish,parrot,Skating swimming,SHHK AUS,Smart crazy,4,Pair work,Answer the questions below. Then ask your partner for his or her ideas,Questions:,1.Which country will win the next World Cup? 2.What will th

11、e weather be like tomorrow? 3.Which movies will win Oscars at the Academy Awards? 4.What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now?,1.Brazil,2.The weather will be fine.,3.Ambush on all sides,4.The teenagers will play the space jumping.,Culture note:,Agreeing and disagreeing is different in dif

12、ferent cultures. In some cultures it is acceptable to strongly disagree with someone who is older or your boss on almost any subject. In other cultures, people are expected to defer to people who are older or in a higher position.,Lets discuss what is a normal in Chinese society. 1.When is it polite to disagree ? 2.When is not polite?,Thank you,Thank you,


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