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1、channel web 槽钢 fixed end moment固端弯矩 installation安装 accessory附属物 addenda增补 aerated concrete加气混凝土 age龄期 aggregate骨料 air hole通气孔 air-entrained concrete加气混凝土 alignment 定线、定位 alignment stake定线桩 alkaline碱性的、碱性 anchor bolt锚栓 aqueduct高架渠 architect建筑师 architecture建筑学 as-best-os石棉瓦 ash灰 attorney代理人 ballast碎石、

2、石渣 bar arrangement配筋 barrel roof半圆屋盖 bearing capacity承载力 bearing wall承重墙 bevel weld坡口焊 bi-axial两轴的 binding agent粘合剂 bitumen沥青 blastfurnace slag高炉矿渣 blinding and mass concrete垫层混凝土及大块混凝土 bolt circle螺栓孔 bond 粘接、结合物(力) bracing 支撑 breather membrane透气膜 bridgepier 桥墩 buckle屈曲 built-up组合型钢 bul-bous球形的 buld

3、er漂石 camber拱形 canoe独木舟 canon准则、规则 cantilever悬臂梁 cast浇筑 centroid形心、质心 channel槽钢 checker方格板 chemical bolt化学锚栓 chord弦 civil土木工程 cladding覆层 clay粘土 clearance间距、距离、清除 cleat夹板 clip angle短角钢 clip spacing跨度 cobble卵石 code规范、规程 coefficient系数 complete penetration weld全熔透焊 concrete gravity dam 混凝土重力坝 concrete co

4、ver混凝土保护层 connection连接 construction drawing 建筑图 contractor承包商 coordinate坐标 corbel牛腿 、梁托 couple力偶 cross section横断面、截面 curtain wall幕墙 datum plane基准面 detail细部构造 detect探测 deviation偏差 diagonal斜的、对角线、斜纹 diagonally对角地 diagram图表、示意图 diameter直径 dimension标注 distribution factor分配系数 door stop制门器 double shear双剪

5、ductile 延性的 ductile failure延性破坏 earthwork土方 eaves屋檐 electric circuit电气电路 elevated floor活动地板 elevation标高、立面图 elevator shaft电梯井 ellipse椭圆 fair-faced concrete原身混凝土 fibre-reinforced concrete 纤维加劲混凝土 field connection现场连接 filler block填充层 filler plate夹芯板 fillet weld角焊缝 fine细粒 fine细粒 fire rating耐火等级 firepro

6、of coating防火面层 flange翼缘 flashing泛水 flexibility coefficient柔性系数 force majeure不可抗力 form模板 formwork模板 fresh water淡水 full penetration weld全熔透焊 funnel漏斗、漏斗状 gable roof双坡屋盖 galvanize电镀 geodesy大地测量学 girder 大梁、桁架梁 grade slab地基 grade stake坡度桩 gradient 坡度、梯度、倾斜的 grating钢格板 gravel砾石 grid line轴线 grit砂粒、粗砂 groun

7、d地面 grout沙浆、灌浆 guset plate节点板 gusset 节点板 gutter天沟、水槽 H shape beamH型钢梁 handrail栏杆 heave隆起 helix螺线的 hige strength bolt高强螺栓 hinge铰链 hinged铰接 hollow section section箱行截面梁 impact strength抗冲击强度 inert filler惰性填料 insofar在的范围 isocyanate异氰酸盐(或酯) job curing现场养护 job schedule工作进度 joint接合缝、缝隙 joist托梁、格栅 keystone拱顶

8、石、楔石 knee brace connection角支撑连接 knee rail中间栏杆 lap splice搭接 layer screed沙浆层 layout布局图 lean-to单坡屋顶 letting 公开开标 levee防洪堤、码头 limestone石灰石 lining衬里、衬套、内层 lintel过梁 maintenance维修、维护 manson 砖石工、泥瓦匠 mansons level泥工水平尺 mansory砌体 match与匹配 metric公制的 mix design配合比设计 moment弯矩 moment of inertia惯性矩 mono-单个、单一 mono

9、rail单轨铁路 monument 标石、界碑、纪念碑 mortar沙浆 nominal名义的、微小的 non-fines concrete无细骨料 normal distribute正态分布 nosing边缘的 nut螺母 oct-agonal八角的、八边形的 off spec非标(非标准的) one single stairway单跑楼梯 orientation方向 pad垫板 pad垫板 paint油漆 parapet女儿墙 parenthheses括号 parking lot停车场 percentage of steel配筋率 percolation过滤、浸透 phosphate磷酸盐

10、 pile cap桩帽、承台 pile driving打桩 pin connection铰接 pitch坡度、高度、间距 plane刨平 plinth底座、勒脚、柱基 plot plan平面图 plumb line铅垂线 plumbing 管道(自来水、卫生) polyer聚合物 polyurethane聚亚氨脂 pore water空隙水 post 杆 poultry家禽 preference优先 preliminary预备工作、预备的 prestress concrete裕应力混凝土 prismatic菱形的 profile断面图、轮廓 propping支撑 proprietary私人的

11、purlin檩条 quarry采石厂 radius of gy-ration回转半径 rafter椽子 ram捣实、整实 reactive force反力 recharge well回灌井 reinforced beam混凝土梁 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete column钢筋混凝土柱 relief地貌、地形 resident engineer现场工程师 retarder缓凝剂 retrieval检索、查找 revision修订本 rigid钢接 riser踏步高 rivet铆钉 rock mechanics岩石力学 rockwool

12、岩棉 scale比例 scoffolding脚手架 screw螺丝钉 section截面 seismic地震的 settlement沉降 sever分开、断开 sewer 下水道 shaft矿井 shallow foundation浅基础 shank肋 shear key抗剪键 shear vane test十字板剪切实验 shop connection工厂连接 shoring支撑 shuttering遮板、模板、窗套 silt淤泥 single shear bolt单剪螺栓 skylight天窗 slenderness长细比 slip滑移 slot hole长圆孔 soil mechanic

13、s土力学 soil mechanics survey 地基勘察 spall剥落 span跨度 spandrel拱肩、托梁 specification技术条例、说明书 spher-odial椭球体的,球状的 splice 拼接 stair tread踏步板 staking-out放样、定线、立桩 statics静力学 statutory强制性、命令的 steel slot钢砂 stiff plate加劲板 stipulate规定 stirrup箍筋 storage tank储油罐 stratum地层、阶层 stress reversals应力反复 string line标线 stringer 纵

14、梁、桁条、纵枕木 styrodur隔热材料 substrate地基、地层 substructure次结构 sulphate硫酸盐 superposition重叠、叠加 supplement附录 support reaction支座反力 survey测量、观察 surveyor测量员 symmetrical对称的 tangent正切、相切的 tap water自来水 tarlike 像焦油的,焦油状的 teeT型钢 temporary临时的 tenant承租人;出租 tendering 招标、投标 tendon筋、索 theorem定理、法则 thereon在之上,在之后 thermal spa

15、cer隔热条 thread螺纹 three-dimensional三维的、立体的 tial pit样洞、测试钻孔 tidal潮汐的 tie beam拉梁 tile瓷砖 toe plate踢脚板 top rail顶部栏杆 torque扭矩 torsion扭矩、扭转 trapezoid梯形, 不等边四边形 tread踏步宽 trench排水沟 tri-axial三轴的 tri-butary从属的,附庸的 trowel铲子 trunnion十字轴 truss桁架 tube管 turnbuckle花篮螺丝 universal-joint 万向节 Vapour barrier隔汽层(聚乙烯薄膜) ver

16、ge 边缘 vertical brace垂直支撑 vitreous玻璃的、玻璃状的 W column宽 waive放弃 walkway走道 washer垫板 water/cement ratio水灰比 weathering风化 web腹板 weep hole 排水孔 workload工作量 wrench扳手、拧 zed ratainerZ型固定件 zeeZ型钢 A acceptable quality合格质量 acceptance lot验收批量 aciera钢材 admixture外加剂 against slip coefficient between friction surface of

17、 high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移 系数 aggregate骨料 air content含气量 air-dried timber气干材 allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or column 砌体墙、柱容许高厚比 allowable slenderness ratio of steel member钢构件容许长细比 allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member 受压木构件容许长细比

18、 allowable stress range of fatigue疲劳容许应力幅 allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement 钢筋拉应变限值 allowable value of crack width裂缝宽度容许值 allowable value of deflection of structural member 构件挠度容许值 allowable value of deflection of timber bending member 受弯木构件挠度容许值 allowable value of deformation of st

19、eel member钢构件变形容许值 allowable value of deformation of structural member 构件变形容许值 allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure 抗震结构层间位移角限值 amplified coefficient of eccentricity偏心距增大系数 anchorage锚具 anchorage length of steel bar钢筋锚固长度 approval analysis during construction stage施工阶段验算 a

20、rch拱 arch with tie rod拉捍拱 archshaped roof truss拱形屋架 area of shear plane剪面面积 area of transformed section换算截面面积 aseismic design建筑抗震设计 assembled monolithic concrete structure装配整体式混凝土结构 automatic welding自动焊接 auxiliary steel bar架立钢筋 B backfilling plate垫板 balanced depth of compression zone界限受压区高度 balanced

21、 eccentricity界限偏心距 bar splice钢筋接头 bark pocket夹皮 batten plate缀板 beam次梁 bearing plane of notch齿承压面(67) bearing plate支承板(52) bearing stiffener支承加劲肋(52) bent-up steel bar弯起钢筋(35) block砌块(43) block masonry砌块砌体(44) block masonry structure砌块砌体结构(41) blow hole气孔(62) board板材(65) bolt螺栓(54) bolted connection(

22、钢结构)螺栓连接(59) bolted joint(木结构)螺栓连接(69) bolted steel structure螺栓连接钢结构(50) bonded prestressed concrete structure 有粘结预应力混凝土结构 (24) bow顺弯(71) brake member制动构件(7) breadth of wall between windows窗间墙宽度(46) brick masonry砖砌体(44) brick masonry column砖砌体柱(42) brick masonry structure砖砌体结构(41) brick masonry wall

23、砖砌体墙(42) broadleaved wood阔叶树材(65) building structural materials建筑结构材料(17) building structural unit建筑结构单元( building structure建筑结构(2 builtup steel column格构式钢柱(51 bundled tube structure成束筒结构(3 burnthrough烧穿(62 butt connection对接(59 butt joint对接(70) butt weld对接焊缝(60) C calculating area of compression mem

24、ber受压构件计算面积(67) calculating overturning point计算倾覆点(46) calculation of load-carrying capacity of member构件承载能力计算(10) camber of structural member结构构件起拱(22) cantilever beam 挑梁(42) cap of reinforced concrete column钢筋混凝土柱帽(27) carbonation of concrete混凝土碳化(30) cast-insitu concrete slab column structure 现浇板

25、柱结构 cast-insitu concrete structure现浇混凝土结构(25) cavitation孔洞(39) cavity wall空斗墙(42) cement水泥(27) cement content水泥含量(38) cement mortar水泥砂浆(43) characteriseic value of live load on floor or roof 楼面、屋面活荷载标准值 (14) characteristi cvalue o fwindload风荷载标准值(16) characteristic value of concrete compressive stre

26、ngth 混凝土轴心抗压强度标准 值(30) characteristic value of concrete tensile strength 混凝土轴心抗拉标准值 (30) characteristic value of cubic concrete compressive strength 混凝土立方体抗压强度标 准值(29) characteristic value of earthquake action地震作用标准值(16) characteristic value of horizontal crane load吊车水平荷载标准值(15) characteristic value

27、 of masonry strength砌体强度标准值(44) characteristic value of permanent action永久作用标准值(14) characteristic value of snowload雪荷载标准值(15) characteristic value of strength of steel钢材强度标准值(55) characteristic value of strength of steel bar钢筋强度标准值(31) characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load 均布活标载标准

28、值(14) characteristic value of variable action可变作用标准值(14) characteristic value of vertical crane load吊车竖向荷载标准值(15) charaeteristic value of material strength材料强度标准值(18) checking section of log structural member,原木构件计算截面(67) chimney烟囱(3) circular doublelayer suspended cable圆形双层悬索(6) circular singlelaye

29、r suspended cable圆形单层悬索(6) circumferential weld环形焊缝(60) classfication for earthquakeresistance of buildings 建筑结构抗震设防类别 (9) clear height净高(21) clincher扒钉(?0) coefficient of equivalent bending moment of eccentrically loaded steel memher(beam-column) 钢压弯构件等效弯矩系数 (58) cold bend inspection of steelbar冷弯试

30、验(39) cold drawn bar冷拉钢筋(28) cold drawn wire冷拉钢丝(29) coldformed thinwalled sectionsteel冷弯薄壁型钢(53) cold-formed thin-walled steel structure冷弯薄壁型钢结构(50) coldrolled deformed bar冷轧带肋钢筋(28) column bracing柱间支撑(7) combination value of live load on floor or roof 楼面、屋面活荷载组合值 (15) compaction密实度(37) compliance

31、control合格控制(23) composite brick masonry member组合砖砌体构件(42) composite floor system组合楼盖(8) composite floor with profiled steel sheet压型钢板楼板(8) composite mortar混合砂浆(43) composite roof truss组合屋架(8) compostle member组合构件(8) compound stirrup复合箍筋(36) compression member with large eccentricity大偏心受压构件(32) compr

32、ession member with small eccentricity小偏心受压构件(32) compressive strength at an angle with slope of grain 斜纹承压强度(66) compressive strength perpendicular to grain横纹承压强度(66) concentration of plastic deformation塑性变形集中(9) conceptual earthquakeresistant design建筑抗震概念设计(9) concrete混凝土(17) concrete column混凝土柱(26

33、) concrete consistence混凝土稠度(37) concrete flodedplate structure混凝土折板结构(26) concrete foundation混凝土基础(27) concrete mix ratio混凝土配合比(38) concrete wall混凝土墙(27) concrete-filled steel tubular member钢管混凝土构件(8) conifer针叶树材(65) coniferous wood针叶树材(65) connecting plate连接板(52) connection连接(21) connections of ste

34、el structure钢结构连接(59) connections of timber structure木结构连接(68) consistency of mortar砂浆稠度(48) constant crosssection column等截面柱(7) construction and examination concentrated load施工和检修集中荷载(15) continuous weld连续焊缝(60) core area of section截面核芯面积(33) core tube supported structure核心筒悬挂结构(3) corrosion of ste

35、el bar钢筋锈蚀(39) coupled wall连肢墙(12) coupler连接器(37) coupling wallbeam 连梁(12) coupling wallcolumn.墙肢(12) coursing degree of mortar砂浆分层度(48) cover plate盖板(52) covered electrode焊条(54) crack裂缝(?0) crack resistance抗裂度(31) crack width裂缝宽度(31) crane girder吊车梁(?) crane load吊车荷载(15) creep of concrete混凝土徐变(30)

36、crook横弯(71) cross beam井字梁(6) cup翘弯 curved support弧形支座(51) cylindrical brick arch砖筒拱(43) D decay腐朽(71) decay prevention of timber structure木结构防腐(70) defect in timber木材缺陷(70) deformation analysis变形验算(10) degree of gravity vertical for structure or structural member 结构构件垂直度(40) degree of gravity vertic

37、al forwall surface墙面垂直度(49) degree of plainness for structural memer构件平整度(40) degree of plainness for wall surface墙面平整度(49) depth of compression zone受压区高度(32) depth of neutral axis中和轴高度(32) depth of notch齿深(67) design of building structures建筑结构设计(8) design value of earthquake-resistant strength of m

38、aterials 材料抗震强度设计值(1 design value of loadcarrying capacity of members 构件承载能力设计值(1 designations 0f steel钢材牌号(53 designvalue of material strength材料强度设计值(1 destructive test破损试验(40 detailing reintorcement构造配筋(35 detailing requirements构造要求(22 diamonding菱形变形(71) diaphragm横隔板(52 dimensional errors尺寸偏差(39)

39、distribution factor of snow pressure屋面积雪分布系数 dogspike扒钉(70) double component concrete column双肢柱(26) dowelled joint销连接(69) down-stayed composite beam下撑式组合粱(8) ductile frame延性框架(2) dynamic design动态设计(8) E earthquake-resistant design抗震设计(9: earthquake-resistant detailing requirements抗震构造要求(22) effectiv

40、e area of fillet weld角焊缝有效面积(57) effective depth of section截面有效高度(33) effective diameter of bolt or high-strength bolt 螺栓(或高强度螺栓)有效 直径(57) effective height计算高度(21) effective length计算长度(21) effective length of fillet weld角焊缝有效计算长度(48) effective length of nail钉有效长度(56) effective span计算跨度(21) effective

41、 supporting length at end of beam梁端有效支承长度(46) effective thickness of fillet weld角焊缝有效厚度(48) elastic analysis scheme弹性方案(46) elastic foundation beam弹性地基梁(11) elastic foundation plate弹性地基板(12) elastically supported continuous girder弹性支座连续梁(u) elasticity modulus of materials材料弹性模量(18) elongation rate伸长

42、率(15) embeded parts预埋件(30) enhanced coefficient of local bearing strength of materials 局部抗压强度提高系数 (14) entrapped air含气量(38) equilibrium moisture content平衡含水率(66) equivalent slenderness ratio换算长细比(57) equivalent uniformly distributed live load等效均布活荷载(14) etlectlve crosssection area of high-strength b

43、olt 高强度螺栓的有效截面积 (58) 、 ettectlve crosssection area of bolt螺栓有效截面面积(57) eulers critical load欧拉临界力(56) eulers critical stress欧拉临界应力(56) excessive penetration塌陷(62) F fiber concrete纤维混凝仁(28) filler plate填板门2) fillet weld角焊缝(61) final setting time终凝时间() finger joint指接(69) fired common brick烧结普通砖(43) fis

44、h eye白点(62) fishbelly beam角腹式梁(7) fissure裂缝(?0) flexible connection柔性连接(22) flexural rigidity of section截面弯曲刚度(19) flexural stiffness of member构件抗弯刚度(20) floor plate楼板(6) floor system楼盖(6) four sides(edges)supported plate四边支承板(12) frame structure框架结构(2) frame tube structure单框筒结构(3) frame tube struct

45、ure框架简体结构(2) frame with sidesway有侧移框架(12) frame without sidesway无侧移框架(12) frange plate翼缘板(52) friction coefficient of masonry砌体摩擦系数(44) full degree of mortar at bed joint砂浆饱满度(48) function of acceptance验收函数(23) G gang nail plate joint钉板连接() glue used for structural timberg木结构用胶 glued joint胶合接头 glued

46、 laminated timber层板胶合木() glued laminated timber structure层板胶合结构61) grider主梁( grip夹具 grith weld环形焊缝(6) groove坡口 gusset plate节点板(52) H hanger吊环 hanging steel bar吊筋 heartwood 心材 heat tempering bar热处理钢筋(28) height variation factor of wind pressure风压高度变化系数(16) heliral weld螺旋形僻缝 highstrength bolt高强度螺栓 hig

47、hstrength bolt with large hexagon bea大六角头高强度螺栓 highstrength bolted bearing type join承压型高强度螺栓连接, highstrength bolted connection高强度螺栓连接 highstrength bolted frictiontype joint摩擦型高强度螺栓连接 highstrength holted steel slsteel structure高强螺栓连接钢结构 hinge support铰轴支座(51) hinged connection铰接(21) hlngeless arch无铰拱(

48、12) hollow brick空心砖(43) hollow ratio of masonry unit块体空心率(46) honeycomb蜂窝(39) hook弯钩(37) hoop箍筋(36) hotrolled deformed bar热轧带肋钢筋(28) hotrolled plain bar热轧光圆钢筋(28) hot-rolled section steel热轧型钢(53) hunched beam加腋梁(?) I impact toughness冲击韧性(18) impermeability抗渗性(38) inclined section斜截面(33) inclined sti

49、rrup斜向箍筋(36) incomplete penetration未焊透(61) incomplete tusion未溶合(61) incompletely filled groove未焊满(61) indented wire刻痕钢丝(29) influence coefficient for loadbearing capacity of compression member 受压构件承载能力影响系 数(46) influence coefficient for spacial action 空间性能影响系数(46) initial control初步控制(22) insect prevention of timber structure木结构防虫(?o) inspection for properties of glue used in structural member 结构用胶性能检验(71) inspection for properties of masnory units块体性能检验(48) inspection for properties of mortar砂浆性能检验(48) inspection for properties of steelbar钢筋性能检验(39) integral prefabricat


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