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1、江苏省苏州地区 2018-2019 年下学期八年级期中英语试卷精选汇编:翻译句子(含答案)苏州地区八年级下学期期中英语试卷精选汇编翻译句子苏州工业园区60. 读了这本书后,我不再跟过去一样害羞了。_ 61. 对于这些志愿者来说,执行任务前接受训练是必要的。_ 62. Daniel 自学了如何使用电脑绘画。_ 63. 网络让交流比以前容易多了。_ 64. 我爸爸去成都出差一个半月了。_ 60. After reading this book, I am no longer as shy as I used to be.61. For these volunteers, training is n

2、ecessary before they perform their duties.62. Daniel taught himself how to use computer painting.63. The Internet makes communication much easier than before.64. My father has been in Chengdu for a month and a half on business.高新区61. 他还没决定什么时候上交报告。_ 62. 你曾经梦想过拥有自己的网站吗?_ 63. 他们昨天在公园情不自禁拍了很多照片。_ 64. 昨

3、天对那名网球运动员的采访是巨大的成功。1 / 4江苏省苏州地区 2018-2019 年下学期八年级期中英语试卷精选汇编:翻译句子(含答案)_ 65. 苏州向来以美丽的园林而享誉全球。_ 61. He hasnt decided when to hand in the report.62. Have you ever dreamt of owning your own website?62. They couldnt stop taking many photos in the park yesterday.62. The interview with the tennis player was

4、 a great success.62. Suzhou has always been famous all over the world for beautiful gardens.张家港市梁丰初中70. 他们过去常常通过写信保持联系。_ 71. 看完这本书,我不像过去那么害羞了。_ 72. 现在,学生们想知道什么时候上交读书报告。_ 73. 苏州向来以它的园林而闻名天下。_ 74. 在游了很久之后,他筋疲力尽了。_ 70. They used to keep in touch by writing letters.71. After reading this book, I am not

5、as shy as I used to be.72. Now, the students want to know when to submit their reading report.73. Suzhou has always been famous for its gardens.74. After a long swim, he was tired out.常熟市75.自从我们上次在书店见面以后,己经有六个月了2 / 4江苏省苏州地区 2018-2019 年下学期八年级期中英语试卷精选汇编:翻译句子(含答案)76. 通过使用电子邮件我能与朋友和家人保持联系。77. 你己经决定怎样处理这

6、些书了吗?78. 在看完这本书之后,他不像以前那样害羞了。79. 他离开中国已有八年了。75. Its six months since we last met in the bookstore.76. I can keep in touch with friends and family members by email. 77.Have you decided what to do with this books?78.After reading this book, he is not as shy as he used to be. 79.He has been away from C

7、hina for eight years.姑苏区66. 我的父母已经结婚二十多年了。67. 直到精疲力竭他才停下来。68. 顺便问一下,你父亲去成都出差了吗?69. 我们应该意识到改善环境是重要的。70. 他习惯于在每天晚饭后收发电子邮件。66. My parents have been married for more than twenty years.67. He didnt stop until he was tired out.68. By the way, did your father go to Chengdu on business?69. We should realize

8、 that it is important to improve the environment.70. He is used to sending and receiving e-mail after dinner every day.吴中区3 / 4江苏省苏州地区 2018-2019 年下学期八年级期中英语试卷精选汇编:翻译句子(含答案)68. 现在人们很少通过写信来保持联系了。69. 他不确定该和谁分享这个秘密。70. 你表哥加入那个俱乐部多久了?71. 在一天繁忙的工作后,你最好不要开车了。72. 采访那位举世闻名的作家将会是令人兴奋的。68. Now people seldom ke

9、ep in touch by writing letters nowadays. 69. He wasnt sure who to share the secret with.70. How long has your cousin been in that club?71. Youd better not drive after a busy day at work.72. It would be exciting to interview the world-famous writer.相城区68. 在过去的二十年中,苏州发生了巨大的变化。69. 他是怎样和她保持联系的?70. 明天我父亲

10、将动身去杭州出差。71. 苏州公园是人们辛苦工作一天后放松的好去处。72. 没有知识,你成功的可能性就会小一些。68. In the past two decades, Great changes have taken place in Suzhou. 69. How does he keep in touch with her?70. My father will leave for Hangzhou tomorrow on business.71. Suzhou Park is a good place for people to relax after a hard days work. 72. Without knowledge, you are less likely to succeed.4 / 4


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