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1、Module 6,A trip to the zoo,Unit 1,Does it eat meat?,zebra,giraffe,panda,lion,wolf,elephant,deer,monkey,Read the words and expressions after the tape loudly.,bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda tiger zebra,n. 熊 n. 大象 n. 长颈鹿 n. 狮子 n. 猴子 n. 熊猫 n. 老虎 n. 斑马,Words and expressions,n. 动物园 n. 导游 n. 动物 比如

2、,Words and expressions,zoo guide animal such as come from,来自,n. 不同的 n. 国家 adj. 其他的 adj. 危险的 adv. 也;而且 n. 植物,Words and expressions,different country other dangerous also plant,n. 叶子 adv. 的确,当然 n. 竹子 adj. 可爱的 v. aux. 好吗? 要不要? pron. 他们,她们;它们 pron. 哪一个 在那里,往那里,Words and expressions,leaf sure bamboo cute

3、 shall them which over there,Look at the picture. What can you see?,bear elephant giraffe monkey panda tiger zebra zoo,Now work in pairs and say what you can see., There are three giraffes. Yes, and there are some zebra.,1,Listen and check () the words you hear in Activity 1.,bear elephant giraffe m

4、onkey panda tiger zebra zoo,Possible answers: pandas; monkeys; giraffes,2,Welcome to Beijing Zoo. The zoo has _ _ _ animals. They _ _ many different countries and they eat different food. Here are the lions. They eat other _. Theyre dangerous! Bears eat meat, they also eat plants. Elephant is very _

5、, it eats plants. Pandas love _. They are _.,3,Listen and then fill in the blanks.,many kinds of,come from,animals,tall,bamboo,cute,4.Complete the table.,meat, other animals,meat and plants,plants,bamboo, plants and leaves,There are (1) other / many animals from different (2) country / countries in

6、Beijing Zoo, (3) such / which as bears, giraffes and pandas. The lions are (4) funny / dangerous because they eat meat. The bears eat meat too, but also (5) plants / leaves. Elephants are (6) different / cute. Theyre (7) tall / white and eat (8) plants / meat. Pandas are black and white and eat (9)

7、bamboo / other animals. The (10) pandas / guides name is Lingling.,5,Underline the correct words.,A: Does the bear eat meat? B: Yes, it does. A: Does the tiger eat bamboo? B: No, it doesnt. It eats meat.,A: Whats your favourite animal? Does it eat plants? B: Yes, it does. A: Does it come from China?

8、 B: Yes, it does. A: Is it the panda?,Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.,6,Ask and answer the questions.,1. Does the tiger eat meat? 2. Does the panda eat bamboo?,Does the polar bear like to swim? Yes, it does. It likes to swim.,Yes, it does. It eats meat.,Yes, it does. It eats bamboo.,3. Does

9、 the tiger like to swim? 4. Does the polar bear eat bamboo?,No, it doesnt. It doesnt like to swim.,No, it doesnt. It doesnt eat bamboo.,一、把下列各题改为否定句和一般疑问句。,1. Tom studies very hard every day. _ _ 2. We come from Shanghai. _ _,Tom doesnt study very hard every day.,Does Tom study very hard every day?,We dont come from Shanghai.,Do you come from Shanghai?,Homework,To describe your favourite animal, write down its life style.,Thank you.,


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