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1、C:Milk shake and apple juice , which do you1_like better?2_最好,他说:math waterwalk the dog tidy my room use the computerraining outside water the plants wash his socks cleanwatch the cartoons4._()5.Isitafairytale?1._五、情境问答。一、看一看,写一写。( )1.Sara 想知道你甜甜圈北和京纸版杯小蛋学糕英你语喜五欢年级上Unit1(一) 哪个,于是她问:A :Donuts or cupc

2、akes, which do you like best?B :Donuts or cupcakes, which do youlike better?meat chicken English fish water PE sandwiches hamburgers Chinese donuts Calligraphy cupcakes science milk shake apple juice art maths( ) 2.Maomao 喜欢书法课,书法课上表现的3 _4 _A:I like science best. I do best in science.5_B:I like Chin

3、ese best. I do best in6_CHinese7_C:I like calligraphy best. I do best in8_calligraphy.数学9 _10 _11 _12 _13 _14 _15 _( ):3.它虽然很难但是很有趣,怎么表达 A:Its difficult but interesting. B:Itsdifficult but good. C:Its bad but nice.( )4.Mike 告诉你他喜欢科幻小说,他说: A:I like story. B:I likefairy tale. C:I like science fiction六

4、、看一看,为下列图片选择正确的16._A:meat B:Chinese C:donuts D:Calligraphy E17._16._ 17._ 二、看一看,写出下列的中文。 1.which _2.better_ 3.favourite_4. subject _5. class_ 6.like_三、看一看,写一写。( G:milk) shake ( H:water) I:(throwing)beanbags G:draw ( ) ( ) ( )( 科幻) (数学 ) ( )( 小)说 ( ) ( )七、为下面的的问句选择合适的答语。一、读一读,写一写。( ) 1.Chiken or fish

5、,which do you like better? A:No 1._()2.Whichclassdoyoulikebest? B:M 2._()3.Whatareyougoingtodo? C:I l 3._()4.Whatsthematter? D:I lreading keeping birds growing flowers throwing beanbags drawing jumping rope5._E:I a2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _ 四、看一看,选一选。6. _6. _7. _8. _9. _二、读一读,选一选。 北京版小学英语五年级上 Unit1(二)A 组1

6、.( )in the supermarketA: 一1.(瓶 )would you like to.A: 蓝色的蜡笔2.( )Its yummy2.( )sorry,I cantB: 在3.(超市)wait里for my brother 4.( )too badB : 给你C : 太糟糕了 D:你想要.3.( )A bottle ofC: 让5.(我们)read去付or钱play。togetherE:请你礼貌一点6.( )blue crayonF:对不起,我不四、情景问答。B:I like m( )2.How much are the socks?C:No prob( )3.Which sub

7、ject do you like best?D:Sorry I组二、1.(单项选)copy择。your workB A:No problemB:Too bad C:Sure2.( ) 你想要和 Tom 去北遛京狗版,小你学对英语Tom五年说级:上Unit2(二) A:修理它们 A:Can I walk the dog?1.(2.( ).-_)gooutandplayyou like to come to myB:蓝色的蜡笔B:Would you like to walk the dog?house?3.( )watching the news C:我们可以.C:Would吗 you like

8、to come to my home?4.( )clean-Sorry.and bright 5.( )windowsA:Whatare dirtyD:出去3.(玩耍)Amy 让你帮他关窗户,但是你没听清 E:植物楚是,你干对枯他的说:6.( )blueB: crayonWhyF:自行车坏了A: Say that again,please.B:Im7.( )keepC:Wouldyour room tidyG:看新闻doneC:Yes,I will.2.( 8. ( ) -)waterMy computer_theplants work. H:让毛4.(毛加)Maomao入我们想要让Mike

9、帮他打扫房间,他9. ( )washA:donhist sockI: 窗说户:是脏的10.( ) theB:doesnplantstare dryC:notJ 抄作业 A:Would you like to tidy my room?3.( 11.() My) bikeisis_.broken Can you fix it for me?12.( ) ask Maomao to join us13.( )shallA:brokenwe.?K:干净明亮 B:Would you please tidy my room? L:保持房间干C:Will净 you tidy the room?M:浇5.(

10、花 )你想要出去玩耍,你对妈妈说:14.( )fixB:dirtythem C:oldN:洗袜子 A:Can I watch the cartoons?4.( )I cant can go to your house.I must B:Can I open the gift box? wait_ my mother. C:Can I go out and play?A:of 6.( )你想要打开姐姐的礼物,姐姐生气的说: B;to C:for A:Sorry,I am watching the news5.( )-_ I use your pen?-Sorry, I B:Sorry,its r

11、aining outside.have only one. C:Sorry, its not for you.A:Must 7.( )你看到植物干枯了,对妹妹说, B:Should A:The plants are dry.Shall we fix them? C:Can B:The plants are cute.Shall we clean6.( )-The socks are dirty.Shall we_ them?them? C:The plants are dry.Shall we waterA :wash them?B :fix 8.( )看到你把房间打扫干净,妈妈警告你说: C

12、:play A:You should do it on your own. B:You should7.( )-We should ask Maomao_ join keep your room tidy. C: Say that again,please. us. 9.( )Timmy 有时候说话不够礼貌,她的姐A:for姐对他说:B:to C: in A:Dont be late B:Its8.( ) We should always _ your room very interesting C:Be polite, tidy. please。A :askB :waterC :keep四、

13、根据句子内容,从右边选择恰当的答语, 将其序号填写在括号中。( )1.Would you please open the door? A:Sorry, D1.( )Peter 邀请 Mike 来家里玩,Mike 说他 五.看图,选出与图片相符的句子。要在在家照顾弟弟,peter 遗憾的的说: ( ) ( )( ) ( )( )4.Would you like to walk the dog?( )5.Can I watch the cartoons?E:Milk sh( )6.What s your favorite drink?F:They arA:Its Sunday. Lily ofte

14、n watches the cartoon C:The plants are dry. We should water the plants. C:Jack wants to copy Amys work. Amy is so angryD:Last Monday is Marks birthday He had a birthday party and he made a big birthday cake. 六、看图写句子。 1._2._ Sorry, I need to finish my homework first.Sorry I cant.I must tidy my room.七、看一看,写一写。1.Would like to come to my house?_2.Sorry I cant. I must stay at home._3.Can I watch thecartoons?_


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