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1、新目标七下 Unit 7Section A 语法学习学法导学案设计教师:刘悦欣学习目标:1. 句法:能够在语篇中感知、巩固、运用现在进行时。2. 词法:能够在语篇中归纳并掌握动词现在分词的构成。3. 通过品读 Punk Farm 绘本故事,理解梦想的深层含义是冲破枷锁,勇敢追梦。课前复习我们在上个单元 Unit 6 已经初步学习过现在进行时的结构,让我们一起来回忆一下吧: 1. 特殊疑问句:_ + _ + 主语 + _?2. 陈述句: 主语 + _ + _.课中导学一、【总结语法规律:现在进行时】1. 含义:_2. 结构:_3. 关键词:_二、 Lets Practice!It is late

2、 in the evening.“Can we practice now?” asks the goat.“Be quiet! “says the chicken, “the farmer doesnt know about it.”“Dont worry,” says the sheep, “the farmer _(sleep) now. Where are the pig and the cow?”“Over there,” answers the chicken, “Look! They _(come).”“We have to practice quietly. says the g

3、oat.The five animals are afraid that the farmer knows everything. However, they really want to give a show. Thats their dream.三、 Lets Practice!用单词的适当形式填空It takes them a long time to fix up the car.“Can we make it to the show? ”thesheep is worried. “Sure! What are you _ (wait) for? ” Cries the pig, “

4、Drive the car! We are late! ”“OK! I am _ (drive)!” says the sheep. “Oh, really? I think I am _(sit) on a tortoise(乌龟). Hurry up!”四、巩固:现在进行时的用法1.(2019北京)Please dont make so much noise.The baby now_.A. sleep B. slept C. will sleep D. is sleeping 2.(2015-广东中考 31 题)Dont disturb Allen now. He _for the Sp

5、elling Bee competition.A. prepares B. preparedC. is preparing D. will prepare3.(2019黔东南州)- Hurry up! We _ for you at the gate.- Im sorry. Im coming soon.A. wait B. will wait C. have been waited D. are waiting 4.(2019-江西)-May I speak to Mrs. Black?- Sorry. Mom cant come to the phone now. She _ a show

6、er.A. has B. have C. is having D. was having课后检测一、单项选择( ) 1.Where is Mr. Zhang? Look! He _ on a big machine over there. A.works B. worked C. is working D. has worked( ) 2. Please turn the TV downTony _ for the math test nowA.studies B. studied C. is studying D. was studying ( ) 3. I _ my room once a

7、 week But now I_.A. clean; am reading B. am cleaning; readingC. cleaning; read D. clean; read( ) 4. My mother cooks dinner for us every dayLook! She _ vegetables now.A. washes B. is washing C. are washing D. washing( ) 5. Shall we go out for a walk. Bill? I m afraid not. It _ outside now.A. was rain

8、ing B. rained C. is raining D. rains( ) 6. Listen! Someone _ an English song now.A. sings B. sang C. is singing D. was singing ( ) 7. Mr. Smithshort stories, but hea TV play these days.A. is writing, is writing B. is writing, writesC. writes, is writing D. writes, writes( ) 8. Dont make any noise, b

9、ecause the baby _ in the next room.A. sleeps B. is sleepingC. has slept D. slept( ) 9.Where is Jim? -Look! He _ under the tree.A. is standing B. stands C. stood D. stand( ) 10. She alwaysold clothes, but today shea new colorful coat.A. puts on; wears B. puts on; puts onC. wears; wears D. wears; is w

10、earing、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. -May I speak to Mrs. Black? -Sorry, she _ (take) a shower.2. One of my friends _(be) taking a walk now.3. -What are you doing? -I am _(put) up some signs.4. Look! Some boys _(swim) in the river.5. He _(write) a letter to his friend right now.三、语法填空I live in Huangshi. That i

11、s (1) beautiful city in Hubei. In spring, the weather is not cold.It is the best time (2) out. We can go to (3) side of the Changjiang River and lookfor the wild vegetables to (4) .They are good for health. In summer, the weather is a lothotter (5) people often swim in the Cihu Lake or the river. In

12、 autumn, the weather is cool.People celebrate Mid-autumn Festival (6) autumn and you can enjoy many (7) likeapples and oranges. Winter is from December to February. It is not very but a little (8) inwinter. And it snows sometimes, so the leaves(叶子) on the trees turn white when it is snowy .But you c

13、an see plum blossoms(梅花)in the park. My grandfather likes (9) very much. But he thinks it is cold in winter, so hesalways (10) at home.( )1.A.the B. / C. an D. a( )2.A. go B. will go C. going D. to go( )3.A.the other B. other C. others D. any other( )4.A.eat B. see C. watch D. wear( )5.A.but B. beca

14、use C. or D.so( )6.A.in B. on C. at D. after( )7.A.animals B. fruits C. leaves D. subjects( )8.A.rainy B. cloudy C. cold D. hot( )9.A.it B. one C. them D. some( )10.A.stay B. stays C. staying D.to stay【参考答案】课前复习答案: 1. What; be; doing2. am/is/are; doing;课中导学答案:一、【总结语法规律:现在进行时】1. 含义:表达正在发生的动作2. 结构:主语 + am/is/are + doing3. 关键词:listen, look, now, at the moment二、 LetsPractice! is sleeping; are coming三、 用所给单词的正确形式填空: waiting;driving;sitting四、 巩固:现在进行时的用法: 1-4:DCDC课后检测一、 1-5 CCABC 6-10 CCBAD二、 1. is taking/having 2. is 3. putting 4. are swimming 5. is writing 三、 1-5 DDAAD 6-10 ABCCC


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