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1、意思特殊疑问词专题 用法例句_is he He is LiLei问姓名他是谁他是李雷。_ is he He is my brother.who谁或人的身份他是谁他是我哥哥。_ pen Its mine.whose谁的问东西的归属谁的笔是我的。_ is he He is a worker.问人的职业他是做什么的他是个工人。_is it Its a book.或东西是什么这是什么这是本书。_is he doing He is reading.what什么或什么事情他在做什么他在看书。_ one do you like The red one.which哪一个问选择你喜欢哪一个红色那个。问时候(年、

2、月、 _is Ester In Spring.when什么时候 日、季节)复活节在什么时候春天。whattime几点问具体时间_ is it Its 12 oclock.现在几点了 12 点。_ did you go I went to the park.where哪里问地点你去了哪里我去了公园。如 何 ,问心情、做事的_are you Im fine.你怎么样 我很好。 _do you go there By bus.how怎样方式,交通方式你如何去那乘坐公交。why为什么_do you like English 为什么你喜欢英语问原因 Because it is interesting.因

3、为它很有趣。_are you Im twelve.how old多少岁问年龄你几岁了我十二岁。_apples There are three.how many多少个问数量有多少苹果有三个。_are they Three yuan.how much 多少钱问价钱他们多少钱三元。特殊疑问词专项练习1、 A: _ is the boy in blue B:He s Mike.2、 A: _ wallet is it B:Its mine.3、 A: _ is the diary B:It s under the chair.4、 A: _ is the Chirstmas Day5、 A: _ ar

4、e the earphones6、 A: _ is the hairdryer7、 A: _ is it todayB: It on the 25 th of December. B:They are 25 yuan.B:It s blue.B: It s Sunday.8、 A: _ was it yesterdayB: It was the 13thof October.9、 A: _ this red oneB:It s beautiful.10:_ one is fatter, the blue one or the red one B: The blue one.11:_ is your cousin B: He s 15 years old.12A:_ do you have dinner B:It s 6 oclock.13. _ is the boy under the tree B:He is my friend.14. _ is your dad B:He is a policeman.15. _ do you go to school every day B:On foot., _ is my MP3 B:I put it in your desk.do you have breakfast B: At 8 .


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