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1、总复习题班级:一、选出不同类的单词(10)1、 ( )A、mooncake B、milk C、tea2、 ( )A、man B 、boy C 、water姓名:3、 ( )A、headache B、feel4、 ( )A、sunny B、snowy5、 ( )A、that B 、this二、选择正确的选项补全单词(20)1、 ( )dp(滴) A、or B、oo2、 ( )pini(野餐) A、c,c B、k,k3、 ( )an(比) A、th B、ch4、 ( )b(条) A、ar B、br5、 ( )rst(休息) A、a B、e6、 ( )ia(主意) A、ed B、di7、 ( )tr

2、(树) A、ee B、ea8、 ( )mry(快乐的)A、er B、re9、 ( )sd(发送) A、en B、an10、 ( )afr(在.之后) A、te B、et 三、单项选择(20)1、( )I enjoy _ apples.A、eat B 、eating2、( )My coat is _ than yours.A、big B 、bigger3、( )I _ to the cinema last week.C 、feverC 、heavyC 、planC 、roC 、k,cC 、shC 、crC 、iC 、deC 、ieC 、eeC 、eeC 、taC 、to eatC 、bigges

3、t精品精品资料 值得拥有A、go B 、went C、goes4、( )Ill bring _ orange juice.A、a piece of B、a bar of C、a bottle of5、( )A:Is that Tom?B:Yes,_A、This is Tom. B、Im Tom. C、Hes Tom.6、( )Shall we _ to the theatre?A、go B 、going C、went7、( )Lets meet at the park _ 9:00 a.m.A、at B 、on C 、during8、( )_ will _ clear in Shanghai.

4、A、There,be B 、It,is C、It,be9、( )He is a good boy, so he is _ late for school.A、sometimes B、 always C、never10、( )I dont feel _.A、good B 、well C、great四、写出下列单词的适当形式(10)1、candy(复数形式)_ 2 、do(过去式)_3、have(第三人称单数形式)_ 4 、look(ing 形式)_ 5、long(比较级)_ 五、找出下列词语的中文意思(20)1、 ( )have a headache A 、沏茶2、 ( )Christmas c

5、ard B 、种更多的树3、 ( )make tea C、音乐会大厅4、 ( )visit my grandparents D 、红豆2精品精品资料 值得拥有精品精品资料 值得拥有5、 ( )enjoy the music E 、头痛6、 ( )plant more trees F 、圣诞卡片7、 ( )how much G 、多少钱8、 ( )concert hall H 、拜访我的祖父母9、 ( )on weekdays I、欣赏音乐10、 ( )red bean J 、在平日六、连词成句(10)1、again Christmas Its !_2、Peter never school is

6、 for late ._3、to you Glad again see !_4、do What I can ?_5、did the during What you do holidays ?_七、阅读短文,选择正确的选项(10)Sam was not happy yesterday. He was ill. He had a bad cold. His mother asked him to stayin bed. In the afternoon, his good friends Tom and Mike came to see him. They bought a lot of frui

7、t and flowers for him.Today Sam is fine. He is making a plan for next Monday. Because its Christmas.Hes going to buy colourful balls and lights. He s going to buy Christmas pudding, too.( )1、Yesterday Sam had a _.A、bad cold B 、headache3精品精品资料 值得拥有精品精品资料 值得拥有( )2、Tom and Mike came to see Sam in the _.A、morning B 、afternoon( )3、Tom and Mike bought a lot of _ for Sam.A、candies and fruit B、fruit and flowers( )4、 _ is Christmas.A、Next Monday B 、Today( )5、Sam is going to buy _.A、 colourful balls and lightsB、 colourful balls, lights and Christmas pudding4精品精品资料 值得拥有


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