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1、1,Unit 2 Section A,A Busy Weekday Morning,2,3,Lead in discussion,Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? According to the passage, Is there a generation gap between Sandy and her parents? If yes, in which aspects?,4,Sandy: “It(The music) has a really powerful message.”,Parents: It wa

2、s weird and horrible stuff with offensive language.,How did the parents react?,(Rock music blasted forth),5,(In the bathroom) The shower felt great and in there she could be alone and sing.,Sandy:,Parents?,They usually banged on the door to rush her if she stayed in the shower too long.,6,Wearing he

3、r old, green T-shirt and some jeans and wrapping her sweater around her shoulder.,Sandy:,It was disgusting.,Parents:,Dress,7,Having breakfast while standing by the sink.,Sandy:,It wasnt healthy to eat standing up.,Parents:,Breakfast,8,Sandy: “Ill brush my teeth when Im done.”,She should brush her te

4、eth when she woke up and then brushed them again after breakfast.,Parents?,9,Sandy:Wearing her makeup (such as eyeliner).,Parents: “Too young to wear that much cosmetic.Wash it off.”,All the girls at school did so. Some have tattoos.,How about her parents ideas?,10,wear (L44),How many things can you

5、 wear? What are they?,clothes,shoes,jewellery (necklace, etc.),glasses/contact lenses (隐形眼镜),11,hair,She wears her hair long. 她留着长头发。 She wears her hair in a long braid. 她把头发编成辫子。,beard,He wore a full moustache.,wear,12,Then how about,perfume,?,wear,wear makeup,13,You can even,wear a smile,on your f

6、ace!,If one person in a couple, especially the woman, wears the pants/trousers, she/he is the one who makes all the decision.,You may think that he wears the trousers but its she who makes the final decision.,wear,14,Word Using Useful Daily Expressions Describing a Series of Actions,15,turn off/on t

7、he radio/ the light turn down/ up the radio/ the gas We arranged to meet at 7:00, but she failed to turn up. The child turned to his mother for comfort. Turn in the final exam She turned out to be a friend of my sister. He turned over the problem in his mind.,16,burst into her room. 1. rush into: 孩子

8、们冲进房间找玩具。 The children burst into the room looking for toys. 2. start suddenly: 她突然大笑/哭起来。 She burst into laughter/tears.,17,Its weird. 奇怪的;奇特的 strange, unusual 现在的年轻人喜欢穿奇装异服。 The youth now like to wear weird clothes. 他经常有一些怪诞的念头。 He usually had such kind of weird ideas.,18,powerful message. Powerfu

9、l: 有力的、功效大的 有效的药剂 A powerful drug 校长是个强有力的人物。 The headmaster is a powerful man. Message: 主题、内涵 Theme; motif 这篇故事的主题是友谊在我们生活中的重要。 The message of the story is that friendship is very important in our lives.,19,reach: vt. arrive; come to; touch We cannot reach any conclusion / from that. reach a agreem

10、ent Your letter reached me yesterday. vi. There was no time for me to reach for my gun. I am able to reach out to my former foreign teacher by email. We must reach out for any opportunities to practice our English. Her hair reached to her waist. n. beyond/ out of / within his reach.,20,offensive (L1

11、2),offensive,remark,冒犯性的话,manner,无礼的态度,weapons,攻击性的武器,sight,令人生厌的景色,21,At first, the water felt cold. (L16),Words with similar usage are: taste, sound, smell, look,Any special feature they share?,Yeah!,Can you translate the following sentences?,这淋浴的感觉好极了! 这咖啡味道好极了! 他的歌曲听起来不错! 那鱼发臭了! 这幅画看上去真漂亮!,This

12、shower feels great! The coffee tastes nice! His song sounds good! That fish smells bad! The picture looks beautiful!,They are the words of senses!,22,Washed thoroughly thorough: a. 完全的;认真的 Complete; careful 警察彻底搜查了这房间。 The police made a thorough research of the room. 他认真研究了那篇小说。 He made a thorough r

13、esearch on that novel. Thoroughly: ad.,23,dry off: (cause to) become dry dry out: become completely dry 她用一块厚毛巾把身子擦干了。 She dried herself off with a thick towel. 你的衣服要很长时间才能干透。 You clothes would take ages to dry out.,24,as usual: as is common; as has happened before 像平常一样,他又迟到了。 As usual, he arrived

14、late. 像平常一样,桑迪的音乐使他父亲忧虑不安。 As usual, Sandys music make her fathers stomach full of knots. the knots in ones stomach: feeling nervous, tense, unwell.,25,disgusting (L44),adj. unpleasant; completely unacceptable,e.g. It tastes disgusting! 尝起来真恶心!,26,reach,burst,dry,bolt,2. Matching Game,into,for,off,o

15、ut,stretch ones hand to get sth.,start suddenly,cause to become dry,leave in a hurry,27,The usage of as,as: adv. As before, he remained unmoved. As usual, he got high marks in oral English. Conj. 连词 引导时间状语:当时候; 在期间 与when, while相似,但也有不同。 As 和when即可表示一段时间,又可表示一点时间,也就是说即可是持续性动作,也可是短暂性的动作。两者可互换。 While只能

16、表示一段时间,即为持续性动作。 1._ he came into the classroom, I was reading. 2. I fell asleep _he was doing his exercises. 1. As /When 2. as/when/while (Ex. V P.32),28,只能用as的情况: 1)如果从句和主句要表示一个人的两个动作交替进行或同时完成时,可译为“一边.,一边.”。 He looked behind from time to time as he went. 2)表示两个同步发生的动作或行为,意思是随着的发展 As time goes on, i

17、ts getting warmer and warmer.,29,只能用when的情况: when还含有“at that moment”的意思(= and then),引起的句子不能放在句首。 They had just arrived home when it began to rain. 只能用while的情况: While my former teacher was patient with students, my new teacher quickly punished ,30,用as/while/when填空,1.The girls sings _ she goes to scho

18、ol.,2.We were watching TV_ suddenly the lights went out.,5.Mother dropped her glass _she was waiting for the bus.,4.She thought I was talking about her daughter, _ in fact, I was talking about my daughter.,3._children get older, they become more and more interesting in everything.,as,when,As,while,a

19、s/while/when,31,引导原因状语从句:as = since As / Since youre not feeling well, you may stay at home. 引导方式状语从句 As =in the way that作“像”、“按照的方式”解 Do as I told you. Remember, you must do everything as I do. 引导让步状语从句:表示虽然、尽管 ;常用倒装语序 : Young as he is, he knows much. Tired as they were, they walked on.,32,II. Usef

20、ul Daily Expressions,1. It does have rhythm. (L6),Say some sentences using the following expressions or structures., Did you see his performance (表演) last night?,did, Yes, he _ do a good job!, Do you think she is like her father?, Yes, she _ look like her father.,does,33,2. I cant stand it. (L11),Or

21、: I cant bear it.,Under what kind of situation will you use such an expression?,Look at her makeup! _,I cant stand/bear it!,I cant stand/bear it!,_.,34,3. Ive got to go. (L57),= I have to go. In informal American English, people sometimes just use “got” (in spoken English).,I got a good idea!,Can yo

22、u say more sentences using “got” like that one?,35,III. Describing a Series of Actions,Look at the passage from the text. Learn to describe a series of actions.,After her shower, Sandy brushed her hair, put on her old, green T-shirt and some jeans and wrapped her sweater around her shoulders. Then s

23、he put on her makeup, grabbed her books and went to the kitchen.,After, and, then, and, etc. are the time markers.,36,Talk with your partner what Sandy did in the bathroom with the help of the following phrases. Remember to use the time markers!,In the bathroom: walk into;turn on; wake up; feel great; be alone;disturb; grab; wash;dry off,


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