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1、中考英语总复习 -完形阅读词汇运用组合训练十一、完型填空Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience: the iPad.Instead of _1_ nature ,I checked my e- mail.Instead of paddling a small boat,I followed my Twitter feed(推特简讯)Instead of reading great novels,I stuck to reading four _2_ each morning.And

2、 thatwas the problem: I was behaving _3_ I were still in the office.My body was on vacation but my head wasnt.So this year I made up my mind to try something _4_ : getting away from the Internet.I knew it wouldnt be easy,since Im bad at self-control.But I was determined.I started by _5_ the iPad to

3、my wife.Then ,a little bit of luck: the cell phone signal at our house was _6_ than in the past,meaning that I couldnt cheat.I was forced to carry out my plan.Largely cut off from e-mail,Twitter and my favorite newspaper websites,I had few ways to connect to the world except for the radio and how mu

4、ch radio can one listen to really ?I had no _7_ but to do what I had planned to all along: read books.This experience has had a _8_ ending.With determination and the strong support of my wife , I won in my vacation struggle _9_ the Internet.I _10_ realized that it was I,not the iPad,that was the pro

5、blem.I knew I had won when _11_ passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi- fi.“I dont need it ,” I said._12_ ,as wereturn to post- vacation life ,a harder test begins: Can I _13_ when Im back at work ?And I dont plan to _14_ my convenience completely.But I hope to resist

6、 the temptation( 诱惑)to check my e- mail every five minutes , which often leads to following my Twitter replies.A vacation is supposed to help you reset your _15_ to become more productive(高效的)Here I hope this one worked.( C )1.A.looking up Blooking for Clooking at Dlooking after ( B )2.A.novels Bnew

7、spapers Cbooks Ddictionaries ( B )3.A.so that Bas if Ceven though Dever since ( D )4.A.upset Bcalm Ccrazy Ddifferent( B )5.A.sending Bgiving Cdestroying Dthrowing( D )6.A.better Bstronger Cless Dworse( A )7.A.choice Bway Cmeans Didea( C )8.A.meaningless Bhopeful Chappy Dpeaceful( B )9.A.for Bagainst

8、 Cto Din( D )10.A.certainly Bsuddenly Cimmediately Dfinally ( D )11.A.I Bhe Cthey Dwe( B )12.A.Also Bhowever COtherwise DAnyway ( C )13.A.stop Bescape Ccontinue Dchange( A )14.A.give up Bgive in Cgive off Dgive away( C )15.A.body Bheart Cbrain D thought二、阅读理解Passage 1Tim Berners-Lee (1955 ) is an En

9、glish engineer and computer scientist, known for his invention of the World Wide Web. He was honored as the “Inventor of the World Wide Web” during the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony. In 2016, Berners-Lee received the Turing Award, which is generally thought to be the highest reward and “Nobe

10、l Prize of computing”.Toni Morrison (1931 ) is an African American woman writer born in Lorain, Ohio. She once worked as a senior editor in Random House in New York. The Black Book edited by her records the 300-year history of African Americans. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1988. She was awarded th

11、e Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993, the first black woman writer to win this prize.Guy de Maupassant(18501893) was a French critical realism writer. He, with Checkhov of Russia and O. Henry of the US, is honored as the three masters of short stories in the world. Maupassant wrote six novels, some 3

12、00 short stories, three travel books and some other works during his lifetime. My Uncle Jules is one of his masterpieces.31. What does Berners-Lee do?A. He writes novels about engineering and computer. B. He is a scientist. C. He holds Olympics opening ceremony. D. He presents award forscientists.32

13、. How old is Toni Morrison now?A. She is 78 years old. B. She is 64 years old. C. She is 88 years old. D. She is 43 years old.33. Who was not one of the three masters of short stories?A. Toni Morrison B. Guy de MaupassantC. Checkhov D. O. Henry34. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. Guy de

14、 Maupassant lived the shortest among the three.B. Tim Berners-Lee was the inventor of WWW.C. Only Guy de Maupassant is still aliveD. Uncle Jules was one of the characters in Guy de Maupassants work.35. Who won the Nobel Prize?A. Tim Berners-Lee and Toni Morrison. B. Only Guy de Maupassant.C. Only To

15、ni Morrison. D. Tim Berners-Lee and Guy de Maupassant.Passage 2No matter where a video game is played, on a handheld device( 装置), the Internet or the television, too much gaming is a bad thing. Playing too many video games is a problem for kids and there are many signs that show the negative(消极的) in

16、fluences.If young people are always thinking about when they can play a video game, that is a sign that they have lost themselves in it. If they give up other hobbies that they used to love, that is also a problem. Many kids who choose to spend all their free time playing video games will make up wa

17、ys to play the game instead of communicating with others. Leaving sports teams or clubs, refusing to go outside to play with friends, and choosing to stay home from birthday parties are all signs that video games have taken over the childs attention.In addition to negative behaviours, there are heal

18、th problems from playing too many video games. If video game players skip meals or lose sleep because they stayed up too late playing games, this can negatively influence their health. Sitting in front of a game for more than two hours a day instead of getting up and being active can result in child

19、hood obesity( 肥 胖症). Moreover, backaches, headaches and strained( 紧张的) eyes can be caused by playing too many video games.36. The writer thinks _ is a problem for kids that causes negative influences.A. watching too much TVB. buying many handheld devicesC. chatting too much onlineD. playing video ga

20、mes too often37. If a child is crazy about video games, he or she may _.A. keep thinking of playing themB. play outdoors instead of staying homeC. like to hold parties with friendsD. eat more than he or she usually does38. What kind of problem will video game addiction( 成瘾) cause according to the pa

21、ssage?A. Higher chance of foot pain. B. Longer time of sleep. C. Lower speed of heartbeats. D. Less interest in exercise.39. What is the main idea of the passage?A. How to avoid playing video games.B. The signs and the harm of video game addition.C. Reasons of stop making video games.D. What happens

22、 to children without enough exercise.40. You may find this passage in _ .A. a newspaper B. a fashion magazineC. a storybook D. a guidebookPassage 3Preparing to go to Chinese university is tiring enough. But when studying abroad, you need to worry about things like new tests, essays, recommendations,

23、 college choices and visa applications(签证申请).The first thing you should do after picking the country you want to study in is to make a list of universities, including a dream school (a school you may not get into, but is at the top of your list), a safety school (a school you can definitely get into

24、), and several schools in between. Look at the websites of those universities and you will get a complete list of everything you need for your applications.The most important thing in any application will be your test scores, so pick a time as early as possible to take an exam preparing course. If y

25、ou are in a lecture hall with a teacher telling jokes, you are probably just wasting your time. However, US students who attend top universities spend between 500-1,000 hours studying for the SAT, so probably you should do more. You are also going to need to think about how to tell a story about you

26、rself. Chinese students have a reputation for being very hardworking, but also for sometimes lacking creativity or intellectual curiosity(求知欲).You need to show the university that you are excellent because of your own personality, not because your parents have forced you to be excellent.Are you inte

27、rested in sports? Make sure to play on your schools team. Universities want to see that you have interests of your own and can show initiative(主动性).Finally, find a consultant(顾问) to help you through the application process. You will need this help, but please open your eyes wide and be as cautious a

28、s you can. Some agents will try their best to help students fulfill their dreams, but there are some irresponsible ones who care more about the fees paid by students.41. Whats the purpose of the article?A. To introduce some top overseas universities.B. To inform readers about how to prepare for the

29、SAT.C. To tell readers how to choose a good overseas school.D. To give advice on how to apply to a foreign university.42. When preparing to go to a foreign school, you are advised to _.A. take exam preparing courses as many as possibleB. spend about 500 hours preparing for the SATA. make a list of t

30、he universities youre interested inA. write a good story to prove you are hardworking43. What does the underlined word “cautious” in the last paragraph probably mean?A. early B. confident C. careful D. prepared 44. _ is NOT mentioned in the article?A. How much money you need to pay for a consultantB

31、. How much time you need to spend studying for the SATC. Whether you need to prepare for your self-introductionD. Whether you need to make a list of universities in the country you pick 45. What can we infer from the article?A. It is better to have your parents help you with your applications.A. For

32、eign universities pay much attention to their students creativity. C. Sports fans have greater chances to go to foreign universities.D. Consulting agencies dont help your application much.三、短文填空Sam is a farmer. He has a very big(1)_. On the farm, he grows oranges, grapes and bananas. Many people com

33、e to(2)_his farm. He is a successful young man and becomes very famous.Several years ago, in 2003, he went back to his hometown after hefinished high school. “What can I do?” he said to himself. Then hehad(3)_idea. “Im(4)_in farming. I can grow fruit!” He began to watch many programs about growing f

34、ruit (5)_He alsoread a lot of books about it. Then he went to(6)_on Mr. Smiths farm for two years. He learned a lot there.In 2005, he started his own fruit farm. At the(7)_, Sams farm was small. But now, his farm is much(8)_.His fruits are very good .He sends them to many big(9)_ in China, such as S

35、hanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. He also grows vegetables and raises(10)_on his farm. Therefore, his family eats their own vegetables and chicken. They have a very healthy lifestyle.Keys:1._ 2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _ 7. _8. _ 9. _ 10. _四、适当形式填空1 There is a _(刀) and some pens on Wang Juns desk.2 Drivers sh

36、ould drive more slowly on _(下雨的) days.3 In Switzerland, some of the old clothes are _(卖) in charity shops. 4Life is like a race. Im ready to take on new _(挑战) any time. 5Everyone, you need to have a dream. The future of China _( 依靠) on you!6 My grandma always tells me _( 没有什么) is more important than

37、 health.7 David showed great _(勇气) during his fight against illness last year.8 My mother goes shopping every week there is a shopping mall just _(在对面) our house.9 Liu Hua is the chief _(工程师) of the high-speed railway.6 More than six _( 百 ) teams took part in Nanjing robot competition in May.11. The

38、 glasses can keep the workers eyes _(安全的).12The houses are so expensive that he cant _(承担得起) to buy one. 13My parents are always _(严格的) with me.14 Nobody was _( 缺席 ) from school though it rained heavily yesterday.14 His uncle is going to _( 参加) a business meeting in Beijing next week.Keys:1._ 2. _3.

39、 _4. _5. _6. _ 7. _8. _ 9. _ 10. _11._ 12. _13. _ 14. _15. _参考答案一完形填空CBBDB DACBD DBCAC 二阅读理解BCACC DADBADCCAB三短文填空1. farm 2. visit 3. an 4. interested 5. on6. work/help 7. beginning 8. bigger 9. cities 10. chickens四适当形式填空1knife 2.rainy 3.sold 4.challenges 5depends6.nothing 7.courage 8.opposite 9.engineer 10.hundred 11safe 12.afford 13.strict 14.absent 15.attend


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