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1、Unit 24 Society,北师大高中英语第八模块,A Changing World,Lesson 3,Ex 1 Look at the photos and the title, and predict where these people live, what their life is like and what the article is about?,Ex 2 Read the article quickly and check your prediction. Then choose the best title for the article from the list b

2、elow. Beijing Urban Planning Chinese Building Beijings Hutongs The History of Hutongs,Ex 3 Now read each paragraph again. Match the headings to the correct paragraphs.,Bad times for hutongs When and why hutongs were built Beijings hutongs today What is a hutong Connecting lives,D,B,E,A,C,1 Sanmiao s

3、treet is the longest hutong in Beijing. 2 Wealthy people live in hutongs close to the Forbidden City. 3 The oldest hutong in Beijing is 900 years old. 4 Tourists dont like hutongs.,Ex4. Are the following sentences true or false,1 Sanmiao street is the longest hutong in Beijing. 2 Wealthy people live

4、 in hutongs close to the Forbidden City. 3 The oldest hutong in Beijing is 900 years old. 4 Tourists dont like hutongs.,F,T,T,F,Ex5. Complete the notes on the article.,1 Hutong are _that connect the courtyards of traditional Chinese houses. 2 The term hutong is nowadays used to describe the alleys,

5、courtyards and the _ that live there.,Little alleys,communities,3 The emperors organized Beijing in blocks of houses because this made the city easier to _. 4 Most of Beijings hutongs were built during the _,_and _ Dynasties. 5 Wealthy and important people live in hutongs built close to the _,contro

6、l/supervise,Yuan,Ming,Qing,royal palace/the Forbidden City,6 Near the end of the Qing dynasty, conditions in Beijings hutong went down because of _. 7 After the peoples republic of China was established, conditions in Beijings hutong _. 8 Hutongs are still an important part of Beijing. They attract

7、many _ each year.,the unstable political situation,improved,tourists,Ex 9 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.,ally, thirst, arch, squeeze, undertake, turning, cast, fragrant, recipe, mop, guard, grand, ancient, rectangle, edition,Behind the hospital there is an _ filled with boxes. T

8、he newest _ of my book on hutongs is now on sale. I dont want anything to drink. I only have a _ for knowledge. We _ to finish building this _ before charismas.,alley,edition,thirst,undertake,arch,5. When the sun is low, the _ building _ its shadow right across the city. 6. I want to buy some _ flow

9、ers so that the house smells nice. 7. Tim used the new _ to clean the floor. 8. The _ of the prison had the keys in a metal container on his desk.,grand,casts,fragrant,mop,guard,9. A _ has four sides. Two opposite sides are equal and shorter. The other two opposite sides are equal and longer. 10. In _ times the Chinese used to relay messages along the Great Wall by lighting fires. 11. In this cake _ you only need three spoonfuls of sugar. 12. Before _ left you have to _ through the narrow gap in the wall.,rectangle,ancient,recipe,squeeze,turning,


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