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1、Module 12 Western music,Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.,Its by Johann Strauss. /juha:n/ the younger / jg/ 小约翰施特劳斯,The Blue Danube,King of the Waltz/w:lts/ 华尔兹舞之王,Who is the music by?,Johann Strauss the elder / eld/ 老约翰施特劳斯,He is famous for his dance music圆舞曲,Father of the wa

2、ltz /w:lts/ 华尔兹舞之父,Johann Strauss,The Blue Danube 蓝色的多瑙河,Voices of Spring, Op. 春之声圆舞曲,城市公园里的小约翰.施特劳斯雕像,Johann Strauss the younger,Who is his father?,Johann Strauss the elder,老约翰斯特劳斯,/juha:n/,/au/,Mozart,The Marriage of Figaro 费加罗的婚礼,矗立在维也纳皇家公园的莫扎特雕像,1 Describe the picture. Use the words from the box

3、 to help you.,concert musician piano violin,/mju:zIn/,Read quickiy(快读).,1.Which city is the passage about? 2.Who are mentioned(提及) in the passage?,Vienna,Johann Strauss the younger Johann Strauss the elder Mozart,1.Its a beautiful old city on_. 2. Its the capital city of _. 3. Its the center of _. (

4、Why),Read slowly(细读),Part1: Say something about Vienna,River Danube,Austria,European classical music,Because a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna in the eighteenth century.,Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe. Its the capital city of Austria and

5、the centre of European classical music. In the eighteenth century a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.,a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of in the eighteenth century a lot of,一个古老而美丽的城市 在多瑙河上 在中心 在十八世纪 许多=lots of +可数名词复数,Read slowly(细读),Part2:,3.The son wrote the

6、 Blue Danube, didnt he?,What music did Johann Strauss the elder write? 2. How many waltzes did Johann Strauss the younger write?,He wrote music for traditional dances, called the waltz.,He wrote over 150 waltzes.,Yes, he did.,4.When did he write it?,He wrote it in 1867.,In the Strauss family, there

7、were two composers called Johann Strauss: the father and the son. The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was also very successful and popular. He wrot

8、e over 150 waltzes. In 1867 he wrote The Blue Danube waltz.,play music dance music make him famous all over Europe,演奏音乐 舞曲 使他有名 全欧洲,make sb./sth. +adj. 使某人/物 make sb. do sth.使某人做某事,all over 遍及 all over China 全中国 all over the world 全世界,1.When and where was he born? 2.How old did he die? 3.What instru

9、ments(乐器) did he play before he was six?,Read slowly(细读),Part3:,He was born in Austria in 1756.,He was 35.,He played not only the piano but also the violin.,4.What do people think of him and his music?,He was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.,Mozart was ano

10、ther very important composer. He was born in Austria in 1756. Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music. But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he w

11、as only thirty-five. Like Johann Strauss, father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.,not only but also take sb. around give concerts hundreds of wonderful pieces of music a great European musician,不仅 .而且. 带领某人参观 举办音乐会 数百首极好的音乐 一个著名的欧洲音乐家 当某人几岁

12、时=at the age of,when sb. be years old,check the true sentences,2 Strauss the younger played the piano, the violin and the organ at the age of six.,3 The family took Mozart around Europe.,4 The father Johann Strauss died in 1791.,5 Mozart wrote The Blue Danube.,Mozart,Mozart,Strauss,1.Many composers

13、and musicians came to study and work in Vienna.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,another, elder, European, perfect, poor, popular,Both Strauss the _ and Strauss the younger wrote some very _ music. _ successful composer from Vienna was Mozart, but he became very

14、_ and died at the age of 35. Many people think Mozarts music is _. All three were great _ musicians.,elder,popular,Another,poor,perfect,European,Language points,1 the centre of “.的中心”e.g Beijing is the centre of Chinese culture. 2 called 是过去分词,在句中做定语,意为 “叫做” . e.g The boy called Weiming is lovely. 3

15、 older, oldest(泛指新旧、老幼、或年龄大小) elder eldest(表示兄弟姐妹及子女等家庭成员之间的长幼排序) e.g He is the oldest boy in our class. My eldest sister works on the farm. 4. even more successful and popular “甚至更加有成就,更受欢迎” even 置于比较级前表强调,意思是“甚至,更加”。 e.g He is even taller than Yao Ming. 5. at the age of “在.岁的时候” e.g I came to Shan

16、tou at the age of 12.,6. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. 他的舞曲使他享誉全欧洲。 make 的常见用法: (1) make sb. do sth. make sb. not do sth. 如:父母总是使他们的孩子学习很多东西。,使某人做某事,使某人不做某事,Parents always make their children learn many things.,(2) make sb./sth. +adj. 如:这个坏消息使他很伤心。 all over all over the world all

17、over the country all over China 如:我们的朋友遍天下。,The bad news made him very sad.,We have friends all over the world.,7. he played not only the piano, but also the violin. 他不但能弹钢琴,而且还会拉小提琴。 not onlybut also是一个表并列关系连词,用来连接两个 并列关系的句子成分。 I can speak not only English, but also French. 我不但会讲英语,而且还会讲法语。,not onl

18、ybut also用来连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词要与靠近它的主语一致,即就近原则。 如:不仅汤姆还有他的父母夏天经常去游泳。,Not only Tom but also his parents often_ swimming in summer.,Not only his parents but also Tom often _ swimming in summer.,go,goes,8. he gave concerts in many cities.,give a concert,举办音乐会,如:那些音乐家经常举办音乐会。,Those musicians often give conc

19、erts.,9. Mozart was another very important composer. 莫扎特是另一位非常重要的作曲家。 (1)another意为“又一个; 再一个”, 后接单数名词。 (2)another用作形容词意为“又一个; 再一个”, 指三者或三者以上中的另一个, 后接可数名词单数。 (3)another用作代词, 意为“又一个; 再一个”, 一般单独使用。 (4)another作“又; 再”讲时, 构成短语: another+数词+可数名词复数=数词+more+可数名词复数。 I dont like this pen. Please show meone. A. a

20、notherB. otherC. othersD. the other Americans like moving from one place to. A. the otherB. anotherC. otherD. one more Shall we meet at 8 oclock next Sunday morning? I wont be free then. Lets make itday. A. otherB. anotherC. the other,Lets read,Discuss and solve the difficulties in the passage.,Just

21、 try, dont be shy!,一个古老而美丽的城市 在多瑙河上 在中心 在十八世纪 许多=lots of +可数名词复数,a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of in the eighteenth century a lot of,演奏音乐 舞曲 使他有名 全欧洲 使某人/物,play music dance music make him famous all over Europe make sb./sth. +adj.,不仅 而且 带领某人参观 举办音乐会 数百首极好的音乐 一个著名的欧洲音乐家,not o

22、nly but also take sb. around give concerts hundreds of wonderful pieces of music a great European musician,I. 根据课文内容填空。,Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube. Its the _ city of Austria and the _ of European classical music. There were two _ called Johann Strauss: a _ and a _. The father

23、 wrote and played music for a classical dance _. His waltzes made him famous all over _.,capital,centre,composers,father son,waltz,Europe,Johann Strauss the younger, was even more _ and _ than his father. He wrote _ 150 waltzes and his most _ one was The Blue Danube. He wrote it in 1867. Strauss and

24、 Mozart were two of the most _ composers.,important,successful,popular,over,famous,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Rose likes(tradition)Chinese music very much. 2. Do you know Liu Huan? Yes, he is a(success)singer. 3. Where did you go last night? I went to Lilys home for her(eighteen)birthday. 4. There are(hundred

25、)of cows and sheep on the farm. 5. My grandma(die)when I was young. 答案: 1. traditional2. successful3. eighteenth4. hundreds 5. died,. 单项选择 1. My cousin wants to be alike Lang Lang. He likes playing the piano, too. A. playerB. waiterC. musicianD. teacher 2. The shirt is small for me, please give meon

26、e. A. otherB. the other C. anotherD. /,3. What makes him? His team has won the game. A. to happyB. to be happy C. being happyD. so happy 4. Uncle Li can make his kitehigh in the sky. A. flyB. fliesC. to flyD. flying 5. Which will you buy? This onethat one? A. andB. soC. orD. but,born,die,experience经

27、历,his music,in peoples eyes,famous,others,Structure,composer,A,学习如何写人物介绍,writing,Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. Before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin and the organ. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote hundreds of beautifu

28、l pieces of music. But he became very poor and died in 1791when he was only thirty-five.Like Johann Strauss , father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.,His interest started.,his music, his birth, his death,Appreciation (评论),When you are intro

29、ducing someone,you can end with (以结尾)the appreciation or you can begin with(以开头) the appreciation.,Mozart,Retell,born,die,experience,his music,in peoples eyes,A famous composer,Austria, 1756,6,played: the piano, violin, took him around Europe, gave concerts,hundreds of wonderful pieces of music,a gr

30、eat European musican perfect,1791, 35 years old,Xian Xinghai,born,die,experience,his music,in peoples eyes,Macao, China 1905,famousfor-,wrote it-usedbrought- The music describes -,His songs have-,one of-,called-,died-,Xian Xinghai,studied in Paris,Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classi

31、cal and traditional music. He was born in -,( )Xian Xinghai ( ) famous for the song The Yellow River ( ) wrote it in 1939 ( ) one of the great composers of classical and traditional music ( ) born in Macao,China,1905 ( ) died young,1945 ( ) called the “Peoples Musician” ( ) used traditional Chinese

32、music ( ) studied in Paris ( ) songs are still popular today,Put the notes in order,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Xian Xinghai,Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and traditional music. He was born in Macao, China in 1905 and studied in Paris. He was famous for his song The Yellow River. He used traditional music, and the music describes China to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, Xian Xinghai died young, in 1945. But he is called the “Peoples Musician” and his music is loved by every one.,Homework,Revise the passage. Do the exercises on the Workbook.,Thank you!,


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