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1、四种时态综合复习 一般现在时讲解 一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作或一般性事实。通常与副词: every day (每天)every morning(afternoonevening), on Sun days,on Mon days,on Tuesdays once a week, twice a week ,three times a month always (总是)usually(通常),often (经常)sometimes (有时),never 等时间状语连用,一般现在时主要由动词原形表示,但第三人称单数后的动词词尾有所变化。第三人称单数动词词尾的变化有几种形式: 一般情况下 力卩

2、-s 女口:reads,looks 以 ch, sh, s, x,或 o 结 尾 的 词加-es 如:teaches,washes, goes, misses, mixes以不发音字母e结尾的单词,在后面直接加s.如:takes 以辅音字母加y结尾的词 变y为i再加-es 如:studies, cries, carries以元音加 y 结尾的词,直接加 s.女口:plays般将来时讲解与练习一般将来时的定义:般将来时表示在将来时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,与表示(tomorrow morning )将来的时间连用。l.tomorrow,2. n ext day(week, mon th, y

3、ear),3.in+将来的年份(in 2018 )4.in+段时间(in two days )5.so on, the day after tomorrow(后天)等。如: She will visit Shanghai tomorrow.般将来时的构成(一)一般将来时有两种构成形式:1 .主语 +shall/will+do2.主语+ be going to + do 在表示“打算到某地去时”由于谓语动词go与going重复,一般可以只说 be going to a place 。般过去时定义:(1). 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状 语连用。一般过去时

4、也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作1. yesterday 或以其构成的短语: yesterday morni ng(afternoo n, eve ning)等;2. 由“ last+ 一时间名词”构成的短语:last n ight, last year (wi nter, mon th, week)等;3. 由“时间段 +ago” 构成的短语: a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago 等;4. 其它:just now , in the past 等5. in+ 过去的年份:in 2011 , in 1988 等(2).也可表示过去经常反复发生的动

5、作, 常和always、often usually、sometimes、hardly、 never频度副词连用现在进行时态专项练习1. 定义:现在进行时表示正在发生或进行的动作。2. 标志词:(1) 时间状语now、at the moment(2)句前有提示词look、listen、it s+时间点、look at3. 谓语动词的构成:be +动词-ing一, 选择题1. Alice ofte n play the pia no. No, she.A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn t2. Every oneto their teacher in th

6、e classroom.A. are liste ningB. is liste ning C. liste n3. Dannybreakfast five times last week.A. ate B. eat C. eated4. I m going tosome chopsticksSun day after noon.A. bought; on B. buy; on C. buy; in5. Are you going to take a pia no class?A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am6. Is heTV ? Yes, he

7、is.A. watch B. watch ingC. not7. The kitea bird.A. look like B. is lookingC. looks like8. What did you do on your holiday? IA. bought a prese nt B. go skii ngC. lear n En glish9. Sandy ofte nhis homework on Sun days .A. do B. does C. did10. Hea race with Ming Ming.A. to have B.had C. going to have11

8、. What do you usually do on your holiday?A. Si ng and dance B. Saw elepha nts C.Took picture 12.lt s 10 o clock. BenTV in the bedroom.A. is watch ing B. watch C. watches13. Did you eat good food in Chi na? .A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn t C. No, I did14. Ifree this after noon.A. be B. will be C. going

9、to be15. I can t find my pen. Let me.A. go and ask her B. go and ask hers C. go and ask she16. Fangfang is a good stude nt. Shemaths.A. does good at B. well do it C. is good at17. Are you wash ing clothes ?A. Yes, you are B. Yes, I am C. No, I am18. What did heyesterday? Hehis homework.A. did; did B

10、. do; did C. do; do19. they tak ing pictures.? Yes, they are.A. Am B. Be C. Are20. They willroast ducks in Beiji ng.A. ate B. eats C. eat21. Ivisit my friends this weeke nd.A. go to B. am going toC. going to22. Last summer. Iin the lake and played on the beach.A. swim B. swam C. will swim23. We play

11、ed basketball.A. sometimes B. on Saturdays C. last Saturday24. your penfriendin Beiji ng?A. Do; live B. Do; lives C. Does; live25. They are singing andtogether at the party now.A. dance B. dan ced C. dancing26. Tom and Mikevery excited, they will take a trip.A. is B. are C. am27. I m going tohomewor

12、k tomorrow.A. does B. do C. did28. I ameat breakfast at 7:15.A. going to B. will C. shall29. I likevery much. What about you?A. dance B. dan ced C. dancing30. Ia lot from our textbook.A. learned B. learnesC. learni ng31. Weto the zoo anda lot of ani mals yesterday.A. go; see B. went; saw C. goes; se

13、es32. Look! The kitein the sky.A. fly B. flies C. is flyi ng33. Theyriding a forse.A. is B. are C. am34. What film are you goi ng to?A. see B. watchC. look35. He alwaysfootball games.A. watches B. watch C. doesn t36. Wea play tomorrow. Will you please joi n us?A. are going to see B. saw C. sees37. Y

14、esterday my prese nts and Iour house.A. were clea ning B. clea nedC. are going to clea n38. Whatto trees in the differe nt seas on?A. happenB. happens C. happened39. -Whe nhe get home on Friday?-He gets home at four on Friday.A. do B. doesC. did40. Summerspri ng.A. comes after B. comes in C.comes be

15、for41. My father is(read) a n ewspaper in livi ng room now.A. read ingB. reads C. not read42. Liste n! The birds.A. is sin gi ngB. are sing C. are si ngi ng43. Look! It.A. will snowing B. is going to snow C. snows44. Kateplay ing chess.A. am B. is C. are45. What did you do last weeke nd ? -IA. read

16、a book B. wash the clothes C. go fish ing46. My best friendshells.A. collects B. collect C. ofte n47. Iprese nts for my pare nts yesterday.A. buyed B. bought C. buying48. his brother going to climb mountains?A. Is B. Are C. Am49. My mother and Ialways watch roma ntic films.A. doesn t B. don t C. do5

17、0. Last SundayTree Plan ti ng Day.A. is B. were C. was三、用所给词的正确形式填空1. -WhatSu Hailast Sun day? (do)-She(go) for a walk.2. -Did you go(swim) last Saturday?-No. We(watch) a film.3. -WhatWa ngBing usuallyafter school? (do)-He usually(go) home and(teach) his little brother.4.-(be) Miss Li in the teacher

18、s office now?-No. Shes(take) photos.5. - What s the weather like?-It s.It has a lot ofhere. (rai n)6.some water in the glass.a lot of people in thegarden.a teacher and some stude nts in the classroom. (there be)7. Helen(like)(draw) horses. She is(draw) in the studynow.8. Itwo pens. Youthree pens. Ou

19、r teacherfour, Benand Liu Lutwelve. (have)9. I(make) a cake yesterday. She(fly) a kite last Sun day.10. My sisterto the supermarket every Sun day. Tomorrow sheisto the supermarket with me. (go)11. Yesterday(be) my birthday, we(have) a birthday party inmy home, I(get) many prese nts from my frie nds.

20、12. Wehave any masks. Yang Linghave any, too. (not)13. My rubberin the desk just now, but itin my pocket now. (be)14. Do you jump(far) tha n my frie nd ?-No, I jumps as(far) as your frie nd.15. Thebutterfly flies. (beautiful)16. He(go)(jog) every day. I want to(go)(jog) with himin the playgro und.17

21、. Sandy(have) lots of CDs. She(liste n) to music every day.18. Sam(want)(buy) a lot of thin gs.19. Look, my fatherbasketball with his frie nds. He is a goodbasketball. (play)20. Let(I) have a look . Oh, it isn t(I) ruler, I think thisruler is(he), give it to(he).21. Are you(twin)? Yes, we re(twin)(b

22、rother).22. - Hurry up. We re late!- Don t worry. We still have(a)(hour).23. Look, the boys(swim) in the river.24. There(be) some water on the table.25. He(live ) on the(two) floor.26. -Whatyou(do) just now?-I(go) for a walk.27. My sister(be) a nurse n ext mon th.28. Mr Gree n ofte n(have) a chat wi

23、th his childre n after supper.动词时态的相关练习一.选择题。()1. She usuallyher frien ds. They ofte ntea.A. visit; drink B. visits; drinks C. visits; drink()2. Theybasketball this morning.A. is playi ng B. playedC. playi ng()3. Xiao Lingmany pictures yesterday.A. takesB. tookC. taked()4. Ben oftenpictures at home.

24、 Hea car now.A. draws; is draw ing B. draw; draw C. draws; draw()5. Mrs. Webbsea food very much.A. likeB. likesC. is likeoes()6.heto the park at 6:30 in the morning? No, heA. Does; goes; does B. Does; go; doesn t C. Does; go; d()7. What colouryouthis picture? Iit pink.A. are; going to paint; am goin

25、g to paintB. do; paint; paintC. did; paint; pain ted?()8. Yesterday was my birthday. My dada prese nt for me.A. bought B. buys C. buyed()9. My grandfather usuallynewspaper after dinner.A. read B. reads C. read ing D. is read ing()10. Miss White oftento the ci nema on Saturday eve nin gs.A. go B. goe

26、s C. is going D. are going()11. The old man usuallyup at six andsports in the garde n.A. gets, dos B. gets, does C. get, does D. gets, do()12. - What is Tom doing in the classroom? He.A. draws B. draw C. is draw ing D. are draw ing()13. He usually the dishes at night, but tonight heclothes.A. wash;

27、wash B. washes; is going to wash C. is washi ng; washes()14. Look! Two catsacross the wall.A. run B. runs C. are running()15. My unclea doctor two years ago.A. will be B. isC. was()16. Whatyou usuallyin the eve ning?A. do, do B. do, does C. does, did()17. Mr. Gree n usuallyhis n ewspaper in the eve

28、ning, but he andhis wifetelevisi on yesterday eve ning.A. reads; watches B. reads; is going to watch C. reads; watched()18. Where are the man and the woma n? Theyn ear the tree.A. sitB. satC. are sitt ing() 19. your father swimming? No, he Herunning.A. Does; like; doesn t; likesB. Does; likes; doesn

29、 t; likeC. Do; like; don t; likes()20.youfishing yesterday? No, we.A. Does; go; doesn t B. Did; go; didntC. Do; go; don t()21. Ope n the win dow, Please. Look! Heit.A. ope ns B. is ope ning C. are ope ning()22. I usuallysome milk every day. But Icoffee yesterday.A. drink; drank B. is drinking; drink

30、 C. drank; am drinking()23. Shetea, but he.A. likes; does n t B. like; dontC. like; doesnt()24. The old manplayi ngsports in the park. Hemorningexercise now.A. likes; is doing B. likes; does C. like; doing()25. Mr. Green oftenhis newspapers at night. But hean in teresti ng book toni ght.A. reads; re

31、ads B. reads; read C. reads; is going to read()26. Wherethe boy? Heacross the river now.A. does; swim; swims B. is; swimming; is swimmingC.is; swimmi ng; swimmi ng()27.youto music now? Yes, we.A. Do; liste n; do B. Did; liste n; did C. Are; liste ning; are()28. Put on you coat, please. OK. Iit on.A.

32、 am putt ingB. am going to put C. put()29.youcoffee? Yes, I.A. Do; like; do B. Did; like; did C. Are; like; am.二用适当的动词形式填空。1 . The children(stay) in Beijing next week.2 . Look! The plane(fly) over the building.3 . He often(go) to Shenzhen in December.4 . WhatBen(do) in his bedroom now?5. you(meet) y

33、our friends in Hong Kong next Tuesday?6 . My mother(clea n) our rooms on Sun days.7 . Whatshe(do) in Beijing yesterday.8 . Howyour father(go) to work every day?9 . Look! They(swim).10 . Next week we(visit) the Great Wall.11 . A:you(like) running?myB:No, I. I like (swim), butbrother(like).12 . They often(go) to the farm.13 . The moon(go) around the earth.14 . It(rain) hard now.15 . The kite(be ) broken last week.16 . My brother(go) to Shanghai next week.17 . What(do) you do last Sun day? I(pick) apples on a farm.18 . Liu Tao(fly) kites yesterday.19 . It s six o clock. They aresupper. (have)


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