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1、职高英语B4U7,1,Unit 7 Its Not Related to My Major,Words and Expressions,职高英语B4U7,2,按要求写单词 terrible(adv.) file (n.) receive (n.) (-者) convince (a. ) depress (a.) recent (adv.) wise (adv.) (n.) graduate (n.) silk (a.) vocational (n.) separate (adv.) finally (a.) create (a.) (adv.) vary (a.) weave (p.p.) c

2、onfusion (v.),1.I thought something really happened. She seems ill. Take her to the hospital. 2.They are all alphabetically under author. papers at the office is a boring job. 3.A is wanted here. 4.He was that his theories were correct. 5.We are of his honesty. 6.I havent heard from him . 7.In my op

3、inion, we can reduce global warming by using energy . 8.We convinced Anne to go by train rather than plane. 9. His grade is depressing . He was so depressed about his grade. 10. They sit in seats.,职高英语B4U7,3,Translation (textbookp.118) 1.试着做某事 2. 起初 3. 暂时 4. 付诸实践 5. 毕业以后 6. 草草记下 7. 除-以外 8. 尝试做没事 9.

4、公共关系 企业管理研究 传媒研究 10. 最后,11. 商务专业 12.深信- 13. 说服某人做某事 14. 使某人信服某事 15. 他们亲切接待我们。 16. 现在是投资的最佳时机。 17. 我们一起去还是分头去都可以。 18. 别无选择只能做某事(option) 19. 除-以外 20. 战争把他们分开。be separated by 21.他看起来很迷茫的样子。 22. 棉花用来织布。 23. 苦苦琢磨 24. 有机会做某事,职高英语B4U7,4,1.If you do unpaid work or are an unpaid worker, you do a job without

5、receiving any money for it. 2. Relation rlen n.关系,联系; 亲戚(关系); 说话,叙述 It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics. 这是一个伦理学和经济学的关系问题。 3. confuse knfju:zvt.使困窘; 使混乱; 使困惑; 使更难于理解; vi.使糊涂; 第三人称单数:confuses;过去分词:confused;现在分词:confusing German politics surprised and confused him. 德国政治既令他惊讶,又让他困惑不

6、解。 I often confuse you and your brother. 我常把你和你哥哥弄错了。 4. invest nvest. 第三人称单数:invests过去分词:invested 现在进行时:investing过去式:invested We will invest more in countries where we have protection. 我们将把更多资金投到那些我们能受保护的国家。,职高英语B4U7,5,5. pursue英psju:继续; 追求; 进行; vi.追,追赶; 继续进行 Should governments pursue happiness rat

7、her than economic growth? 政府应该追求幸福程度而非经济增长吗? He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life. 他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。 6. Scratch skrt vt.擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在处搔痒; vi.发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒; n.擦,刮; 刮擦声; 第三人称单数:scratches过去分词:scratched复数:scratches现在 进行时:scratching过去式:scratched The branches tore at my jacket and scratched

8、 my hands and face. 树枝刮破了我的夹克,划伤了我的手和脸。 The seven-year-old was found crying with scratches on his face and neck.那名 7 岁男孩被发现时正在哭泣,脸部和颈部都有划伤。 7. Error er(r) 错误,过失The error is even bigger! 错误变得更大了!,职高英语B4U7,6,Unit 7 Its Not Related to My Major,Listening and Speaking,职高英语B4U7,7,(architecture and decorat

9、ion),(Because they can develop skills that can be put into use in the future),我的命运我作主 相信自己 相信成功,1. What course do you major in ? 2. Have you ever considered your career planning? 3. What job is your favorite? 4.Is it important to work when you are teenagers? 5. Do you often take part in social activ

10、ities ? Do you think you can benefit from the activities? Why? 6. Do you agree that teenagers will become more responsible and independent when they work and earn their own money?,职高英语B4U7,8,7. Whats the topic of this unit? 8. What three aspects are we going to learn? 9. Tell and memorize as many jo

11、b names as you can.,( journalist, guide, receptionist, typist, secretary, engineer, machinist, writer, poet, waiter, waitress, scientist, shop assistant, marketing manager, director, doctor, a college teacher, chef, labour worker etc. ),职高英语B4U7,9,Dialogue A (拓展P.122) Well, I enjoy people. And I lik

12、e the phone. But I hate . And I cant . 2. I , you can do a in . After a year, you can get a . Then you can lots of different job. 3.Thanks for your and I will try to get one.,职高英语B4U7,10,Dialogue B 1. I was thinking about the new . 2. It a good idea but I am . 3. What are your ? 4. It would give me

13、. 5. Its my major. 6. I know you . 7. Could you for ? 8 . - I think you should . What do you ? You can always .,职高英语B4U7,11,Unit 7 Its Not Related to My Major,Reading and Writing Passage A Mr. Kings Working Trouble,克难求进 追求卓越,职高英语B4U7,12,Read the passage quickly and answer What jobs did Mr. King appl

14、y for after he graduated? What did he do in the end? Whats the theme of the passage? How many parts does the passage include?,Part para.1 金先生毕业求职受挫 Part paras. 2-3 金先生无奈接受无薪酬工作,但并不 满意,职高英语B4U7,13,Read slowly and answer Part para.1 金先生毕业求职受挫 1.What course did Mr. King major two years ago? 2. Why didn

15、t Mr. King get one interview? Part paras. 2-3 金先生无奈接受无薪酬工作,但并不满意 1. Why did Mr. King hate the job for the company in public relations? 2. What is Mr. King doing for the time being? 3. Why is Mr. King unhappy, however ?,职高英语B4U7,14,Complete the passage 金先生毕业求职受挫 para.1 I two years ago with a degree m

16、edia studies. And after my , I jobs in film and television. I knew it was a . But I wanted to . At first, it was . because I didnt get one . Everyone wants me to have . 金先生无奈接受无薪酬工作,但并不满意 paras 2-3 In the . I did work for a company in . , I hated it. But , I have started doing something . , Im helpi

17、ng my company to an American film. I can have a chance to put into use. H , Im not happy because Im working for no money. , I think the company me. If they dont me a soon, Im going to start sth else.,职高英语B4U7,15,Language points My nephew three years ago. 获得学士学位 (doctors degree, masters degree) 2. Ha

18、ve you ? 向公司申请一个新的职务 3. You may 试一试at . 劝他和你一起去 4. I dont think Ill be good at , 下棋 but Ill .试一试 5. 首先,she is too young to study abroad. 6. 我有几个方案做这个工作。首先,可以叫汤姆团队帮忙。,I have several plans to do the job. To begin with, I could ask Toms team to help.,have a try,persuading him to go with you,give it a t

19、ry,To begin with,applied to the company for a new position,playing chess,received a bachelors degree,have a try,persuading him to go with you,职高英语B4U7,16,7. 你可以暂时把行李寄存在这里。 8. He first saw the practical value of the idea and . 将其投入使用 9. The magazine . 列出了世界十大名厨 10. I knew it was a area, but I wanted

20、to . A great many students (competitors) completed in the running competition , which was very comptetitive.,You may leave your luggage here for the time being.,put it into use,has made a list of the worlds top 10 chefs,competitive,have a try,competitive,have a try,职高英语B4U7,17,Unit 7 Its Not Related

21、 to My Major,Reading and Writing Passage B Plan Your Future Career Wisely 明智地规划你未来的职业,职高英语B4U7,18,Have a free talk 1. Whats your hobby? Whats your major? 2. Have you planned your future career? 3. Many young people want to become film stars, like pop stars, sports stars, so they can become famous ov

22、ernight, what do you think of their career planning? 4. What does the passage we are studying today mainly tell us?,running, singing, dancing, reading, shopping basketball weaving, fishing, hunting,Arts美术 (architecture and decoration),Not everyone can become shining stars. We must plan our future ca

23、reer wisely.,It tells us about our future career planning.,职高英语B4U7,19,Read quickly and answer What is the theme of the passage? What mistakes should you try to avoid when you are planning your future career? Whats a common source of a career error? How many sections does the passage include?,Four s

24、ections,职高英语B4U7,20,How many sections does the passage include? Four sections: Section 文章导入:大学生职业规划要避免两大误区 Try to avoid making two mistakes when you are planning your future career. Section 误区一: 混淆专长与喜欢做的事 Confusing what you are good at with what you like to do. Section 误区二: 混淆业余爱好与职业 Confusing avoc

25、ations with vocations. Section 全文小结: 选择职业时思维要有创造性 Think creatively when considering which job to pursue after graduation.,职高英语B4U7,21,Read slowly and answer Section 文章导入:大学生职业规划要避免两大误区 Try to avoid making two mistakes when you are planning your future career. What should you try to avoid when you ar

26、e planning your future career? Section 误区一: 混淆专长与喜欢做的事 Confusing what you are good at with what you like to do What are the two lists you jot down to start your career search? Why is it important to make a list of what you enjoy?,职高英语B4U7,22,Section 误区二: 混淆业余爱好与职业 Confusing avocations with vocations

27、 If you cant do the job you love, what should you do? You love dancing but you cant earn enough with dancing as a career, what should you do? Section 全文小结: 选择职业时思维要有创造性 Think creatively when considering which job to pursue after graduation.,职高英语B4U7,23,Plan your future career wisely Try to avoid mak

28、ing two mistakes when you are planning your future career. you are just entering college or . graduation, its time to start your career. Try to making the following two mistakes when you are planning your . Confusing what you are good at with what you like to do. You dont have to your life at weddin

29、gs just because you have a silky voice. do you have to become a chef because you spices. To start your career search, two lists: one what you are good at, and another things you love to do. Though it might more soul searching, the list of is the most important. If you enjoy doing sth. youll do it fo

30、r just a .,Whether,preparing for,thinking about,avoid,future career,spend,singing,Nor,have a gift with,jot down,listing,listing,require,what you enjoy,more than,regular paycheck,more than,regular paycheck,职高英语B4U7,24,Confusing avocations with vocations. So youve made your lists and you love running,

31、 law, reading, and . Now you your head, how to all of these aspects into one job. Dont worryyou dont have to. Believing your job has to the whole you is of career error. It doesnt mean you cant love you jobyou can just have a lot of . ( ) it. For example, you may love dancing but you know you cant w

32、ith dancing as your career. Dance, then, is for you. You can continue to dance , but your daily job. Think creatively when considering which job to pursue after graduation. Your are than you might think.,discovered,basket weaving,are scratching,puzzling over,combine,satisfy,a common source,activitie

33、s and hobbies,avocations,on top of,earn enough,a great avocation,for fun,separately from,puzzling over,combine,satisfy,a common source,activities and hobbies,on top of,for fun,separately from,for fun,separately from,options,more varied,职高英语B4U7,25,Language points 进屋不敲门不礼貌。 (enter)上学校(学院、大学) 2. 睡觉的时候

34、到了。(Its time to do) 3. 他花了两个小事谈论无关紧要的事。(spenddoing) 4. 让我很快地把我的邮箱地址写给你,以后你可以给我写信。(jot down, for you, later) 5. He all his savings the stock market. (投资) 6. She most of her spare time learning a new language. (花费),It is not polite to enter the room without knocking the at door,go to bed now,Let me jo

35、t down my email box address for you, and you can write to me later.,invested,in,invested,in,spent,in,spent,in,职高英语B4U7,26,7. He is his head he . (as if , scratch, confuse) 8. 山顶上有雪。(on top of) 他向我借了500元,除此以外,他还想用我的车。 9. Why? Because if you enjoy doing something, youll do it for more than just a regu

36、lar paycheck. Youll do it more often and invest in training. youll do it even when its difficult. youll do it until youre good at it. (1)Hibernation is more than sleep.冬眠不只是睡觉。 (2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils. 凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。 (3) I have

37、 known him for more than twenty years. (4) I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边, 我非常惊讶。,scratching,as if,was (felt) confused,as if,was (felt) confused,scratching,as if,felt confused,There was snow on top of the mountain.,He borrowed ¥500 from me. On top of tha

38、t, he wanted to use my bike.,职高英语B4U7,27,10. pursue She wishes to pursue a medical care. 她 希望从事医学工作。 Police pursued the car at high speed. 警察高速追赶那辆车。 We have decided not to pursue the matter. 我们决定不追究这件事。 11. It is worth reading the book several times. = Reading the book several times is worth. Do yo

39、u think it worth spending so much on your clothing.学案P.86 Spending so much on your clothing is worth,职高英语B4U7,28,12. Which do you enjoy to keep fit, swimming or running? I enjoy swimming (so as, in order) to keep fit. 13. I have invited three other friends you to my birthday party. (除了)弄懂句子的意思 14. I

40、 got the news from a reliable that Mr. Carter would be a chief of our department. (resource 资源, route路线, way道路, source来源,源头) 弄得单词的意思 15. -I hesitate to go to the English corner tonight. -Dont any chance to improve your English. (give in放弃,投降, throw away扔掉, take off起飞, 脱掉衣服鞋帽, turn down拒绝,旋低音量) 16. h

41、e failed in the exam is a fact. (how, that, what, it) 17. you go or stay at home wont make you any difference. (it, that, when, whether)基本的语法概念,besides,职高英语B4U7,29,is well known the earth moves round the sun. 常用句型 19. Can you stand in the public? (laugh at) 动名词的基本用法 stand “忍受” 后接动名词 surprised me was

42、 not he said but he said it. (in the way that, in the way, the way, what) The way (that, in which) he said it surprised me. What he said didnt surprise me. 21. stuck in the traffic jam for half an hour, Mr. Jack was late for the meeting.(改错) 22. He as well as his two sons dont understand that the te

43、acher said. (改错)主谓一致 24. I gave the money I owned her I saw her. (while, the moment, suddenly, once)认真看学案的讲解,Got,- doesnt,- what,the minute, immediately as soon as,职高英语B4U7,30,25. Being followed by some students, the professor entered the lab. Exposed to strong sunlight for a long time do harm to yo

44、u skin.改错三处 26. The river , the lake belongs to China。(feed into 流入) 27. Id like to work with is honest and easy to go on with. (who, whoever, whomever, no matter who) No matter who makes mistakes will be punished. 28. We can easily get from the computer has been stored in it. (what, that, which, anything),Being,does,your,feeding into,that feeds into,


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