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1、Unit4 基础知识归纳一、重点词汇1. cooking 是名词,意为“烹饪;烹调”;其词根是 cook(v.做饭;烹饪 n.厨师);cooker 意为“炊具”。2. Germany n.德国德国人;德语 German(复数 Germans)adj.德国的;德语的;德国人的 3.spare adj.空闲的;多余的 在某人空闲时间 in ones spare/free timev.匀出 Id love to have a break , but I cant spare the time.4.French adj.法国的;法国人的 n.法语;法国人 n.法国 France5.tie vt.捆;绑

2、现在分词 tying过去式/过去分词 tied6.stomach n.腹部;胃 复数 stomachs 胃痛:have a stomachache7.fall v.落下n.秋天;瀑布fall 的相关短语Ffall asleep 入睡 fall behind 落后 fall in love with sb.爱上某人fall over 摔倒 fall down 跌倒 fall off(from)落下;摔下来;掉下来8. 继续做同一件事 continue doing sth. 继续去做另一件事 continue to do sth.9. manage v.设法完成;管理 n.经理 manager设法

3、做某事 manage to do sth.(结果是成功的)= succeed(in)doing sth.10.lift vt.举起;抬高;提高 n.电梯;搭便车给某人搭便车 give sb. a lift=give sb. a ride11.army n.大批;大群;军队注意:an army of作主语,谓语动词用单数/复数均可,一般与其后接的名词的数保持一致 12.able-unable lucky-unlucky important-unimportant willing-unwilling known-unknown 13.shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩=side by

4、 side 手拉手 hand in hand14.hand 的常见短语hand in 上交 hand out 分发 hand over 交出 sb.15. review n.评论;复习;回顾 预习 preview16. return 不能和 back 连用 回家:return home=come back home 17.time 的常见短语give sb a hand=help准时 on time及时 in time一次,每次 at a time一直 all the time偶尔;时不时 at times=from time to time18. refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事

5、19. success n.成功 v. succeedadj. successfuladv. successfully20.translate v.翻译n.翻译家;译者 translatorsth. be translated into被翻译成21.sales n.销售量 on sale 大甩卖 v. sell(过去式/过去分词 sold) 注意:xx 东西卖得好没有被动;xx 东西被卖/卖完用被动。 eg. These books sold well. They were sold out just in two hours. 22.Canada n.加拿大 adj.加拿大的;加拿大人的 C

6、anadian n.加拿大人 23.sail v.航行 n.船帆 n.航行 sailing24.hidden adj.隐藏的 v. hide(过去式 hid 过去分词 hidden) 25.confidence n.信心 adj. confident 有信心的important importancedifferent differencesilent silence26.experience un.经验 cn.经历v.经历;体验 adj. experienced 老练的;富有经验的27.advice un.建议 给某人一些关于某事的建议 give sb. some advice on sth.

7、 v. advise建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth.建议做某事 advise doing sth.二、重要短语1. 怎么处理这些书 what to do with these books=how to deal with these books2. 把它们给我 give them to me3. 够冰箱上的盒子 reach the box on the fridge4. 一个关于阅读习惯的调查 a survey on reading habits5. 在二战当中 in World War II6. 对历史书感兴趣 be interested in history bo

8、oks=take an interest in history books 7.增加我对过去的知识/了解 improve my knowledge of the past8. 一本叫格列佛游记的书 a book called Gullivers Travels9. 触礁;撞到岩石上 crash against the rocks10. 尽我所能游得远/奋力前游 swim as far as I could11. 摔倒在沙滩上 fall down on the beach12. 被绑/拴在地上 be tied to the ground13. 绊倒 fall over14. 继续在我身上移/挪/

9、走动 continue moving across my body15. 开始对我说话 begin to talk to me16. 设法挣脱绳子 manage to break the ropes17. 把我的左手举到空中 lift my left hand into the air18. 一大群人 a huge army of tiny people19. 径直朝我过来 come straight towards me20. 从逃跑 run away from21. 逃脱;;离开 get away(from)22. 爬到格列佛的身体上 climb onto Gullivers body23

10、. 站在他的肩上 stand on his shoulder24. 朝着小人儿们喊 shout at the tiny men25. 与小人儿们交流 communicate with the small men26. 来到一个陌生/奇怪的陆地 come to a strange land27. 先选哪个 which to choose first28. 什么时候交他们的作业 when to hand in their work29. 读一些关于这本书的评论 read some reviews about the book30. 时间简史A Brief History of Time31. 完成

11、这个系列的第七本书 finish the seventh book of the series32. 拒绝出版它 refuse to publish it33. 一部成功的作品/一个成功的人 a great success34. 被翻译成大约 70 种语言 be translated into about 70 languages35. 一个加拿大/英国作家 a Canadian/British writer36. 在 7 月 31 日 on the thirty-first of July/on 31 July37. 在最开始的时候 in the very beginning38. 按时归还

12、它们 return them on time39. 在线续借它们 renew them online40. 举个例子 give an example41. 表明因果 show cause and effect42. 这本书的主要角色 the main character in the book43. 给了我很多信心 give me a lot of confidence44. 决定写我自己的故事 decide to write my own stories45. 增加我的知识 improve my knowledge46. 为一份报告收集信息 collect information for a

13、 report47. 给了我很多关于书籍的建议 give me lots of advice on books48. 谈论读什么 discuss what to read49. 为我开启了一个全新的世界 open up a whole new world to me50. 写一个关于你个人阅读习惯的报告 write a report about your own reading habits三、重要句子1.你决定怎么处理这些书了吗?Have you decided what to do with these books?2.我不得不用它们去够冰箱上的盒子。I have to use them

14、to reach the box on the fridge.3.完成一个关于阅读习惯的调查并就此写一份报告。Complete a survey on reading habits and write a report on it.4.你喜欢哪种类型的书?What type of book do you like?5.Sandy 和 Daniel 正在讨论他们喜欢读什么。Sandy and Daniel are talking about what they like to read.6.我对历史书感兴趣。它们增加了我对过去的知识/了解。Im interested on history boo

15、ks.( = I take an interest in history.)They improve my knowledge o f the past.7.你空闲时间喜欢读什么?What do you like to read in your spare time?8.这个丑男人的故事真的令我感动。The story of the ugly man really touched me.9.她正在读一本叫格列佛游记的书。She is reading a book called Gullivers Travels.10.在我们的船触礁之后,我奋力前游。After our ship crashed

16、 against the rocks, I swam as far a s I could.11.当我终于感到脚下的土地时,我筋疲力尽。By the time I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out.12.当太阳升起的时候,我醒来了,但是我发现我无法挪动。I woke up as the sun was rising, but I found I could not move.13.他和我小拇指一样大。He was the same size as my little finger.14.我朝他们大喊,巨大的噪声使他们都摔倒

17、了。I shouted at themthe loud noise made them all fall over.15.然而,他们很快又起来了,并且继续在我身上走动。However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.16.我也不知道要说什么。I did not know what to say either.17.当我将左手伸到空中时,这些小人儿开始喊叫。When I lifted my left hand into the air, the small men began to shout.18.格列佛发

18、现他自己无法动弹。Gulliver found himself unable to move.19.在游了很长时间之后,他筋疲力尽了。He was tired out after swimming for a long time.20.Daniel 没有说要跟谁去谈论这本书。Daniel did not say who to talk to about this book.21.Sandy 在想到哪儿去寻求帮助。Sandy is wondering where to ask for help.22.Suzy 将会解释她为何推荐这本书。Suzy will explain why she reco

19、mmends this book.23.吴老师给我建议了选哪一个作为课外活动。Mr Wu advised us which to choose as after-school activities.24.Daniel 自学了如何使用电脑画画。Daniel taught himself how to use a computer to draw.25.他们正在讨论把墙刷成什么颜色。They are discussing which colour to paint the walls.26.Suzy 不确定找谁帮忙。Suzy was not sure who to ask for help.27.

20、你清楚明天什么时候在门口见面吗?Are you clear when to meet at the gate tomorrow?28.他想找出怎样在如此短的时间里环游世界。He wants to find out how to travel around the world in such a short time.29.你可以写关于你的书的任何事情这本书是关于什么的,你觉得它怎么样等等。You can write anything about your bookwhat the book is about, what you think of it and so on. 30.吴老师始终/一

21、直在那儿(准备)帮助我们。Mr Wu is always there to help us.31.她下午不得不把她女儿从学校带走。She has to take her daughter from school in the afternoon.32.我们周末不必去上学。We do not have to go to school at weekends.33.你必须按时还书。如果你多借一些时候,你必须续借。You must return the books on time. If you want to keep them longer, you have to renew them. 34

22、.你不必每次去图书馆都带着你的学生证,但是要记得带图书卡。You do not have to bring your student card every time you go to the library, but remember to bring your library card.35.第七部哈利波特是这个系列的最后一部。The seventh Harry Potter book is the last one of the series.36.第一部哈利波特最开始并不成功。The first Harry Potter book wasnt a great success in th

23、e very beginning. 37.你可以在电脑这里搜查信息。You can search for information on the computer here.38.许多鸟儿终年住在扎龙,而一些只是去那儿停留片刻。Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.39.金银岛讲了一个小男孩航海寻找隐藏的宝藏的故事。Treasure Islandtells the story of a young boy who sailed the sea to look for

24、 hidden treasure. 40.读完这本书以后,我不再和过去一样害羞了,并且我乐意分享新事物了。After reading the book, I am not as shy as I used to be and I am willing to try new things. I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future.41.将来我也想去旅游,拥有令人兴奋的经历。I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future.4

25、2.你每周花在阅读上的时间是多少?How much time do you spend reading each week?43.你通常向谁寻求关于书籍的建议?Who do you usually ask for advice on books?44.我一周花 7 个小时读不同类型的书。I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books.45.在周末,我通常在睡觉前读大约半小时。On weekdays, I usually read for about half an hour before going to bed.


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