译林版六年级英语上册U7Protect the earth 单元精品练习一.docx

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1、6A Unit7 Protect the Earth一、翻译下列词组。1、drive so much _ 2、保护地球 _3、plastic bottles _4、太多的纸袋 _5、reuse paper_ 6、使用玻璃瓶子_7、Earth Day _8、砍下,砍倒_9、most of our energy_10、节约用树_ 二、根据首字母提示填空。1、 Most of our e_ comes from coal and oil.2、 In many places, there is not m_ water.3、 We use w _ to make tables, chairs and

2、many other things.4、 We use p_ to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the E_ .5、 We should use p _ bags and glass bottles.6、 We should not c _ down trees.7、 Trees help keep the air c _ .8、 I can r_ paper to make a box.9、 We should love and p _ our Earth.10、 Lets make a p_ and tell

3、 them about it.11、 They put it at the school g _ .12、 I know how to p_ the Earth.三、选择。( )1、There is so much_in the room.A、smoke B、people C、children( )2、There are _plastic bags in the playground.A、too much B、so much C、too many( )3、Its _ useful toy robot. A、a B、an C、/( )4、Coal is _useful energy. A、a B

4、、an C、/( )5、There was much coal and oil_the Earth long long ago.A、on B、in C、at( )6、We use water_clothes every day.A、wash B、to wash C、washes( )7、Mr Brown _ from the US. A、come B、comes C、is comes( )8、There are too many_in the river. A、rubbish B、fish C、plastic ( )9、Smoke is bad_ the air. A、for B、at C、o

5、n( )10、There _ a lot of_on the desk.A、is papers B、is paper C、are paper四、根据中文,完成句子。1、我们每天喝水,用水洗东西。We _ water and _ water _ _ things every day. 2、在许多地方没有足够的用水。_ _ _ , there is _ _water.3、我们所用的绝大部分能源来自煤炭和石油。_ of our _ _ _ _ and _ .4、我们应该少开车,因为汽车需要使用很多能源。We should not _ _ _because cars _ a lot of _.5、我们用木材来制作许多东西。We _ _ _ _many things.6、我们不应该砍伐太多的树木,因为树木有助于净化空气。We should not _ _ _ _ trees because trees_ _ the air clean.7、我们用水来洗衣服。We_ _ _ _clothes.


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