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1、译林英语 4 年级下册Unit 3A 卷: 课堂点拨题Story time1.(1)【情景题】Today is Monday,boys and girls_at 8:00. A.go to school B.go home C.get up(2)Lucy_ a swimming lesson _afternoon. A. have, in B. has, in C. has, this(3)【易错】 The twins usually_in the evening. A. go to school B. have lunch C. watch TV(4)【情景题】Its 7:30 in the

2、 evening. Lets _.A. have breakfast B. have lunch2. (1)They usually play football Saturday afternoon. A.in B.on C.at (2)We _ at 12:00. A.have dinner B.have breakfast C.have lunchC. go home3.go, at, I, and, five, home, dinner, have, six, at(.)1. (1)Cartoon time_do you play basketball? At 4:00 in the a

3、fternoon. A.Where B.What C.When(2)When do you go home? _ 5:00 A. In B. On C.At2. (1)_time is it?A.Whats B.What C.What is(2)【易错】 _? Its 9:30 A. Whats this? B. What time is it? C.Whats time?(3)I have dinner six the evening. A. on, at B. at, on C. at, in3.Whats_over there? A.that B.this C.those4._a nic

4、e hat! A.Who B.What C.How5.-Do you like? -No,I like . A.cake;pie B.cakes;pie C. cakes;piesB 卷: 课后巩固题一.选择( )1. 【易错】 I watch TV at eight in the evening. Then I . A. go to bed B. go home C. have dinner ( )2.I go home five every day. A.to;at B./;at C.to;/( )3. a nice little book! I like it very much. A.

5、 How B. What ( )4. 【易错】 -I like Science. What about you? - .C. WhatsA. Me, too B. I like swimming C. I like cakes( )5. 【易错】 -Who are二填入适当的词? Tom,Jack and . A.me;we B. we;we C.you;me1.big(反义词) 2.go(反义词) 3.girl(对应词) 4.this(反义词)5.I(复数) 6.he(对应词) 7.isnt(完全形式) 8.cant(完全形式)9.Id(完全形式) 10.arent (完全形式) 11. t

6、hey(单数)12.have(第三人称单数形式) 13.like(第三人称单数形式) 14.these(单数形式)115.Saturday(缩写形式) 16.you (物主代词) 17.like(同义词)18.I dont have(some/any) new pens.19. Do you have (some/any) lessons on Saturday?20. I like (panda/pandas). What (about/for) you?21. Look at (this/these) pigs. They (is/are) cute and fat.三翻译1.起床_ 2.

7、一节数学课_ 3. 在早上_ 4.回家_5.我的一天_ 6.12:15_ 7.每个星期六_ 8.这个星期三_9.四节数学课_ 10.在 7:30_ 11.在星期二晚上_ 12.做我的家庭作业_13.一个大蛋糕14.have dinner with me15. 迈克星期三有六节课。Mike _ six_ _ Wednesday.16. 苏海和苏洋今天下午有一节游泳课。Su Hai and Su Yang _ a_ lesson _ _. 17.我每个星期六都没有课。 I _ have _ lessons_ _.18.我通常在晚上看篮球赛。I _ _the basketball match _ n

8、ight.19. 【易错】我们一起去电影院好吗?go to the cinema together?20. 我们在星期天没有任何的课。We lessons on Sunday.21. -现在几点了? -11:00 了。 是回家的时候了。_ _is it ? _ _oclock. Its time _ _ _. 四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点1. school,seven,go,forty,I,to,at(.)2. at,Miss,they,meet,Li,four (.)3. to, Liu Tao, play, after, football, likes, school(.)1. 【

9、易错】 lunch ,I,at ,have , twelve ,usually (.)1. have,we,lessons,in,morning,three,the(.)2. up you get do when (?)3. watch, when, you, do, day, TV, every(?)4. see what there you can over(?)五.从 II 栏中选出 I 栏正确的应答 .I II( ) 1. When do you do your homework? A. Yes, they do.( ) 2. What day is it today? B. I ca

10、n see some grapes.( ) 3. Can you see a tiger over there? C. At seven.( ) 4. Do they go to school at eight? D. Yes, it is.( ) 5. What subjects do you like? E. Its seven.( ) 6. What time is it now?F. Its Thursday.( ) 7. What can you see over there? G. Yes, we can. ( ) 8. Is it Tuesday today? H. I like

11、 Maths六.看图并根据上下文完成对话2A : Get up, Mingming.B : OK, Dad. What is it now?A: Its. Its timebreakfast.B: Im late, Dad. Class begins at eight.A: Haha, what is it today, dear?B: Oh, its.A: Yes, you have any classesat the weekend(在周末).B: Great! Can I go and watch a match.A : OK. But do you do your homework?B

12、 : three in the afternoon. Can go with me, Dad? A: All right, dear. Lets go together.七、读表,判断下列句子是否与表格内容相符,用 “”“表示”Things we do and dont do in our free time(空余时间)Peter Jack Cindyplay basketball play TV gamesread books watch TVsleep a lot do()dont()( ) 1. Peter plays basketball, but Cindy doesnt.( ) 2

13、. Jack doesnt play TV games. Cindy doesnt play TV games, either. ( ) 3. Cindy watches TV. Peter watches TV, too.( ) 4. Jack doesnt watch TV. Peter doesnt watch TV, either.() 5. Peter doesnt sleep a lot. Jack doesnt, either.( ) 6. Peter, Jack and Cindy all like sleep in their free time.C 卷: 复习提高题一. 选

14、择( )1.Its time_PE. A.to B.for C.of( )2.What _do you have this morning? A.subject B.subjects C.lessons ( )3.I have _ Art lesson too. A.a B.an C.An( )4._ this Sunday? Im free.A. What B. How C. How about( )5.I have a _lesson this afternoon. I can_ well.A. swim, swimming B.swimming, swim C. swimming,swi

15、m( )6.We have seven subjects school. A. on B. in C. at ( )7.Su Hai and Su Yang a nice bedroom. A. have B. haves C. has( ) 8.【易错】you get up at six every day? A. Are B. Do C. Is3( )9.-Is that your brothers bike?-Yes, itsbike. A. hisB. her C. my( )10.-Do boys and girls go to school every day? - .A. Yes

16、, they can B. No, thanksC. No, they dont11.Its timehave lunch. A.for B.to C.have二.选出划线部分读音与其它两个单词不同的选项1. ( )A. me B.she C.bed2. ( )A.bag B. apple C.after3. ( )A.school B.lunch C.watch4. ( )A.cake B.grape C.let5. ( )A.three B.there C.Thursday三句型转换1.They go to school at seven.(1) They to at seven.(改成否

17、定句)(1) they at seven?(改成一般疑问句) 2.I play football in the playground.(1)I in the playground. (改成否定句)(2)youin the playground?(改成一般疑问句)3.He can skate very well.(1) He very . ( 改成否定句)(2) He very . (改成否定句)(2) he very ? (改成一般疑问句)1. Its twelve oclock now. ( 对划线部分提问 )1. This is a nice skirt.( 改为感叹句 )四.根据短文内容

18、,判断句子正误,对的写 T, 错的写 F.Hello, Im Zhang Yue. I get up at six oclock in the morning. I have breakfast at six thirty. Today is Wednesday. I have three lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, I have Art and Science. I have an Art lesson on Friday too. After school, I have a table tennis lesson from Mond

19、ay to Friday. I go home at five fifty. I can watch TV after dinner on Friday and Saturday. I go to the bed at nine. Oh, its nine ten now. Good night!( ) 1. Its Friday today.( ) 2. Zhang Yue has an Art lesson on Wednesday and Friday.( ) 3. Zhang Yue has six lessons today.( ) 4. Zhang Yue has a table tennis lesson after school.( ) 5. Zhang Yue goes to the bed at nine ten every day.4


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