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2、认知和感悟,我们引导他们区关注生活,珍视学生独特的生活经验,强调体验式、探究式和研讨式等学习方式,帮助他们尝试着自己区解决生活中的问题;我们要关注学生的健康成长,就要尊重他Speaker Notes Page 24 (辅导技巧(2) 提问(开放式)Ask, dont tellIt is the questions that focuses the attention and increases the awareness, not much the more limited command. Awareness and responsibility are raised better by a

3、sking than by telling. Function of questions Questions are most commonly asked in order to elicit information. The answer given by the coachee frequently indicate to the coach the line to follow with subsequent questions. While at the same time enabling him to monitor whether the coachee is followin

4、g a productive track, or one that is in line with the purpose or company objectives.Focus on detail Questions should begin broad and increasingly focus on detail. The demand for more detail maintains the focus and the interest of the performer.eg. Looking at a square foot of carpet, after observing

5、the pile, colour, pattern, perhaps a spot or a stain, the carpet will hold little further interest fpr the observer and his attention will be to wander to more interesting things. The coach needs to probe deeper or for more detail to keep the coachee involved and to bring into his consciousness thos

6、e oftern partially obscured factors that may be important. Area of interest Paradoxically it may be valuable for the coach to focus upon any aspect that the coachee appears to be avoiding. So as not to break the trust and responsibility of coachee. Blind SpotsOpen QuestionsOpen question requires des

7、criptive answers promote awarenessClosed questions are too absolute for accuracy, and Yes and No answers close the door on the exploration of further detail.Open questions are much more effective for generating AWARENESS and RESPONSIBILITY in coaching process. 明确性提问:请你把的使用方法说明一下。相关性提问:对两件事间的联系性进行提问(

8、今天发生的事对公司的声誉有何影响?)激励性提问:其他三个部门都把任务做好,你们认为什样。征求意見性提问:你认为本月計划有无需要修改。证实性提问:证实、明确事实。Interrogative Words What, When, where, who, whom, how much, how many raise awareness and responsibilityWhy and how discouraged since it often implies criticism and evokes defensiveness.Why what are the reasonsHow what are the steps From “Broad to Detail” , maintain focus and interest


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