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1、大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语分类模拟201大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语分类模拟201专升本英语分类模拟201Part Vocabulary and Structure问题:1. You cannot see the patient at the moment; he is now _ medical treatment.A.inB.onC.underD.at答案:C解析 考查固定搭配。句意:此时你不能探望病人,他正在接受治疗。under medical treatment正在接受治疗,属于固定表达方法。问题:2. The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C. did n

2、ot include women players until 1912.A.first playingB.to be first playedC.first playedD.to be first playing答案:C问题:3. It is five years since I was _ with them, so I dont know how they are getting along.A.out of controlB.out of the questionC.out of touchD.out of sight答案:C本句句意是:我与他们失去联系已经五年了,所以我不知道他们现在过

3、得怎么样。out of control意为“无法控制”;out of the question意为“没问题”;out of touch意为“失去联系”;out of sight意为“看不见”。问题:4. Susan is not very intelligent, _ work very hard.A.not does sheB.either does sheC.or does sheD.neither does she答案:D本题考查否定倒装用法。neither+do+主语,是固定搭配。句意为:苏珊不聪明,工作也不努力。问题:5. Those who like to _ in front o

4、f others are not wise enough.A.show inB.show upC.show offD.show out答案:C解析 动词词组辨析题。问题:6. Mathematics as well as other subjects _ a science.A.wasB.isC.areD.belong to答案:B此题考查主谓一致和时态。主语是Mathematics,学科作主语时,是表示单数的意义的词,故只能在A、B两项中选择,而A时态不对,因此选B。问题:7. Two _ died of cold in that country last winter.A.hundreds

5、 old peopleB.hundreds of old peopleC.hundred old peopleD.hundred old peoples答案:C基数词修饰hundred,thousand,million,billion,dozen,scote等词时,这些词一般用单数形式。这些词前面有具体数词时不能用复数,其后也不加of短语。当不表示具体数字时是可以加s的。如hundreds of books问题:8. Its very kind _ invite me to your birthday party.A.from you toB.of you toC.by you toD.tha

6、t you答案:B问题:9. Id like you _ to see him.A.goB.goingC.to goD.have gone答案:C问题:10. The old couple wanted to see their daughter _ the young manager.A.marryB.marryingC.to marryD.married答案:A考点 非谓语动词解析 本句的意思是:这对老夫妇希望看到他们的女儿和那位年轻的经理结婚。非谓语动词的用法:see后如跟有非谓语动词结构做宾语补足语,可有两种形式:see somebody doing something意为“看见某人正

7、在做某事”;see somebody do something意为“看见某人做了某事”。根据句意可知,强调的是这件事的实现,而不是事情发展的过程,故选A。问题:11. It was _ of you not to disturb these old people late at night.A.patientB.considerateC.deliberateD.modest答案:B问题:12. Weve tested three hundred types of boots, _ is completely waterproof.A.no of whichB.none of whichC.so

8、me of thatD.neither of which答案:B问题:13. You can make some modifications to the plan _ you find anything impractical.A.even thoughB.unlessC.now thatD.in case答案:D问题:14. Though I was _, I was not.A.lone; lonelyB.alone; lonelyC.lonely; loneD.lonely; lonely答案:B考点 词义辨析解析 本句的意思是:尽管我独自一人,但我并不孤独。区别alone,lone及

9、lonely的用法题:alone做形容词时只能做表语,意为“单独一人”,表示客观上的一个人或没有外人。lone修饰人时与lonely的意思相同,意为“寂寞的,孤独的”,除表示“单独”外还带有感情上感到寂寞的情绪。但lone只可做定语。问题:15. You ought _ the task the day before yesterday.A.to finishB.to finishingC.to have finishingD.to have finished答案:D考点 谓语动词解析 本句的意思是:你本该前天就完成这项工作的。虚拟语气题:ought to+完成形式,意思为“本应做而未做”。根

10、据时间状语the day before yesterday可知,答案为D。问题:16. Mary has a headache. Its been hurting her for a long while, _?A.hasnt itB.isnt itC.wasnt itD.doesnt it答案:A问题:17. It was impossible to avoid _ by the stormy weather.A.to be much affectedB.having much affectedC.being much affectedD.to have been much affected

11、答案:C问题:18. His marked personality changes were _ by a series of unfortunate events.A.carried onB.counted onC.brought aboutD.made up答案:C问题:19. Tom _ more than twenty pounds for the dictionary.A.spentB.paidC.costD.took答案:B解析 本题考查固定搭配的用法。pay后常接介词for表示为某事而付款的意思。问题:20. Movies used to be shown in an open

12、space in our town, with audience _ on benches, chairs or boxes.A.seatingB.to seatC.seatedD.being seated答案:C问题:21. When we woke up, everywhere was _ snow.A.coveredB.covered inC.covered withD.covering答案:Ccover with由什么覆盖,cover in填满。选项C是正确的。问题:22. _ do you change the cell for your watch?A.How manyB.How

13、oftenC.How littleD.How soon答案:B问题:23. I didnt expect to _ my teacher in the street yesterday.A.refer toB.work withC.deal withD.run into答案:D本题测试动词短语。refer to意为“参考”deal with意为“处理”run into意为“遇见”。本句大意为:我没想到昨天在街上遇见了我的老师。问题:24. _, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.A.However t

14、he story is amusingB.No matter amusing the story isC.However amusing the story isD.No mater how the story is amusing答案:C问题:25. A dictionary of that size has _ words than you need and its not so handy.A.many moreB.much moreC.manyD.much答案:B语法结构题。形容词的比较级形式可以被 still/much/little 或 a little 等词修饰,加强语气。本句大意

15、为:那样大的辞典收词量比你所需要的多得多,而且也不太方便携带。Part Writing问题:1. 假设你在上班的路上(或公交车上)发现小偷正在偷别人的钱。描写这个过程。 内容包括: (1)何时、何地。 (2)过程。 (3)你的感受(或作法、建议等)。 答案:One Monday morning around eight oclock in the bus on my way to the company, I was enjoying my breakfast while reading a newspaper After a whileI raised my eyes and tried t

16、o see where the bus was and then I happened to see a young man strangely sticking together with a ladyI felt curious and couldnt help looking at him againSuddenly I realized that he was stealing! At the very momenttwo men rushed to him and grasped his hand with a purse in itIt was too fast for most of us to see what was happeningThe bus driver told us they were policemen after they got off the bus When will there be no need for policemen in the bus for such a thing? 11 / 11


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