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1、高中英语ing和ed结尾的形容词辨析(答案不全)以ing 和ed结尾的形容词一、概念区分有些形容词是由使役性动词加ed或ing构成的。这些动词本身含有“使; 令”的意思。由于它们的形式和过去分词和现在分词一样,所以又叫分词形容 词。1.2.以 ing 结尾的动词变化而来的形容词一般修饰物,译为“令人的”,常作定语 和表语; exciting news,主要用于说明事物给人的感受,表示事物的性质或 特征,若用它们说明人,则表示此人具有此性质或特征。以-ed 结尾的动词变化而来的形容词一般修饰人,译为“(人)的”,常作 定语和表语;I am excited. 通常用于说明人的感受,不用于说明事物,

2、即 使它们所修饰的名词是事物,那它们指的也是与该事物相关的人。区分下列例子:1.The book interest me.这本书使我感兴趣。This book is interesting.这本书很有趣。This is an interesting book.这是一本有趣的书。I am interested in this book.我对这本书感兴趣。The man is very interesting. 这个人很有趣。2.He had a frightened look on his face. 他脸上露出了害怕的表情。(指带有 这种“表情”的人感到害怕)He had a frighten

3、ing look on his face.他脸上露出了令人害怕的表情。(指 这种“表情”令人感到害怕)3.an excited talk 心情激动的谈话(指“谈话”的人心情激动)an exciting talk 令人激动的谈话(指听“谈话”的人心情激动)4.He told me the news in a very excited voice. 他告诉了我这个消息,声音 很激动。The story is very exciting. 这个故事很令人兴奋。5.Many people got touched by her story. 很多人为她的故事所触动。The story shared am

4、ong us is very touching. 这个故事在我们中间传开, 很是触动人。1 / 5高中英语ing和ed结尾的形容词辨析(答案不全)二、常见的以ing和ed结尾的形容词动词encourage 鼓励,激 励discourage使气馁, 阻碍interest 使感 兴趣;引起的关-ed形容词encouraging 令人鼓舞的discouraging令人沮丧的 interesting 有趣的-ing形容词encouraged 受到鼓舞的 discouraged灰心的,沮丧的 interested 感兴趣的名词encouragement鼓励discouragement气 馁,挫折,劝阻

5、interest兴趣,爱 好心astonish (使)惊讶 (使)害怕astonishing 令人惊呆 astonished 惊呆的 的surprise 使惊奇move(使)感动,移 动,搬动surprising 令人惊奇的moving 令人感动 的,可移动的surprised 感到惊讶的 moved 感动的surprise惊讶,惊 奇movement运动,运 转frighten vt. 使惊吓;吓唬 terrify恐吓;使恐 怖;使害怕frightening 令人害怕 frightened 害怕的 的terrifying 令人恐惧 terrified 感到恐惧的 terrible 可怕,糟糕

6、的,令人讨厌的move行动,举措, 移动fright惊吓puzzle (使)困惑; 使为难 satisfy 使满意,使 高兴puzzling 令人困惑 不解的satisfying 令人满意的puzzled 感到困惑的satisfied 感到满意的puzzle 谜,智力 游戏,不解之谜 satisfaction满意,满足tire(使)厌倦, (使)厌烦amaze(使)惊讶 bore使烦扰,打扰excite使兴奋embarrass使窘迫,使 尴尬tiring 令人厌倦的 tired 感到厌烦的amazing 令人惊讶的 amazed 感到惊讶的 boring 令人无聊 bored 感到无聊的、感到

7、的、令人厌烦的厌烦的exciting 令人兴奋的 excited 感到激动的embarrassing 令人尴 embarrassed 尴尬的尬的amazement惊异excitement 兴 奋;刺激;令人兴 奋的事物embarrassment尴 尬,难堪;使人为 难的人或事物touch接触touching 触动人心 的touched 感动的touch触碰;轻 按;(尤指手指annoy打扰,惹恼 Annoying 讨厌的,恼 annoyed恼怒的,气恼的,的)触觉annoyance烦恼人的生气的2 / 5高中英语ing和ed结尾的形容词辨析(答案不全)convince使确信,使 convinc

8、ing令人相信convinced确信的,信服conviction定罪,信服的,有说服力的了的确信,坚定的信仰disappoint使失望 disappointing令人失望的disturb使不安;弄 disturbing令人不安 乱;使恼怒 的;烦扰的 inspire激励,使产生 inspiring鼓舞人心disappointed失望的,沮 丧的disturbed被扰乱的,受 到干扰的inspired受到鼓舞的,有disappointment失望inspiration灵感的,令人鼓舞的创造力的鼓舞,灵感relax使休息;使松弛 relaxing令人放松的relaxed感到放松的,自 在的rela

9、xation放松,消遣shock使休克;使震 惊;使震动;使受电shocking令人震惊的shocked震惊的,受震惊 的shock休克,震 惊,震动,打击击worry(使)担心, (使)发愁;骚扰,worrying焦虑的,烦 恼的,令人担心的worried困恼的,担心 的,感到担忧的worry担心;让人 发愁的事(或人)烦扰worrying骚扰;反 复的拨弄challenge向挑战; 对质疑challenging 富有挑战性的challenged受到挑战的, 被挑战的,残疾的,有伤challenge挑战;怀疑please使喜欢;使高 兴,使满意练习的,有缺陷的或缺少的pleasing令人愉快

10、的; pleased高兴的;喜欢的 讨人喜欢的;合意的pleasant同义一 用括号内所给动词的-ed形式或-ing形式填空1. The children were _after the trip.(tire)2. The trip was_. (tire)3. The _children went to bed early after the trip.(tire)4. The _trip lasted a whole day. (tire)5. The trip made the children_. (tire)6. The bad weather made the trip_.(tir

11、e)7. Tom s parents are _ at his _ results of the exams(disappoint)8. _and angry, he left the meeting-room.(disappoint)9. It is _that he didnt pass the examination(disappoint)10. When hearing the_ news that Michael Jackson passed away, they were_to look at each other. (surprise)11. He was _ about his

12、 _ son. (worry)12. Im not _with his interpretation of this sentence.(satisfy) 13. He was _with the _person. (annoy)14. A police car appeared on the road, the thief had a_ look on his face. (frighten)15. The situation here is _and we are_.(encourage)3 / 5高中英语ing和ed结尾的形容词辨析(答案不全)答案:1. tired 2. tiring

13、3. tired 4. tiring 5. tired 6. tiring 7. disappointed, disappointing) 8. Disappointed 9. disappointing10. surprising; surprised 11. worried; worrying 12. satisfied 13. annoyed; annoying 14. frightened15. encouraging; encouraged三、一些常见的固定搭配1.interest sb.in(doing)sth.意为“使某人在方面感兴趣”。如:He wanted to intere

14、st me in buying the house.他想引起我买这所房子的兴 趣。be interested in(doing)sth.意为“对(做)感兴趣”He is interested in drawing pictures.他对画画感兴趣。2. be excited about 对感到兴奋3. be surprised at 对感到惊讶2. be amazed at 对感到吃惊3. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb.not to do sth.鼓励某人不要做某事be encouraged at / by 被鼓励6. be terri

15、fied at/ of / with 对感到害怕6. be pleased with 对感到愉悦6. be satisfied with 对感到满意7. be frightened at / of 对感到害怕8. be tired of 对感到厌倦9. be tired with/from 因疲劳6. be bored with 对感到厌倦7. be annoyed with/at 因而生气,生的气8. be worried about 对感到担心6. be confused about 对感到迷惑翻译下列句子我对这部电影感兴趣。它令人放松且激动人心。这是一个令人感动的故事(story)。我对他感到生气,因为他经常打扰我。我对这个充满挑战的问题(problem)感到担心。我的老师鼓励我试一试(have a try)。4 / 5高中英语ing和ed结尾的形容词辨析(答案不全)我对作业感到厌倦。它很无聊。他每天因工作而疲劳,但他对结果(result)很满意。他经常保持沉默(silent沉默的),但他有趣。5 / 5


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