【最新】Unit 3 A healthy diet (第二课时) 课件.pptx

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1、Unit 3 A healthy diet (2),Retell the story.,复述故事,1、同桌相互讨论,边复述边完成表格。 2、能流利复述的同学可得到两颗星。,Lets learn.,sweets,cakes,ice cream,rice,bread,milk,fish,meat,eggs,water,noodles,meat,vegetables,fruit,eggs,rice,sweet food,Whats for Mikes breakfast, lunch and dinner?,Whats for Yang Lings breakfast, lunch and dinn

2、er?,Learning tips: 描述他人饮食的时候,请注意用动词的第三人称单数形式。 例如:He She eats. He She has. He She drinks.,Grammar time,Lets review these.,Lets read.,量词,a lot of “许多” some “一些” a few “几个” a little “一点”,Lets read.,可数名词,不可数名词,可数名词,不可数名词,Lets read.,可数名词,不可数名词,fish,noodle,egg,meat,water,fruit,rice,bread,sweet,sweet food,

3、可数名词,不可数名词,milk,Play a game.,Grammar time,We dont add “s” and “es” to the following words.,bread,juice,meat,milk,rice,water,不可数名词,Lets look.,Countable Nouns 可数名词,Uncountable Nouns 不可数名词,water,milk,tomato,fruit,rice,sweet,meat,noodle,bread,egg,juice,cake,mango,以下单词属于不可数名词, 我们通常不在单词后面加 “s”或“es”,我们通常在以

4、下单词后面加 “s”或“es”,用来表示复 数形式。,Lets chant.,For breakfast, I have some eggs.Eggs, eggs, eggs,For lunch and dinner, I have some potatoes. Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes.,For breakfast, you have some noodles.Noodles, noodles , noodles.,For lunch and dinner, you have some tomatoes.Tomatoes, tomatoes , tomatoe

5、s.,Lets read.,tomato,tomatoes,potato,potatoes,mango,mangoes,zoo,zoos,photo,photos,动物园,照片,通常以“o” 结尾的单词,该词表示有生命个体词尾加-es变成复数。,通常以“o” 结尾的单词,该词表示无生命个体词尾加-s变成复数。,Lets choose.,1. LiuTao has _ (a few / a lot of) rice for dinner.2. There are _(some / a little ) vegetables on the plate.3. Would you like _(som

6、e / any) ice cream?4. Helen have _(a little / a few) apples very week.5. Mr Green drinks _(a few / a little) apple juice every week.,Fill in the blanks.,I have a few _ (tomato) every week. We should drink a lot of _ (water). She likes _ (mango) very much. My friend ate a little _ (bread) this mornin

7、g. There are some _ (potato) in the fridge.,tomatoes,water,mangoes,bread,potatoes,Lets watch,Lets read.,What do you have for breakfast?,I have some noodles.,What about lunch and dinner?,For lunch and dinner, I have a lot of rice, some meat and some vegetables.,两人一组,读对话。,Do a survey.,四人一小组,调查 小组成员一日三

8、餐。,将结果填在表格中。,-What do you have for breakfast ? -I usually eat / have _. -What about lunch and dinner ? -For lunch and dinner , I often eat / have_.,Tips:注意哦!我们讨论的时候可以适当的用一些量词,如:a little a few some a lot of等.,Write down the results.,Lets say.,Mary has some noodles for breakfast. She has a lot of rice

9、, some meat and some vegetables for lunch and dinner.,根据表格内容说一说小组成员的饮食习惯,看谁说得好,并比较谁的饮食习惯是健康的!,Lets watch,Sound time.,about,读单词,注意ou在这些单词中发a!,ou,a,house,out,mouth,shout,Sound time.,Mrs Li shouts, “Get out! Get out!” Theres a little mouse In her house.,听句子并模仿,注意ou的发音!,Lets try.,ou,读单词,注意ou在这些单词中发!,Let

10、s play.,试着读这些单词,并按ou发音归类!,/a /,/ /,blouse,cloud,young,cousin,loudly,sound,country,touch,Lets practice.,一、写出名词的复数。 1. tomato _ 2. mango _ 3. family _ 4. people _ 5. watch _ 5. zoo _ 7. tooth _ 8. potato _,tomatoes,families,watches,teeth,mangoes,people,zoos,potatoes,Lets practice.,二、选择题。 ( )1. He has

11、_ meat at a time. A. a B. a few C. a little ( )2. My brother likes a lot of _ every day. A. fruit B. vegetable C. apple ( )3. -_ your sister _ any meat? -Yes, she does. A. Does; likes B. Does; like C. Do; likes,C,A,B,Summary,复习巩固词汇的用法: a few +可数名词复数 “几个”; a little +不可数名词 “一点”; some+可数名词复数和不可数名词 “一些”; a lot of+可数名词复数和不可数名词 “许多”。 2. 名词变复数: tomatotomatoes potatopotatoes mango-mangoes 3. 掌握字母组合ou在单词中的发音a。,Homework,Read Grammar time and Fun time three times. 2. Tell your healthy diet to your parents.,


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