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1、新概念英语课堂笔记 第一册 Lesson 119-120Word Studystory【用法】n. 故事,传说(pl. stories)【词组】tell sb. a story(stories)= tell a story(stories)to sb.给讲故事 a story of three bears 三只小熊的故事a story of a hero 一个英雄的传说a true story 一个真实的故事Its another story. 这是另一回事了。 happen【用法】v. 发生,偶然发生;碰巧,偶然发现 【词组】happen to sb. 发生在身上happen to do s

2、th. 碰巧做某事【注意】happen“发生”,其主语是所发生的事。 【例句】How did the accident happen? 事故是怎么 发生的?A strange thing happened to me a year ago. 一年前,一件奇怪的事发生在我身上。I happened to meet her on my way home. 在回家的路上,我碰巧遇见了她。I happen to know that professor. 我正好认 识那位教授。enter【用法】v. 进入;加入,参加,登录【词组】enter the room 进入房间enter your name 输入

3、名称【扩展】entrance n. 入口dark glasses 墨镜before dark 天黑前after dark 天黑后dark blue 深蓝色【扩展】darkness n. 黑暗;阴暗darken v. 变黑;弄黑(-en 后缀,使形容 词变动词,比如:shorten,sharpen 等)【反义】bright adj. 明亮的,亮的light adj. 浅色的torch【用法】n. 手电筒;火炬,火把【词组】Olympic Torch 奥运火炬voice【用法】n.(说话的)声音【词组】sweet voice 甜美的嗓音be in good voice 嗓音好raise ones

4、voice 提高嗓门【辨析】voice, noise 和 soundvoice 用于人时,指说话、歌唱或发笑 的声音。用于其它方面时,常为悦耳之声,如鸟鸣 声,乐器声音等。如:Please speak in a louder voice. 请大声 说。noise 表示“噪音、喧闹”,指的是人们 不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声。它可以作可数名词,也 可以用作不可数名词。如:【同义】go into / come intoTheres a lot of noise here.这个地方人【例句】The bullet entered his heart. 子弹射入了他 的心脏。He entered politi

5、cs when he was 27. 他在 27 岁时步入了政界。dark【用法】adj. 黑暗的,暗的;深色的,黑色的 【词组】in the dark 在黑暗处,蒙在鼓里a dark horse 黑马(比喻用法)声嘈杂。泛指任何声音,不论其高低、是否悦 耳等。如:I heard the sound of running water. 我 听见流水声。Light travels faster than sound. 光比声 音传播得快。Text ExplanationIt happened to a friend of mine a year ago.【译文】这是一年前发生在我的一个朋友身上的

6、故事。【用法】happen to 发生在身上(其主语是事件)a friend of mine = one of my friends 前者比后者更为亲切。 此结构为双重所有格,也就是:全体中的部分。比如: some books of hers = some of her books 她的一些书a pen of Susans = one of Susans pens 苏珊的一只钢笔 a year ago “一年前”,典型的一般过去时的时间状语。After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room. 【译文】他们进到屋里后

7、,走进了饭厅。【用法】enter 及物动词,意为“进入”,后面直接加宾语。比如:enter the house。 enter = go into 进入,走入,比如:go into the room。本句是 after 引导的时间状语从句,从句用过去完成时,主句用一般过去时。 The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.【译文】小偷扔下了手电筒,飞快的逃走了。【用法】drop sth. 扔下,放下2 run away 逃跑 run away with sb. 私奔;run away with 携物潜逃3

8、as quickly as possible 尽可能快地结构为:as + adv. + as possible 尽可能 比如:as fast as possible 尽可能快地as soon as possible 尽快,尽早as carefully as possible 尽可能细心地he turned on the light, but he couldnt see anyone.【译文】他打开灯,但不见一个人。【用法】turn on + 宾语,意为“打开(电视、水源、煤气灯)”,其反义词为turn off“关闭”。宾语如果是名词,可以放在 turn on 的中间,也可放在末尾,如果是代词

9、,只能放在中间。比如:turn on the light = turn the light onturn it on (it 不能放在 on 之后)(turn off 用法相同)not anyone 是全部否定,此句可改为:He could see no one.Whats up? George he called. Nothing, Henry, George said and smiled. Go back to sleep. 【译文】“什么事,乔治?”他叫着。“没事,亨利。”乔治笑着说,“接着睡吧。”【用法】 she 等。第一句用了拟人的修辞手法,把鹦鹉比作人,所以用 he 来替代 it

10、。比如:sun he,moonNothing(口)没事,没什么。也可以说:Nothing much.Grammar Analysis过去完成时第2页/共3页【介绍】过去完成时表示在过去某一时刻或某一动作之前已经发生的动作或情况,即:过去的过去。 谓语部分构成是:had + done (动词过去分词)【用法】(1)过去完成时表示在过去某一时间之前已完成的动作,表示对这一过去时间造成的结果或 影响。常有以下几种方式:用 by, before 等构成的介词短语。比如:Linda had learnt 3000 English words by the end of last term. 到上个学期末

11、,琳达已经学了 3000 个英语单词了。Billy had repaired his computer before midnight. 在半夜之前比利已经修好了他的电脑。用 when, before, after 等引导的时间状语从句。比如:The patient had died when the doctor arrived. 大夫到达时病人已经死了。The train had started before we got to the station. 在我们到达车站之前,火车已经开了。 She went on holiday after she had taken the exam.

12、她考试后度假去了。注意:before 和 after 引导的时间状语从句的区别:before 后接的是一般过去时,主句用过去完成时。after 后接的是过去完成时,主句用一般过去时。比如:I went to the picnic after I had cleaned up my room.Before I went to the picnic, I had cleaned up my room.可与副词 already, yet, ever, never, just连用。且可用在并列句中。比如:I drove to the airport quickly, but the plane had already taken off. 我赶快开车到机场,但是飞机已经起飞了。(2)过去完成时还可以表示过去某一时间以前开始发生的动作持续到这一过去的时间。常与 for, since 引导的表示一段时间的短语或从句连用。比如:I had worked in a hospital for three years before I came here.医院工作三年了。我来这儿之前,已经在一家He told us that he had been a volunteer since 10 years before. 他告诉我们自从 10 年前他就一直做志愿者的工作。第3页/共3页


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