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1、Lesson 28: Fill My Plate,New words,song,Lets do it,New words,plate n. 盘子 taste v. 尝起来 empty adj. 空的 full adj. 满的,plate,song,Its time for lunch! Please fill my plate! With good hot food, That tastes so great. And I will eat until my plate is empty And my stomachs full. Its time for lunch! I love good

2、 food.,Its time for lunch! Please fill my bowl! With good hot food, That tastes so great. And I will eat until my bowl is empty And my stomachs full. Its time for lunch! I love good food.,When my plate is full, Im happy! When my plate is empty, Im happy! What! I dont understand, Danny. “Empty” is th

3、e opposite of “full”. So why arent you sad when your plate is empty? Because when my plate is empty, my stomach is full!,Its time for lunch! 现在是午饭时间!(该吃午饭了!)用于启发,提示别人。 Its time for sth. 到了做的时间了。还可以表示为Its time to do sth. 。 Its time for school. = Its time to go to school. 该上学了。 Its time for supper. =

4、Its time to have supper. 该吃晚饭了。,Please fill my plate! With good hot food. 请把我的盘儿装满!装满热腾腾的美食。 两句合二为一更有完整的意义。Please fill my plate with good hot food. “请把我的盘子装上热腾腾的美餐。”含有动词短语 “fill with”,把(容器)装上,That tastes so great. 尝起来是那么香甜。 taste尝起来,这是一个系动词,后跟形容词作表语。英语中另有其他一些与感觉器官有关系的系动词,如:sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),feel

5、(感觉到)。 The song the girl sang sounded wonderful. 那个女孩的歌听起来很优美。 The old woman looks very worried. 那位老妇人看起来很着急。 I feel very tired (cold) today. 我今天感到很累(冷)。 The waste water smells very terrible. 那些废水闻起来难闻极了。,And I will eat until my plate is empty. 我一直吃到盘子一干二净。 1) until到为止,在以前;notuntil直到才。 The library o

6、pens until 8:00 am. 图书馆上午8点才开门。 2) empty adj. 空的,反义词为full;v.倒,倒空,反义词为fill。形容词可以作表语,也可以做定语。 Jenny emptied the box just now. It is empty. 刚才詹尼倒空了箱子。现在箱子是空的。 full另有“饱的”意义,与hungry反义。 -Would you like some more bread? 你想再来点面包吗? -Thanks. Im full. 谢谢。我已经饱了。,And my stomachs full. 一直吃到我肚儿圆。 stomach肚子,腹部,食欲,胃口

7、等。 The little boy had a pain in his stomach. 这个小男孩肚子痛。 have no stomach for对没有胃口。 Yang Fang has no stomach for rich food. 杨芳对油腻食品没有胃口。 I am full now. I have no stomach for anything. 我饱了,我对什么都没有食欲了。,Empty is the opposite of full. “空”是“满”的反义词。 opposite adj. 相反的,对立的;n. 对立面,相反的事物。 be opposite of与相反 高是矮的反

8、义词。(opposite n. ,表语) Tall is the opposite of short. Peter lives in the house opposite to mine. 彼得住在我房子的对面。(opposite adj., 作后置定语) The two words are opposite. 这两个单词意义相反。(opposite n., 作表语),So why arent you sad when your plate is empty? 那么你为什么不悲伤呢? so如此,这样。表示结论,引起下文。 He said it again, so I could understand him. 他又说了一遍,所以我能理解。 It is very late, so youd better do it tomorrow. 天太晚了。因此你最好明天再做那件事。 这是一个否定式疑问句,用来加强语气。 Didnt you remember what I told you? 难道你不记得我对你说了什么吗? Why dont you buy the useful book? 你为什么不买下那本有用的书呢?,


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