2019春九年级英语下册 Module 2 Education模块话题微写作课件 (新版)外研版.pptx

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1、模 块 话 题 微 写 作 句型积累句式训练句段训练写作要求 本模块的话题是“学校生活”。学生在具体写作中应做到以下几点: 1.能描写现在的学校生活,并能与之前的学校生活进行比较; 2.能够写一份宣传单介绍自己的学校; 3.能够描写自己对学校生活的看法,能了解并介绍其他国家的学校生活。 句型积累句式训练句段训练词汇积累 absent 缺席的bell 钟;铃 secondary school 中学 primary school 小学 go to school 上学 have English/Chinese/maths 上英语课/语文课/数学课 after-school activity 校外活动

2、 be interested in 对感兴趣 pay attention to 注意 have a test 测验 pass the exam通过考试 fail in the exam 考试不及格 make great progress in 在方面取得巨大进步 have a break 休息一下 be late for 迟到 句型积累句式训练句段训练句型积累 1.We go to school every weekday from 8:45 am to 3:15 pm.我们周一至周五从上午8:45到 下午3:15上课。 2.What are English schools like?英国的学

3、校怎么样? 3.Once a term,there is a parents meeting.每学期举行一次家长会。 4.How did your exams go last term?上学期考试考得如何? 5.There are three forty-minute lessons,with a twenty-minute break in between.有三节40分 钟的课,课间有20分钟的休息。 句型积累句式训练句段训练句式训练 汉译英 1.在学校的所有俱乐部中,我最喜欢英语俱乐部。 Of all the school clubs,I like English Club best. 2

4、.为了课后任何时候都能读书,我们可以建立一个图书角。 We can set up a reading corner in order to read at any time after class. 3.去年,当我的同学们参加体育赛事的时候,我为他们喝彩和拍照。 Last year when my classmates took part in a sports event,I cheered and took photos for them. 4.在学校,我们应该尊敬老师、与同学友好相处、勤奋学习。 At school,we should respect our teachers,get o

5、n well with our classmates and study hard. 5.我希望每个人都有一个快乐的假期。 I hope everyone can have a happy holiday. 句型积累句式训练句段训练句段训练 假如你是李华,三年的初中生活让你收获满满。校英语报现邀你给即将升入九年级 的学弟和学妹们写一封信,你可以给他们提一些学习或生活上的建议,并送上你的祝 福。 要点:1.保持健康; 2.参加俱乐部; 3.提高学习技巧。 注意:1.词数80100; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

6、句型积累句式训练句段训练句段训练 Dear my younger schoolmates, How time flies!Now you will be students of Grade 9 soon.Here Id like to tell you something that will make your school life more comfortable and wonderful. First of all,it is important for you to keep healthy,so dont forget to exercise every day.Second,yo

7、ud better join clubs so that you can learn better and make more friends.Third,you will be able to make great progress if you develop your study skills.Besides,there are many ways for you to lower your stress,such as listening to music,hanging out with friends,and watching movies. I hope you will enjoy your school life and achieve your dreams. Yours, Li Hua


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