2019春九年级英语下册 Unit 1 Asia(第5课时)课件 (新版)牛津版.pptx

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1、第五课时Task areB.Three millions;is C.Millions of;were D.Three million;was ( B )3.Can you tell me theof the novel? Yes,of course.is Mo Yan. A.name;HeB.writer;It C.name;ItD.writer;He 综合能力提升练 ( C )4.Jenny finally got the job because shespeak English well. A.mightB.must C.couldD.have to ( A )5.the populati

2、on of China? A.WhatsB.Hows C.How much D.How many ( B )6.Hows it going? Pretty good.All my new classmatesme. A.are angry withB.are friendly to C.are hard onD.are sorry for ( D )7.Drive slowly,Mary.is something ahead on the road. A.It B.This C.That D.There 综合能力提升练 ( A )8.How many teachers are there in

3、 your school? themover one hundred. A.The number of;is B.The number of;are C.A number of;are D.A number of;is ( C )9.They have provided several ways to solve the problem.We can chooseto start with. A.itB.that C.oneD.each ( B )10.I foundhad changed a lot when I went to my hometown again. A.there B.it

4、 C.thatD.this 综合能力提升练 .完形填空 Thousands of years ago,human didnt live in towns.Sometimes they would live in caves or build camps in the forest. Only about thirty people1in each camp.The men would go hunting while the women and children2food from the trees around the camp.All the food was3between every

5、one in the group.Every few weeks they moved to another place to find more food.It was a simple life,but people had to be4.They had to make everything that they needed,and they had to know a lot about plants and animals. Nowadays most people live in towns and cities,and they work in offices and facto

6、ries.Life is5than that in the old days.There are fewer6,but there is less excitement.Some people go7excitementsailing around the world,climbing mountains,or exploring caves.Most people look forward to the8,a time when they can enjoy a change from their normal life.For some this means going camping.B

7、ut camping today is9from camping in the past.Gas cookers,ready-made food and air-beds mean people camp much more10than they did in the old times. 综合能力提升练 ( A )1.A.livedB.talkedC.cameD.danced ( B )2.A.plantedB.collectedC.watchedD.bought ( C )3.A.foundB.usedC.sharedD.sold ( D )4.A.politeB.kindC.carefu

8、lD.clever ( C )5.A.worseB.fasterC.easierD.harder ( A )6.A.dangersB.storiesC.peopleD.animals ( B )7.A.waiting forB.looking for C.turning on D.putting on ( D )8.A.dreamsB.giftsC.mealsD.holidays ( B )9.A.awayB.differentC.freeD.far ( C )10.A.slowlyB.terriblyC.comfortably D.hopefully 综合能力提升练 .阅读理解 综合能力提升

9、练 ( A )1.The above text is a. A.tour guideB.trip plan C.safety noticeD.news report ( A )2.Tina wants to find a place to eat and have fun with her friends this Saturday night.Where should they go? A.Blue Bridge.B.East Hills. C.New Lake.D.Green Garden. ( D )3.Lily likes country life.Which is the best place to go to? A.Blue Bridge.B.East Hills. C.New Lake.D.Green Garden. ( C )4.Mike enjoys music.When should he go to Crusoe Island? A.In January.B.In March. C.In August.D.In November.


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