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1、 东风中学英语科2018学年第二学期研学案 Work sheet for students(学案)一、Learning objectives(学习目标)1. To read a short message and understand the structure of writing a short message.2. Try to write short messages according to the given information.3. Learn to correct the mistakes in the article.4. Share the messages and b

2、e able to retell the information二、Learning tasks(学习任务)Task 1: Learn to write!Complete the short message to a friend with the given words.(根据提示,完成便条) badminton match Remember meet you remind 14 October 10:00a Regards Dear_ Lili,This is to _ you about our _tomorrow morning. Ill _ outside the school ga

3、t at_. _ to bring your racket.(球拍)_,MeiTask 2:Practise writing :Write a short message according to the situations.Situation 1.You will watch a ballet with your friend Cindy on Sunday. Write a short message to remind her about it. Use the notes below to help you.( 1,3,5,7组写) Time to meet: 2:30pm, Sun

4、day; Place to meet:main gate of City Theatre Thing to bring: ticketDear Cindy,_Situation2: 你想今天放学后和同学去书店买书,你要留一个message 给妈妈,告知她要迟些回家,让她不用担心你,你会6点半前回家。(组写)Dear Mum,I am writing this message to tell you that_Task 3:Write freely(自由写作,看看谁的话题更有创意!)Write a short message on any topic and share in

5、groups. _三、Post-writing: Lets share and retell the message ! Take notes on: When_ Where_ Things to remind_You can begin like this :_remind_ that.四、Homework:1. Try to write a short message according to the given information.你约了你的好朋友Cindy明天要求去看电影,请根据提示写一则便条提醒她这件事。提示内容:1、见面时间:明天(周六)下午3点;2、见面地点:超市门口;3、不要迟到,记得带电影票。Hello Cindy,This is to remind you_Best wishes Lin Yan2.Finish exercises in双语报No72


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