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1、1,Seven Conditions of Ingredients in Prescriptions,2,Catalog,3,Single Effect (单行),Referring to the two flavor drugs combined with their own ways, independently of each other clinical effects of compatibility relations.,4,Another comprehension,It uses a single drug to treat a single disease.,5,To the

2、 disease of the pure patients condition, often choose one kind of targeted drugs to achieve the purpose. These are efficient manners to treat diseases.,6,Du Shen Tang, an ancient prescription. Namely using a ginseng, to treat the serious disease which be caused by massive bleeding which leads to the

3、 Syndrome of Qi Desertion.,Medical Education Net collected and cleared up the pure gold powder, namely applying a single Scutellaria, treat the lung hemorrhage.,7,Mutual Assistance (相使),When combining medicinals with similar properties and efficacies, or combining medicinals with different propertie

4、s and efficacies which are able to treat same syndrome or diseases.,8,Gypsum(石膏) and Anemarrhenae(知母) cooperate can significantly enhance the therapeutic effect of clearing heat and purging fire. Rhubarb(大黄) and Mirabilite(芒硝) can significantly enhance the therapeutic result of purging heat.,9,Mutua

5、l Reinforcement(相须),When medicinals which are similar in certain properties and efficacies are combined together to reinforce specific clinical effects.,10,Astragalus(黄芪) which can supplement Qi and remove water and Poria cocos(茯苓) which can eliminate water and augment spleen coordinate, the later o

6、ne can improve the therapeutic effect of the former one.,11,The similarities between mutual reinforcement and mutual assistant are that by combination, medicinals can cooperate to reinforce the overal medicinal effect. Their differences lies in the fact that mutual reinforcement medicinals are of eq

7、ual importance, while to mutual assistance, which is comprised of a major and an assistant medicinal.,12,Mutual Restraint(相畏),It means to use two medicinals, in which the toxicity or side-effect of one medicinal can be reduced or removed by another medicinal.,13,The toxicity of raw Pinellia Tuber(生半

8、夏) and raw Rhizoma Arisaematis(生南星) can be reduced and eliminated by Ginger(生姜), so that raw Pinellia Tuber and Rhizoma Arisaematis fear Ginger.,14,Mutual Suppression(相杀),When one medicinal can reduce or remove toxicity, as well as, the side effects of another medicinal.,15,Such as some drugs in “Ei

9、ghteen Incompatible Medicaments“(十八反), ”Nineteen Medicaments of Mutual Restraint “(十九畏).,16,In summary, mutual restrain and mutual suppression are the same, but they are expressed in two different ways.,17,Mutual Inhibition(相恶),When two medicinals are combined together, and one can restrict to the o

10、ther, that is, one medicinal can reduce the medicinal efficacies of the other, or even neutralize it totally.,18,Ginger can reduce or eliminate the toxicity or side effects of raw Pinellia Tuber and Rhizoma Arisaematis, so the Ginger reduce the toxicity of Pinellia and Arisaema.,19,Mutual Antagonism

11、(相反),When two medicinals used together and through this combination they can become toxic or reinforce toxicity, as well as, increase side effects.,20,Ginseng(人参) can antagonize Semen Raphani(莱菔子), because Semen Raphani can reduce the impact of supplementing Qi of Ginseng.,21,Some medicine improve c

12、urative effect for a synergistic effect of which clinical medication should make full use; 有些药物因产生协同作用而增 进疗效,是临床用药时要充分利用的; Some drugs may counteract each other so it can offset and weaken the original efficacy, medication should be noted; 有些药物可能互相拮抗而抵消,削弱原有功效,用药时应加以注意;,22,Some drugs can reduce or el

13、iminate the toxicity or side effects due to interactions, in the application of toxic medicine or violent drug must be considered; 有些药物则由于相互作用,而能减轻或消除原有的毒性或副作用,在应用毒性药或剧烈药时必须考虑选用; Some other originally harmless single drug, but because of the interaction, it can cause toxic reactions or strong side effects so it belongs to the incompatibility, in principle, should be avoided to use. 另一些本来单用无害的药物,却因相互作用而产生毒性反应或强烈的副作用,则属于配伍禁忌,原则上应避免配用。,23,LOGO,Thats all Thank you!,


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