【最新】-【10】中考英语专项复习 非谓语动词.docx

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1、(十)非谓语动词01 命题趋势 考标导向化近几年对非谓语动词的考查主要是动词不定式作宾语、宾语补足语及目的状语,动名词作主语、宾语、宾语补足语,及个别分词的用法。预计年中考对非谓语动词的考查,不定式仍是考查的热点。我们应该牢固掌握一些动词固定搭配的用法。02 定义 概念清晰化非谓语动词是一些特殊的动词,它们在句中不能单独作谓语,而有谓语以外的其他语法功能,在句子中不受主语的人称和数的限制,但仍有时态和语态的变化,也可以带宾语和状语,构成非谓语动词短语。非谓语动词分不定式、动名词和分词三种。动词不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,在特殊情况下有时to可以省略。动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,

2、同时也具有动词的部分特征,能充当主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、状语等成分。动名词由动词加-ing构成,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。分词分为现在分词和过去分词两种。它们在句中作定语、状语、表语和补语。03 知识归类 知识网络化动词不定式分类图解功能例句主语To speak English well isnt an easy job.宾语They decided to change their mind.宾语补足语He helps the little girl to finish her homework every day.定语He is always the first to co

3、me and the last to leave.表语Our plan is to set up another middle school for the children.状语目的Every morning he gets up very early to exercise.结果He returned home to learn his son had gone to the countryside.特例清单1.不定式作宾语(1)一些谓语动词后只能用不定式作宾语,常见的这类词是表示命令、打算或希望的,如:would like,like,want,wish,hope,decide,plan,

4、expect等。如:Would you like to see a film this evening?你今晚想去看一场电影吗?(2)在find,think后面接不定式作宾语时,常用it代替,而将真正的宾语放在句末。如:I find it easy to read English every day.我发现每天读英语很容易。(3)常见的一些不带to的动词不定式:why not do,had better(not) do,would rather do,could/would/will you please (not) doI would rather stay at home.我宁愿待在家里。

5、2.不定式作宾语补足语不定式作宾语补足语时与宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。如:Lucy asked him to turn down the radio.露西让他将收音机的音量调低。tell,ask,want,allow,get,would like,encourage后面常接动词不定式作宾语补足语。如:My mother encourages me to learn Japanese.我母亲鼓励我学日语。注意:还有一些使役动词和感官动词也用不定式作宾补,这时不定式要省略to。这些动词有:一感(feel)、一帮(help)、二听(hear,listen to)、三让(let,make,have)、四

6、看(look at,see,watch,notice)。但变被动语态时,必须加上to。如:The boss made them work the whole night.老板让他们工作了一整夜。3.不定式作定语(1)不定式作定语时,应放在名词之后。它与名词有逻辑上的动宾关系。(2)如果是不及物动词,且与所修饰的词之间有动宾关系,要在不定式后加上适当的介词。如:There is nothing to worry about.没有什么可担心的。【题组训练】( )1.(2014北京)My parents always tell me _ more vegetables and fruit.A.eat

7、 B.eating C.eats D.to eat( )2.(2014咸宁)What would you like _ for your mum on Mothers Day?A dress.A.buy B.buying C.to buy D .buys( )3.(2014河南)Do you climb mountains every day?Yes,_ a little exercise. Im so out of shape.A.getting B.get C.got D.to get( )4.(2014河北)Dont forget _ thanks when other people h

8、elp you.A.accept B.to acceptC.say D.to say( )5.(2014漳州)We dont have enough money for our field trip. What shall we do?The best way _ money is to sell newspapers.A.raise B.to raise C.raising特殊结构的不定式分类图解结构例句tooto结构She was too surprised to see how angry her father was.not+不定式The teacher told the studen

9、ts not to play soccer on the road.疑问词+不定式作主语How to solve the problem is very important.作宾语He didnt know what to say.作表语The question is where to find the water.for+名词(代词的宾格)+不定式It is necessary for us to learn from each other.of+名词(代词的宾格)+不定式It is very kind of you to help me with my English.特例清单1.动词不定

10、式作主语动词不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语放在句末,其结构为:It+be+adj.+(for/of sb.)+动词不定式。如:To learn English well is useful.It is useful to learn English well.Its important for us to protect the environment.注意:在kind,good,nice,clever等表示人的品质的形容词后,不用for而用of。Its very kind of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好啦。Its very clever of you

11、 to do like that.你那样做真是太聪明啦。2.不定式常和疑问词what,which,when,where,how连用,相当于一个宾语从句。如:The teacher is telling the students what to do.老师正告诉学生要做什么。He didnt know where to go.他不知道去哪里。(where to go=where he should go)【题组训练】( )6.(2013广东)I always tell my students _ on the road because its really dangerous.A.not to

12、play B.to play notC.not playing D.not play( )7.(2013黔东南州)What senior school do you want to go,Li Hua?Its hard for me _ a decision now.A.do B.to do C.make D.to make( )8.(2013咸宁)Its rather hot in the room. Youd better _ the windows or the door.A.close B.not to closeC.dont close D.not close( )9.(2013衡阳

13、)My parents asked me _ computer games.A.not playing B.not to playC.not play( )10.(2013宿迁)Its dangerous _ a close look at the tiger in the zoo.A.for us talking B.of us to takeC.of us taking D.for us to take动词-ing形式分类图解功能例句主语Skating on the thin ice is dangerous.宾语I finished doing my homework.表语The nur

14、ses job is looking after the patients.定语She is reading in the reading room.宾语补足语He kept the machine running for ten hours.状语They went out of the classroom, talking and laughing.特例清单1.英语中一些词后常跟动名词作宾语,初中阶段这类词有:finish(完成),mind(介意),be worth(值得),be busy(忙于),practice(练习),have fun(玩得高兴),feel like(想要),be us

15、ed to(习惯于),consider(考虑),enjoy(喜欢)。2.主语+ be + happy(glad, pleased, angry, sorry, careful, ready等)+to do sth.如:Im glad to see you again.我很高兴再次见到你。Im sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我感到遗憾。3.几组动词接不定式及动名词辨析:(1)stop doing/stop to dostop doing sth.停止做某事stop to do sth.停止、中断做某事后去做另一件事(2)forget doing/forget to dofor

16、get doing sth.忘记做过某事(事情已做)forget to do sth.忘记要去做某事(事情没做)(3)remember doing/remember to doremember doing sth.记得做过某事(事情已做)remember to do sth.记着去做某事(事情没做)(4)try doing/try to dotry doing sth.尝试着去做某事try to do sth.设法或努力去做某事(5)go on doing/go on to dogo on doing sth.继续不停地做同一件事情go on to do sth.做完一件事,接着去做另外一件事

17、(6)allow doing sth./allow sb.to do sth.allow doing sth.允许做某事allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事(7)regret doing/regret to doregret doing sth.对做过的事情感到遗憾、后悔(已做)regret to do sth.对要做的事感到遗憾(未做)(8)mean doing/mean to domean doing sth.意味着做某事mean to do sth.打算、想做某事【题组训练】( )11.(2014长沙)Its getting cold. Would you mind_ t

18、he window?Of course not.A.closing B.to close C.closed( )12.(2014梅州)Paul looks forward to _ his pen pal as soon as possible.A.meets B.meet C.meeting D.met( )13.(2014孝感)My old neighbor Charles enjoys _ photos. He always goes out with his camera.A.take B.to take C.taking D.took( )14.(2014曲靖) _ vegetabl

19、e juice is a good habit,which helps you eat a balanced diet.A.Drink B.Drank C.Drunk D .Drinking( )15.(2014黄冈)Grandpa has changed a lot.So he has.He spends more time than he used to _ games with the children.A.play B.playing C.played D.plays动词的过去分词分类图解功能例句表语The door remained locked.定语The building bui

20、lt last year is now a department store.宾语补足语I heard my name called.状语Heated water changes into steam.特例清单英语中过去分词可作宾补(此时的过去分词一般是及物动词)表被动意义或完成意义,有时两者兼而有之。做宾补的过去分词与宾语有逻辑上的动宾关系,即宾语是过去分词动作的对象。如:She found the door broken in when she came back.(宾补与宾语有被动的关系,表一种状态)1.过去分词用在get,have,make 的后面。注意“have +宾语+过去分词”的

21、两种情况:A)表示“让某人做某事/让某事(被人)做”。如:I have had my bike repaired.我已经请人把我的自行车修好了。B)表示“遭遇到某种不幸,受到打击/受影响,蒙受损失”。如: I had my wallet stolen on a bus last month.上个月在公汽上我的钱包被偷了。2.“make+宾语+过去分词”,在这种结构中,过去分词的动词必须是表示结果含义的。如:I raised my voice to make myself heard.我提高声音目的是让我自己被听见。3.过去分词用在感官动词watch,notice,see,hear,listen

22、 to,feel,find等后面。如:When we got to school,we saw the door locked.到学校时,我们发现门被锁了。4.过去分词用在“with +宾语宾补”这一结构中,过去分词与宾语之间是动宾关系。如:The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back.那个小偷被带了进来,他的手被绑在背后。5.过去分词、现在分词、和不定式作宾补的区别:现在分词作宾补:宾语和补语之间是主谓关系,其动作与谓语动作同时进行。过去分词作宾补:宾语和补语之间是动宾关系,其动作先于谓语动作。不定式作宾补:表一个完

23、成的动作、或表一个很短时间内看到、听到或感觉到的具体动作。如:He didnt notice me waiting.他没有注意到我正在等。I heard the song sung in English.我听见这首歌被用英语唱了。I saw him opening the window.我看见他正在开窗户。I saw the window opened.我看见窗户被开了。I saw him open the window.我看见他开了窗户。I heard her sing the song in English.我听见她用英语唱了这首歌。【题组训练】 ( )16.(2014咸宁)Do you

24、have any difficulty in _ English?Yes,but I try to make myself_.A.to speak;understoodB.speaking;understandC.to speak;to understandD.speaking;understood( )17.(2013绥化)He wants to have his TV_ .A.repairing B.repairedC.to repair( )18.(2013安顺)He often drinks two cups of _ water when he comes back.A.boilin

25、g B.boil C.boiled D.boils( )19.(2013烟台)Why do you speak in _ loud voice?Because I want to make myself _ clearly.A.such;hear B.so;heardC.such;heard D.so;hear( )20.(2013自贡)When are you going to have your hair _?This afternoon.A.cut B.to cut C.cutting04 整合集训 反馈层级化( )1.David enjoys _ music at weekend,bu

26、t I prefer _ for a picnic.A.to listen;to go outB.listen to;going toC.listening to;go out D.listening to;to go out( )2.I really dont know_with this kind of problems.You can ask the teacher for help.A.what to do B.how to doC.why to do D.which to deal( )3.Do you often plant trees,Wang Lin?Yes,we have _

27、 hundreds of trees.A.plant B.planted C.plants D.planting( )4.We dont have much homework this weekend. Shall we go out together?Ok.What about _ a movie?A.to see B.seeingC.to seeing D.sees( )5.The boy is looking forward to _ a good time after the exam.A.to have B.has C.having D.have( )6.Mary dances be

28、st in our school.I agree.Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time.A.seeing B.to see C.see D.seen( )7.It took my daughter two weeks to read the novels _ by Yang Hongying.A.write B.writesC.wrote D.written( )8.Your spoken English is much better than before.Thank you.Our teacher often asks us _ E

29、nglish as much as possible.A.to speak B.not to speakC.speak D.not speak( )9.Tom often makes his brother _ but yesterday he was made _ by his brother.A.cry;to cry B.to cry;cryC.cry;cry D.to cry;to cry( )10.We can use QQ to chat with each other online.Really?Could you please show me _ it?A.when to do

30、B.why to doC.how to do D.what to do( )11.Do you like going shopping on Sundays?No,I would rather _ books at home _ than shopping.A.to read;go B.read;to goC.read;go D.to read;to go( )12.When he saw a ticket on the ground, he stopped _.A.to pick it up B.picking it upC.to pick up it D.pick up it( )13.W

31、e have two rooms ,but I cant decided _.A.to live;to choose which oneB.lived;choose which oneC.to live in;which one to chooseD.live in;which one( )14.What should I do,doctor?_ healthy, you should take exercise more and eat meat less.A.Keep B.KeepingC.To keep D.Kept( )15.Dont forget _ the door of the

32、meeting room when you leave.Sure.A.to lock B.lockingC.lock D.locks( )16.Would you mind not _ here? Im doing my homework.A.sing B.singing C.sings D.to sing( )17.No matter how hard it is, well keep _ until we make it.A.failed B.failing C.tried D.trying( )18.We agreed _ here but so far she hasnt appear

33、ed yet.A.having met B.meetingC.to meet D.meet( )19.Where are the twins?I saw them _out for a walk just now.A.going B.to go C.gone D.went( )20.Do you still remember _ me somewhere in Shanghai?Yes,of course.Two years ago.A.to see B.see C.seeing D.saw( )21.Aunt Li often asks her son _ too much meat. It

34、s bad for his health.A.dont eat B.not to eatC.not eat D.to not eat( )22.There are no differences between the two words.I really dont know_ .A.what to choose B.which to chooseC.to choose which D.to choose what( )23.What about going swimming with me?Sorry.I have a lot of homework_ .A.to do B.doneC.do

35、D.be done( )24.It is said that to teach a man fishing is better than _ him fish.A.give B.givingC.to give D.gives( )25.Mum,Im hungry.What about going to McDonalds _ fried chicken?A.eat B.to eatC.eating D.and eat5 / 5参考答案:(十)非谓语动词题组训练15DCDDB610ADDBD1115ACCDB1620DBCCA整合集训15DABBC610ADAAC1115CACCA1620BDCAC2125BBACB


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