高中英语必修五《unit2 The_United_Kingdom》示范说课稿.docx

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1、unit2 The_United_Kingdom说课稿Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honour to stand here and talk about my teaching ideas. Today, I am going to talk about the teaching of Unit 2 from book 5: The United Kingdom. I will divide my instruction into five parts. Part 1: Teaching material analysi

2、s. Part 2: Students analysis. Part 3: Teaching methods . Part 4: Teaching procedures and Part 5: Blackboard design.Part 1 Teaching material analysis(教材分析First of all, analysis of the reading material.)(资料分析) Let me talkabout my understanding of this unit. Unit 2 plays a very important role in the te

3、aching and learning of this unit. It connects unit 1 a scientist from England and the following units together. It tells us some information about the geography and history of the United Kingdom. Getting to know the country better has a good effect on the studens learning English. The reading passag

4、e is of course the most important part of this unit. It is made up of three aspects: What the UK concludes ;Thegeographical division of England;The important role London plays as a cultural and political center of the UK. This reading material combines knowledge and culture together, and certainly i

5、t will arouse the sudents interest. By learning this passage, stendents are expected to achieve the following aims.Second, teaching aims.(教学目标 )Knowledge aims(知识目标):1. To learn the usage of the important words and phrases. 2. To learn some information about the United Kingdom.Ability aims(技能目标):1. E

6、nable the Ss to read effectively under the guidance of the teacher, and make them have a better understanding of the United Kingdom.2. To develop the students autonomous learning ability, coorperative and investigative learning abilities.Emotional aims(情感目标):1. Widen the Ss international vision.2. F

7、orm the Ss consciousness of crossculture communication.Third, teaching importances and difficulties.(教学重难点)Important points(教学重点):1. Have a total and detail comprehension of the UK from history, geography, politics, and culture etc.2. Help the Ss to learn different reading skills.Difficult points(教学

8、难点):a. Some sentences are hard to understand.b. How to improve the Ss fast reading ability .Part 2 Students analysis(学生分析)S s: junior high school students, Grade 2.T hey have alreadyhada basicreadingskill,however they are lackingin the background knowledge of he United Kingdom, such as history,geogr

9、aphy,andculture etc. .The students dont have an awareness of using reading strategies, not tmention use them in thereadingprocess.But theyhave a greatinterest learningabout cultural differences. Stedents certainly can solve some of their puzzles in thiculturalfield.So in orderto achieveour teachinga

10、ims,I willadopt the followingteaching methods.Part 3 Teaching Methods(教学方法)According to the above analysis, I will try to use the following teaching methods: 1. Skimming scanning method to make the Ss betterunderstandthe wholepassage.2. Task based teaching methodto let the students futher understand

11、 the passage.3. Discussion methodto make the Ss understand what theyve learnt in the class.4. Coorperative teaching methodto get every student to take part in the teaching and learning activities.Part 4 Teaching procedures教(学步骤 )I will take 8 steps to deal with the passage.Step 1. Warming upActivity

12、: pictures appreciation and talkingI will show some famous pictures of the UK and ask the students whether they can tellsomething about them. Let the studentsto have a shortdiscussionabout thepictures and then ask some of them to share their knowledge with us.This activitys designedto arousethe stud

13、entsinterestand practicetheiroralEnglish.Then we can lead into the reading passage naturally.The studentsautonomous learning ability can be showed clearly in this activity.Step 2. Pre-readingActivity: look at the title and picturesThe studentsare requiredto have a look at the tittleand pictures o pr

14、edictthecontent.This activity is designed to develop students ability of prediction and guess, and will inspire the students to read the passage more actively.Step 3. ReadingActivity 1: skimmingThe sudents are required to skim the passage, and answer the questions.1. How many countries are the Unite

15、d Kingdom made up of?1. How many invaders influence the UK? And which countries are they?With these questions to skim the passage, students can have a focus in the reading process and these questions are suitable to most of the students. Task-bases teaching method is used in this activity to stimula

16、te the students to read actively and effectively. After skimming, the students will get a basic understanding of the passage and get the general idea of the passage. Also their fast-reading skill will be developed at the same time.Activity 2.: scanningIn this activity, students are required to read

17、the passage again to find out the main ideas of each parts and fill the blanks.By scanning, students will further understand the passage and catch some details. Their ability to catch the details is trained. Also, their careful-reading skill is developed.Step 4. Post-readingActivity: T/F exerciseStu

18、dents are reqired to do some T/F exercise which focuses on this reading material. By doing this activity, students can consolidate the information they have learned in this class.In this activity, students will be divided into four groups to have a competition. In this way, they will pay more attent

19、ion to the reading material and participate into the discussion more actively. Cooperative learning method is used in this perod.Step 5 Language pointSome important phrases are taught in this activity to make the students correctly master the imortant sentences.1. the differences between these words

20、:to/ in/ off/ on1. make the most of3. be made up of/consist ofEnable the students get to know this three important language points and put them into practice.Step 6. Role play“Suppose you are a guide in your group,and the others are tourists. The tourists ask you some questions about the UK and you

21、should answer them.”Four students a group to do a role play. They are encouraged to talk freely with their partners about the topic and then some are invited to the front to play their dialogues out.This activity is designed to develop students cooperative ability and their oral English, after all,

22、the most important thing in English is using it. So, this activity is one of the most important step of my theaching of this unit.Step 7. SummaryAsk a student to summarize the information we learn today to develop their ability of summary.Step 8. Homework1. Find out all the noun clauses in this text

23、 ;2. Write a passage to plan a visit to the UK and give the reason.The first activity is a revision and further development of the knoledge we learn today. The second is an sctivity to inspire the students to find out more abou the UK and practice their expression and writing skills.Part 5 Blackboard designOn the left part of the blackboard, some important words and phrases will be written down, and on the right, the competion between the four groups will be showed.This is all my presentation, thanks a lot for your attention.


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