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1、2020 年高考英语短文改错专题训练八篇(二)(一)(2019 广州模拟) I took part in a teenage summer camp last month.We helped at a national park in a week.We did different things every day, so I did get a bit annoyed because we had cheese sandwiches every lunchtime.It was really good fun, although we work incredibly hard.One day

2、, the schedule was changed at the last minute, and instead of our planned active, we all helped the staff to finish cut the weeds by the lake.That was the much toughest day and also the best.Every day, they took turns to cook in teams of five.When it was our teams turn, we made a simply dinner for e

3、veryone.Judging by the fact that there was no left, I think that our team did great job.答案:第二句:infor第三句:sobut第四句:workworked第五句:activeactivity/activities; cutcutting第六句:去掉 much第七句:theywe第八句:simplysimple第九句:nonothing/none; did 后加 a(二)(2019 重庆模拟)It is true that famous schools are equipped with better t

4、each facilities.However, teachers there are excellent, who come from all over country and even abroad.They have a strong teaching ability to make classes more live and interesting, but students will be able to accept knowledge a bit more easily and better.However, not every student was fit to go to

5、famous schools, in that there is fierce competition among students.And students there have to work much harder than these in ordinary schools.I hope the government will take effective measures to make sure all the schools to provide equally good educations.答案:第一句:teachteaching第二句:HoweverBesides/More

6、over; country 前加 the第三句:livelively; butso第四句:wasis; thatwhich第五句:thesethose第六句:去掉第二个 to; educationseducation(三)Do you believe love is the most important? In the early, twenty century, homeless people were often brought up in orphanages, in that they received little love. At one time, Dr. Skeels took

7、 twelve children from an orphanage or had a young girl look them each day. He also studied another twelve children who are left in the orphanage all day long. He followed these children not until they grew up, and the results were shocked. The children staying all day in the orphanage were either de

8、ad or suffering from serious1illnesses. However, the twelve children loved by the girl were all healthy and independently. The only difference between the life of these children the love, made a great difference to us.答案:第二句:twentytwentieth; thatwhich第三句:orand; look 后加 after第四句:arewere第五句:去掉 not; sh

9、ockedshocking第七句:independentlyindependent第八句:lifelives; usthem(四)(2019 昆明模拟)This weekend I realized a fantastic dream: I was dressed as Mickey Mouse and wander along the streets of downtown doing a random act of kindness.I was quite unsure why people would like it.But after the brief hesitati on, I

10、took a handful of “Smile” cards and candies, and then went to work.It made me delighting that people loved it! Many smiles, free hugs, and photos brought a city of stranger together.We shared a moment of cosplay and happy.I even danced with the crowd.Certain, it was an interesting experience! I woul

11、d thank for those who encouraged I to experience this kind act.All the cards, candies and clothes donated by them.答案:第一句:wanderwandered第二句:whywhether/if/how第三句:thea第四句:delightingdelighted第五句:strangerstrangers第六句:happyhappiness第八句:CertainCertainly第九句:去掉 for; 第二个 Ime第十句:donated 前加 were(五)Dear Jack,H o

12、w is everything going recently? Im writing to tell you something about my birthday.The other day we hold a party to celebrate my 18th birthday.I was received many presents from my friends and parents, included cards, books, CDs and so on.During the party we sang and danced, having good time.H thanke

13、d my friends for his help and company.At the meantime, I showed my sincerely appreciation to my parents for bringing me up.Now I grow up, that means I should shoulder more responsibilities.Ill try my best to share more houseworks to reduce their burden.Its high time that I do something to repay them

14、.How did you celebrate your 18th birthday? Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,Li Hua2答案:第三句:holdheld第四句:去掉 was; includedincluding第五句:good 前加 a第六句:histheir第七句:AtIn; sincerelysincere第八句:thatwhich第九句:houseworkshousework第十句:dodid 或 do 前加 should(六)(2019 广东七校联考)One of the biggest

15、cultural difference I noticed while I was in London was why the people of London conducted themselves.It seemed that they took many pride in their country.I also notice that they always seemed to dress well, and always had their hair and make- up do.I dont think I saw one person in sweat pants durin

16、g their whole trip! At times I found it harder to make the change being in the US to being in London.Ive found out that Americans are loud! Even at the pubs and clubs in London, I felt like that we were a loudest ones!答案:第一句:differencedifferences; whyhow第二句:manymuch第三句:noticenoticed; dodone第四句:their

17、my第五句:harderhard; change 后加 from第七句:去掉 like; athe(七)(2019 洛阳市统一考试)In my spare time, I often read some books written by famous writers in or abroad.I ever read Chinas Four Great Classical novel such as Journey to the West.Beside, I enjoy reading Tang poetry.I have been writing from I was nine years o

18、ld.I am remember the first time my parents and I talked about my dream of becoming writer.They laughed out happy when they read the short story I write about robots.They think that my story is well worth read and that I am good at writing.I believe I will achieve their dream.答案:第一句:orand第二句:novelnov

19、els第三句:BesideBesides第四句:fromsince第五句:去掉 am; writer 前加 a第六句:happyhappily; writewrote3第七句:readreading第八句:theirmy(八)(2019 衡阳市高中毕业班联考)We human beings have different festivals and many countries have its own animal festivals to respect different animals.The second Sunday of October is Dogs Day in Canada.

20、Canada people see it is as an important day because they think dogs are very kind to them and help them a lot.They can pull a sled, carrying things and do many other important things.Comparing with Dogs Day, Monkeys Day on May 7th in Indonesia has a similar meaning, which all the monkeys will have a

21、 good time.Not only people give many candies and nuts to monkeys, but they also play music for monkeys.We live in a same world with animals.So we have to be friendly for them and get along harmonious with them.答案:第一句:itstheir第三句:CanadaCanadian; 去掉 is第四句:carryingcarry第五句:ComparingCompared; whichwhen第六句:people 前加 do第七句:athe第八句:forto; harmoniousharmoniously4


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