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1、Unit 3 RobotsReading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. have a better understanding of robots;.2. guess the meanings of the new words from the context;3. understand the structure the context;4. catch the main idea of the whole article.I

2、I. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: order, smoothly, satisfy, need, properly, complete, mess, lay, store,coin, bill, private, paper, spread, wheel, suit, iron, virus, order one from a robot shop, look as good as new, tidy up, in general, go wrong, no longer, in a complete mess, business su

3、it, catch a virus2. New structures: He is always too busy to have any time to relax.It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiangs needs. The robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly.When Mr Jiang got home, he would find hisflat in a complete mess.III. Focus of the lesson and pred

4、icted area of difficultyUnderstand all the new words in the context.IV. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Type of the passageA. Narration 记叙文 B. Science fiction 科幻故事 C. Expository writing 说明文 2. Two main charactersMr Jiang, a manager of a company and a home robot.3. Lets predict(1) What would the

5、robot do for Mr Jiang?iron his business suit smoothly (通过图片来理解短语意思)The robot would do lots of housework for him. It would satisfy Mr Jiangs needs. Mr Jiang would be satisfied with the robot. Be satisfiedwith means be pleased with.(2) What would happen finally?They may be close friends.The robot may

6、hurt Mr Jiang.They may be angry with each other.【设计意图:学会预测文章的内容是 9A 第三单元的学习技能要求。此处对文章内容进行预 测,既解决了部分生词,又能激发学生对科幻故事的阅读兴趣。】Step 2 Fast Reading1. Read and chooseT: Read through the article and choose the best answer.Did the robot really change Mr Jiang s life finally? Why?A. Yes, because it was able to

7、do lots of housework.B. No, because a robot can only work for a few weeks.C. No, because it caught a virus and made many stupid mistakes.2. New wordsT: What does the word virus mean?According to the phrase “made many stupid mistakes”, we can guess it means “病毒”.【设计意图:快速阅读,帮助学生整体理解文章主要内容。在回答问题的过程中,根据

8、上下 文语境,理解生词 virus。】Step 3 Careful ReadingPara 11. Read and answerT: Read the first paragraph quickly and answer the question.(1) Where does Mr Jiang work?He works in Sunshine Town.(2) What was his problem?He was too busy to have any time to relax.(3) What did he do to solve his problem?He ordered a

9、robot from a robot shop.(4) What does the phrase order a robot mean?order a robot: pay for the robot first and then the shop send it to you. 【设计意图:通过提问的方式,帮助学生理解故事发生的背景。】Paras 2-51. Read and fill in the blanksThe robot made Mr Jiangs life much easier.When Mr Jiang got up in the made breakfastmorning

10、 ironed his business suit smoothlyprepared his lunch boxWhen Mr Jiang was at workWhen Mr Jiang returned homedid all the houseworkwent shoppinglooked as good as newa delicious dinner was ready tided up after dinnerIt seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiangs needs.(1) When Mr Jiang got up

11、in the morning, what did the robot do for him?The robot made breakfast, ironed his business suit smoothly and prepared his lunch box.(2) When Mr Jiang was at work, what did the robot do for him?The robot did all the housework and went shopping.(3) When Mr Jiang returned home, what did the robot do f

12、or him?His rooms looked as good as new. His delicious dinner was ready and the robot would tidied up after dinner.(4) What does the writer think of the robot according to a day of its work? It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiangs needs.(5) What does the phrase in general mean?It mean

13、s as a whole. In Chinese 整体来说.【设计意图:通过表格的形式,帮助学生理清文章思路,要求学生能清晰地掌握家用机器人 一天具体的工作内容。】Para 6Introduce what happened to the robot and Mr Jiang according to the pictures and questions. (scanning)1. But things started to go wrong. The robot caught a virus. So what happened to it?It no longer worked properl

14、y.2. What did the robot do in the morning?In the morning, it woke up Mr Jiang at 4 oclock.3. When Mr Jiang returned home, what did he found?He found his flat in a complete mess.4. What does the word mess mean? Is it a good condition or a bad condition?T: Lets go on reading. After reading the rest pa

15、rt of the paragraph, you will understand it.(1) What was on the bed?The food would be laid on the bed. Lay the food on the bed. Lay means put. (2) What was in the rubbish bin?Milk would be stored in the rubbish bin.Store milk in the rubbish bin.Store means keep.(3) What was all over the floor?Coins,

16、 bills and private paperswere spread on the floor. Spread these things all over the floor. Here spread means put something everywhere.(4) So what does the phrase in a mess mean?It means in a bad condition or not tidy at all.【设计意图:本小节生词特别多,为了培养学生在所给的故事情节中猜词悟意的习惯,通过 设问、追问、给图片的方式,带领学生在阅读中理解生词意思,在理解生词的基

17、础上,理清 文章思路。】5. Which English saying can be used to describe his life now?A. Pride goes before a fall.B. Accidents will happen.C. Every bad has some good.D. You never know till you have tried.The answer: B. 天有不测风云.【设计意图:活跃气氛,检查学生是否理解文章内容,也可以引导学生在阅读时要善于联想, 学会触类旁通。】Para 7Read and answer questions1. Wha

18、t did Mr Jiang do with his robot?He decided to return the robot to the robot shop.2. How does the writer feel about having a robot?He thinks that robots can help people do a lot, but they can also be too much trouble!2. Do you agree with the writer? Why?【设计意图:第一、第二个问题在文章最后一小节能找到。但第三个问题是开放性问题,需 要学生自己

19、去思考,目的是引导学生思考机器人在人类生活中的地位。】Step 4 Further understanding1. Answer the two questions.(1) How did Mr Jiang feel with his robot from beginning to the end?hopeful satisfied angry disappointed(2) If you were Mr Jiang, what would you do?2. Design your own robot(1) Design your own robot.(2) What do you want your robot to do for you?(3) What will you do for your robot?【设计意图:在学生理解课文的基础上,引导他们进行更为深入的思考。并把自己的生活与 机器人相联系,激发他们的想象力和创造力。】V. Homework1. Read the whole article again and write down your own understanding of the robot. 2. Choose one of the following films to see:终结者 变形金刚 机器人总动员 我,机器人


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