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1、1,第 14 讲 状语从句,2,20092011 年广东省卷考点一览表,3,4,一、用适当的引导词填空,1I was watching TV _ he came in.,when,2I come to see you _ I miss you so much. 3 My father was reading a book _ my mother was,cooking.,while,4_ it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go shopping.,If,5Itll be a long time _ we finish the book.,before,6I wi

2、ll tell him the urgent news _ he comes,back.,as soon as/when,because,5,7_ he locked the door, he left.,After,8 The boy studied _ hard _ he caught up with others,soon.,so,that,9They didnt go home _ it was dark.,until,10She is _ a good girl _ everyone likes her. 11_ she is a girl, she can lift the hea

3、vy box. 12We got up early _ we could catch the,train.,so that/in order that,13Leave the book _ it is.,where,14Tim has made many friends _ he came to China.,15My brother is _ tall _ you.,as,as,such,that,Although/Though,since,6,二、完成句子 1虽然她很忙,她仍坚持自学英语。 _, she kept on learning English by,herself.,Althou

4、gh/Though she was busy,2他长大后想当一名记者。,when he grows up,He wants to be a journalist _. 3李明昨天没来上学,因为他病了。 Li Ming didnt come to school yesterday _.,because he was ill,7,4布鲁斯太太对学生非常亲切,以至于学生都把她当作母,亲。,as their mother,Mrs Bruce was so kind to her students _ _. 5你一到上海就给我打个电话好吗? Will you please call me _?,as s

5、oon as you get to/arrive in Shanghai,that they regarded her,8,用来修饰主句的谓语动词、形容词、副词或整个句子的从 句叫作状语从句。根据其作用不同可分为时间、地点、原因、 条件、结果、目的、比较、让步等状语从句。,时间状语从句,时间状语从句的引导词有 when (当时), as (当时), while ( 当时), till/until ( 直到), since ( 自从以来), before ( 在 之前 ), after ( 在 之后 ), as soon as ( 一 就), by the time (到时)等。,9,1when

6、, while 和 as 引导的从句,(1)when 表示主句和从句的动作同时发生,或从句的动作发 生在主句动作之前或之后。when 引导的时间状语从句中既可接 延续性动词,也可接非延续性动词,多用一般过去时。如:,She was reading a book when I came into the room. 当我走进房间时,她正在看书。,(2)while 强调主句和从句动作同时发生,或主句动作在从句 动作发生的过程中发生,所引导的时间状语从句只能用延续性 动词,且多用进行时态。如:,My mother was cooking while I was doing my homework.

7、我,做作业的时候,妈妈在做饭。,10,(3)as 表示“一边一边”,强调从句动作伴随主句 动作发生,所引导的从句中既可接延续性动词,也可接非延续 性动词。如:,As they walked along the lake, they sang happily. 他们一边沿着湖边走,一边高兴地唱歌。 2till/until 引导的从句,(1)若主句的谓语动词为延续性动词,则主句用肯定式或否,定式皆可,只是意思不同。如:,They worked till it was dark. 他们一直工作到天黑。,They didnt work until it was dark. 直到天黑他们才开始工作。,1

8、1,(2)若主句的谓语动词为非延续性动词,则主句要用否定,式,从句用肯定式。如:,The bus wont start until everybody gets on. 公共汽车直到每个人都上车才会发动。 3since 引导的从句,since 表示“自从以来”,主句谓语动词一般用现在完,成时,从句谓语动词一般用过去时。如:,We have been here since we came to Guangzhou. 自从我们来到广州,我们就一直在这里。,12,4before 和 after 引导的从句,before 引导的从句表示主句的动作发生在从句动作之前; after 引导的从句表示主句的动

9、作发生在从句动作之后。如:,Check it carefully before you hand it in. 交上来之前请仔细核对一下。,He went to bed after he finished his work. 他做完工作后就去睡觉了。 5as soon as 引导的从句,as soon as 表示“一就”,若主句为一般将来时,,从句常用一般现在时表将来。如:,Ill telephone you as soon as I get home. 我一到家就给你打电话。,13,原因状语从句,原因状语从句的引导词有 because (因为), since (因为,既,然), as (因为

10、,由于), for (因为)等。如:,He didnt come to school yesterday because he was ill.他昨天,没来上学,因为他生病了。,Since you are free, you can help him. 既然你没什么事,你可以帮帮他。,As it was raining hard, they had to stay at home. 由于正下大雨,他们不得不待在家里。,Its going to rain, for its getting darker. 快下雨了,因为天越来越黑。,注意:because 和 so 不能同时使用。,14,地点状语从

11、句,地点状语从句的引导词有 where (哪里), wherever (无论哪,里)。如:,Wherever you go, Ill be right here waiting for you. 无论你去哪儿,我都会在这儿等你。,Id like to go where the air is very fresh. 我想去空气比较清新的地方。,15,条件状语从句,条件状语从句的引导词有 if (如果), unless (除非,如果,不), as long as (只要)等。,在条件状语从句中,若主句用一般将来时,从句可用一般,现在时表示将来的动作。如:,I will go to the park

12、 if I am free tomorrow. 如果明天有空,我将去公园。,比较状语从句,比较状语从句的引导词有 as.as (和一样), than (比)等。,如:,It was not as wet as it is today. 那天不像今天这样湿。,16,目的状语从句,目的状语从句的引导词有 so that (以便), in order that (为了),等。如:,He stood up so that/in order that he could see the blackboard,clearly.他站起来,以便能清楚地看到黑板。,结果状语从句,结果状语从句的引导词有 so/su

13、ch.that. ( 如此以至,于)等。如:,He is so honest that he cant tell lies. 他很诚实,不会说谎。,It is such a heavy box that no one can move it. 这是一个很重的箱子,谁也搬不动它。,17,注意:so.that.和 such.that.的区别:,(1)so.that 引导结果状语从句的结构为“so形容词/副词,that 从句”。如:,She is so beautiful that we all like her. 她如此美丽以至于我们都喜欢她。,(2)such.that 引导结果状语从句的结构为“

14、such (a/an),形容词可数名词/不可数名词that 从句”。如:,Its such fine weather that all of us want to go to the mountain.,天气如此之好,每个人都想去爬山。,They are such lovely flowers that the girl buys all of them. 这,些花如此漂亮,女孩把它们全买了下来。,18,(3)当名词前有 much, many, little, few 等词修饰时,只能用,so。如:,There are so many people in the park that I don

15、t want to go in.,公园里有那么多人以至于我不想进去。 (4)当 little 意为“小”时,仍用 such。如:,She was such a little girl that we couldnt see her when she,stood in the crowd.,她是如此娇小的女孩,以至于当她站在人群里我们都看不,到她。,19,让步状语从句,让 步 状 语 从 句 的 引 导 词 有 though/although ( 虽 然 ), even,though/if (即使,尽管)等。如:,Although/Though it was dark, he went on w

16、ith his work.虽然,天都黑了,但是他仍继续工作。,注意:although/though 不能和 but 连用。,20,(,)1.(2011 年广东)I wont believe that the five-year-old boy,can read magazines _ I test him myself.,D,Aif Cafter,Bwhen Duntil,解析:表示“直到才”用 not.until,故选 D。,21,(,)2.(2011 年 广 东 )Lets go fishing if it _ this,weekend.,A,解析:本题考查 if 的用法。第一空 if 引

17、导的是条件状语从 句,因此用一般现在时表示将来;第二空 if 引导的是宾语从句, 时态由时间状语 this weekend 决定用将来时。故选 A。,But nobody knows if it _. Ais fine; will rain Bwill be fine; rains Cwill be fine; will rain Dis fine; rains,22,(,)3.(2011 年 广 东 河 源 )_ there were only five,soldiers left at the front, _ they went on fighting.,D,ABecause; so C

18、Though; but,BIf; and DThough; /,解析:题意:尽管前线只剩下五个战士,他们仍坚持战斗。 本句是一个让步状语从句,故用 though 引导,且 though 不与 but 连用。,23,(,)4.(2011 年广东广州)Yesterday evening, I _ along,the street when I suddenly met my maths teacher.,C,Awalk Cwas walking,Bwalked Dam walking,解析:题意:昨天晚上当我沿着街道散步的时候,我突然 遇到我的数学老师。when 引导的时间状语从句表示当 meet

19、 这 个动作发生时,walk 这个动作正在进行,故用过去进行时。,24,( )5.(2011 年广东深圳)When should I hand in my paper?,Your paper must _ as soon as the bell _.,Ahand in; rings,Bhand in; will ring,Cbe handed in; will ring Dbe handed in; rings,解析:hand in 与 paper 之间是动宾关系,故第一空用含情 态动词的被动语态“mustbe handed in”;as soon as 引导的时 间状语从句用一般现在时表示将

20、来,故选 D。,D,25,(,)6.(2011 年 广 东 深 圳 )Mr.Lee _ to a student,C,when I entered the classroom this morning. He is very patient _ he is young.,Atalking; but Cwas talking; though,Btalks; though Dtalked; however,解析:题意:“今天早上当我走进教室时李老师正在和一 个学生谈话。”“尽管他很年轻,他却很有耐心。”when 引导 一个时间状语从句,此时主句的动作正在进行,故用进行时态; 根据题意可知第二句是一

21、个让步状语从句,故用 though 引导。,26,(,)7.(2011 年广东深圳)_ good time we had at the,party last night!,C,Yes.It was _ exciting party that I would never forget it.,AWhat; so CWhat a; such an,BHow; such DHow a; so an,解析:what 引导的感叹句句式为“Whata/an形容词 名词主语谓语!”,time 在此为可数名词,意为“一段时 光”;such.that 引导结果状语从句的常用结构为“sucha/an 形容词名词”

22、。故选 C。,27,(,)8.(2010 年 广 东 )Louis _ computer games when,her brother phoned her. Aplays Chas played,Bis playing Dwas playing,解析:本句中 when 引导一个时间状语从句,当从句的动 作发生时主句的动作正在进行,故用过去进行时。,(,)9.(2010 年广东)The Greens will visit Hainan as soon as,they _ to China.,B,Acomes,Bcome,Ccame,Dwill come,解析:题意:格林一家一到中国就会去海南游

23、玩。在时间 状语从句中,若主句用一般将来时态,从句可用一般现在时表 示将来,排除 C、D;主语 they 是复数,排除 A,故选 B。,D,28,(,)10.(2010 年广东肇庆)_ he knew he was wrong,he didnt say sorry to us.,A,AThough,BWhen,CAs,解析:题意:尽管他知道错了,他却没有跟我们道歉。though 在此引导让步状语从句。故选 A。,(,)11.(2010 年广东肇庆)Anna _ the piano when I,went to see her mother.,A,Awas playing,Bplayed,Cis

24、 playing,解析:题意:当我去看安娜的母亲时,安娜正在弹钢琴。 由题意可知主句的动作在从句的动作发生时正在进行,且由 went 可知应用过去进行时。,29,(,)12.(2010 年 广 东 广 州 )The teacher speaks very loudly,_ all the students can hear her.,A,Aso that Csince,Bbecause Dwhen,解析:题意:老师讲话很大声,以便所有的学生都能听到 她。由题意可知这是一个目的状语从句,故用 so that 引导。,30,(,)13.(2010 年广东深圳)Do you know _ buy t

25、he,book Harry Potter?,C,The book is _ popular that you can buy it at any bookshop.,Awhere can I; so Cwhere I can; so,Bwhere can I; such Dwhere I can; such,解析:know 后接一个宾语从句,要用陈述句语序;so.that 引导结果状语从句的结构为“so形容词/副词that 从句”。 故选 C。,31,(,)14.(2010 年广东深圳)Can you help me _ my cat,while I am away?,A,No problem

26、.Just bring it to my house _ you leave.,Alook after; before Ctake care of; since,Blook for; until Dtake off; after,解析:表示“照顾”用 look after/take care of;因 bring to my house 的动作发生在 leave 的动作之前,故用 before 引导时间状 语从句。选 A。,32,(,)15.(2010 年广东佛山)_ you come from, you will,always find your favourite food in Guangdong.,C,AHowever,BWhenever,解析:题意:无论你来自哪里,你都会在广东找到你最喜 欢的食物。come from 意为“来自”,后接地点,故要用 wherever 引导地点状语从句。,CWherever,


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