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1、suggestion,central,eastern,convenience,inconvenient,politely,impolite,indirect,direction,correctly,speaker,spoke,spoken,who,whose,humorous,silence,silently,helpful,interviewer,Asian,European,African,British,absence,present,failure,success,examination/exam,exactly,proud,generally,introduction,pass by

2、,pardon me,on time,turn left,right,a pair of,in different situations,lead in,from time to time,deal with,in public,in person,take pride,be proud,all the time,do well in,take up,tons of,take care of,even though,make a decision,how to get to,at first,did,On their way to,leading into,looking forward to

3、,has been,since,used to,reading,took up,deal with,As,dared to sing,Hanging out with,be prepared,give up,no longer,absent from,in the past few years,suggest 【精析拓展】 suggest动词,意为“建议;提议”,常用于以下结构中: suggest sth.(to sb.)(给某人)提议某事 suggest doing sth.建议做某事 suggestthat从句(从句中的谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should常可省略),【典例在线

4、】 He suggested a twodaylong stay in Beijing on the way home.他建议回家途中在北京停两天。 My father suggested sending for a doctor at once.父亲建议马上请个医生。 The teacher suggested that we (should) speak as much English as possible in class.老师建议我们要尽可能多地在课堂上讲英语。 【活学活用】 1)Ann suggested _ (go) to the Summer Palace next Sunda

5、y. 2)黄老师建议我们每天刷牙。 Mr.Huang suggested that we _ our teeth every day.,going,(should) brush,take up 【精析拓展】 take up意为“开始做”,通常指开始某项工作、某个爱好等,尤其指做以前从未做过的事或作为消遣的事。take up doing sth.意为“开始做某事”,另外take up还有“占据时间、空间”之意。,【典例在线】 The table takes up too much room.这张桌子太占地方了。 He dropped medicine and took up physics.他放

6、弃医学,开始学物理。 【活学活用】 3)Bob is taking the desks away because they _ too much room.(2015,天津) Astand up Bpick up Ctake up Dlisten up,C,absent 【精析拓展】 absent用作形容词,意为“缺席;不参加”。be absent from.意为“缺席”。 absent还可作动词,意为“缺席;不参加”,常用于句型“absent oneself (from sth.)”。 【典例在线】 A good student would not be absent from classe

7、s.好学生是不会逃课的。 He absented himself from the meeting yesterday.他昨天没有出席会议。 【活学活用】 4)If you are always _ from class,you will fail the examination.(2015,武汉),absent,require 【精析拓展】 require作动词,意为“需要,要求”,常用于以下结构中: require sth.需要某物 require doing sth.需要做 require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 require sth. of sb.向某人要求某物,

8、【典例在线】 This room requires cleaning.这个房间需要打扫了。 The teacher requires us to get up early every morning.老师让我们每天早上早起。 You can require help of the police.你可以向警察求助。 【活学活用】 5)The police requires the traveller _ (open) his suitcase.,to open,I used to see him reading in the library every day.我过去每天都看见他在图书馆读书。

9、【精析拓展】 see sb. doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”,强调动作正在进行;see sb. do sth.意为“看见某人做某事”,强调动作的整个过程。 【典例在线】 I saw him getting on a bus just now.刚才我看见他上了一辆公共汽车。 We saw him cross the road.我们看见他过马路了。,【活学活用】 1)I tried to make Alice _ her mind but I found it difficult.(2016,呼和浩特) Well,I saw you _ that when I went past.

10、 Achanged;do Bchanges;doing Cchange;to do Dchange;doing 2)Is Jack in the next room? Well,its hard to say.But I heard him _ loudly when I passed by just now.(2015,孝感) Aspeak Bto speak Cspoken Dspeaking,D,D,This party is such a great idea!这次聚会真是个不错的主意! 【精析拓展】 such作形容词,意为“如此的;这样的”,常作定语,可修饰可数名词单数、复数或不可数

11、名词。常用结构为“sucha/an形容词可数名词单数”或“such形容词不可数名词”或“such形容词可数名词复数”。such与so的区别如下: so常用作副词,修饰形容词或副词;such是形容词,用来修饰名词。,so修饰形容词时的常用结构为“so形容词a/an可数名词单数”;当句中名词是复数或不可数名词时,要使用such。 He is so lovely a boy that we all like him.他是个如此可爱的男孩,以至于我们都喜欢他。 Its such fine weather that Id like to have a walk.今天天气那么好,我想去散步。 当名词前有m

12、any/much/few/little(少)时,只能用so来修饰。 There are so many people in the meeting room.会议室里的人太多了。,【典例在线】 Its such a nice day.Its such nice weather.今天天气真好。 Ive never met such good students like them.我从来没有见过像他们这样好的学生。 【活学活用】 3)What do you think of the TV show Choi Chinese (出彩中国人)?(2015,咸宁) It is exciting Id l

13、ike to see it again. Atoo;to Bsuch;that Cas;as Dso;that,D,information,news与message 【精析拓展】,【典例在线】 They must find out some information about planes to Hainan as quickly as possible.他们必须尽快找到有关去往海南的航班的信息。 We often listen to the news after supper.晚饭后我们经常听新闻。 Would you mind giving him a message?你介意给他捎个口信吗

14、? 【活学活用】 1)When Peter comes,please ask him to leave a _. Anotice Bmessage Csentence Dinformation,B,proud与pride 【精析拓展】,【典例在线】 I am proud of our great country. I take pride in our great country.我为我们伟大的祖国而感到骄傲。 【活学活用】 2)Who is the person you admire the most? Qian Xuesen,the Father of Chinas Missiles.He

15、 is the _ of China.(2016,福州) Aleader Bpride Cvoice 3)He won in the story competition and his parents were very _.(2016,江西) Asmart BProud Csorry Dupset,B,B,4)Your mother always _ in you,right?(2015,南充) Atake pride Btake proud Ctakes pride Dtakes proud 5)今天我以学校为荣,明天学校以我为傲。 Today Im _ of my school and

16、tomorrow my school will take _ in my success.,C,proud,pride,一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全下列单词。 1What parents say and do will i_ their children. 2He is a h_ guy.He often tells some jokes to make us laugh. 3He was _ (沉默的) for a moment,and then began to say his answer. 4How many _ (亚洲的) countries have taken part i

17、n the sports meeting? 5I found it difficult to refuse his _ (要求),influence,humorous,silent,Asian,request(s),二、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。 6The man didnt give the old man _ (direct) because he didnt know the way either. 7I dont know he comes from London or Paris,but Im sure he is a _ (Europe) 8This dictionary

18、is very _ (help) to your English study. 9The _ (introduce) tells you how to use the book. 10Obama is good at speeches.He is a great _ (speak),direction,European,helpful,introduction,speaker,三、单项选择。 11Every year a lot of tourists travel to Hainan,because its _ island. Aso a beautiful Bso beautiful Cs

19、uch a beautiful Da such beautiful 12Li Na is good at tennis.She is my favorite player. Yes,everyone in China is proud _ her. Aof Bfor Cwith Din,C,A,13I saw some boy students _ basketball when I passed the playground. Aplayed Bplays Cplaying Dto play 14My little brother suggested _ swimming this Sund

20、ay. Ato go BGo Cgoing Dwent 15The computer game _ too much time.Lets give it up. Agives out Btakes up Cgives up Druns out,C,C,B,【话题分析】 “安全”警钟长鸣。随着近年来人们的安全意识增强,“安全”话题也逐步成为中考试题中的热点话题。 如:暑假期间要注意的安全问题(2014,安徽);如何保护自己How Can We Protect Ourselves?(2015,安顺);How to protect ourselves(2016,宿迁);我们周围的安全隐患The sa

21、fety around us(2016,桂林)等。,【常用句式】 Shout for help when you. keep away from. protect.from. put a bandage on sth. be careful with. Safety comes first. Time is life.,Make sure doors and windows are shut before we leave. Remember to call me when you arrive home. Our parents warn us not to speak to strange

22、rs. Besides,we arent allowed to take food to school. Dont swim along,especially in deep rivers and lakes. Be careful when you cross the road.,【真题剖析】(2016,桂林) 在我们周围经常存在安全隐患,所以我们应该对安全问题引起足够的重视。请以The safety around us为题,写一篇英语短文,说说我们身边的安全问题。内容包括:,要求:1.文中应包括以上信息,可适当发挥,行文连贯,书写规范; 2文中不得出现涉及考生真实信息的人名、地名或校名等;

23、 3文章词数在80100之间。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。,The safety around us Safety is very important for us students.Accidents often happen around us.So we must pay much attention to safety.At home,we should _ _ _ _ _If we can do all these well,well enjoy our life better.,The safety around us Safety is very important for

24、 us students.Accidents often happen around us.So we must pay much attention to safety.At home,we should be careful with fire and electricity.Remember to turn off the power supply and gas holders before leaving home.We must obey the traffic rules on the road and dont ride side by side or ride too fas

25、t.Dont listen to music while riding or walking.Besides,dont push the others on the stairs when we are at school.Stay calm and call 120 as soon as possible if any accident happens.And wed better do some medical training. If we can do all these well,well enjoy our life better.,【范文欣赏】,【名师点评】文章从at home,

26、on the road与at school三方面分别论述存在的安全隐患,结构完整,条理清晰。文章分别用了must,should,had better等情态动词,对各类安全隐患应采取的措施表现得恰如其分。文中运用了大量词组,如pay attention to,be careful with,turn off,stay calm等,使文章语言流畅,句式丰富且富于变化。,【小试牛刀】(2015,安顺) 学会自我保护是青少年需要具备的一种意识和能力。请根据以下提示,并结合自己的观点,以“How Can We Protect Ourselves?”为题,写一篇不少于80词的短文,谈谈在生活中青少年应该怎

27、样自我保护(selfprotection)。 提示:1.never swim alone; 2be careful to make friends; 3call the police when you are in danger; 4eat healthy food; 5dont crowd (go upstairs and downstairs),要求:1.句子结构准确,要点齐全,内容合理,篇章结构连贯; 2文中不能出现真实姓名、校名、地名。 How Can We Protect Ourselves?,How Can We Protect Ourselves? Selfprotection

28、is one of the most important skills for teenagers.But how can we protect ourselves?Here are some suggestions. First,we should be careful when we make friends,especially on line.Second,if we are in danger,we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe.Also,we should eat healthily and safely.Besides,we shouldnt crowd each other when we go upstairs or downstairs at school.Last,summer is coming,we must remember its dangerous to swim alone. In short,everyone needs to learn how to protect ourselves and stay away from danger.,


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