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1、Unit2 My Schoolbag第一课时 A Lets learn & Letdo班级:- 姓名:-学习目标:1.能听懂会说本课时的Lets talk。2听懂会说,询问颜色的句型What colour is it? Its. 及感叹句How nice!并能在实际情景中运用,要求模仿正确,语调自然。课前尝试 说说你所知道的属于文具类的单词课堂探究 我会做到:1你能说出你课本的封面都是什么颜色吗?2和你的小组成员运用下列句型,进行情景口语交际Whats this?What colour is it?Its课后检测给下列问句选择合适的答句,将序号填在括号里哦!( )1.What colour i

2、s it? A. I have 6.( )2.How many books do you have? B. Its yellow.( )3.How many English books can you see? C. Good idea.( )4.Whats in your bag? D. I can see fifty.( )5.May I have a look? E. 3 pencils and many books.( )6.Lets clean the window. F. Sure. Here you are. 作业设计 英汉连线。1.put your Chinese book i

3、n your desk 把你的数学书放在书包下面2.put your eraser near your pencil box 把你的铅笔盒放在英语书上3.put your maths book under your schoolbag 把你的语文书放在桌子里4.Put your pencil box on your English book 把你的橡皮擦放在你的铅笔盒旁边Unit2 My Schoolbag第二课时 Lets talk & Lets play班级:- 姓名:-学习目标:1.学习并掌握本课时的四会单词:Chinese book, English book, math book,

4、notebook, story-book, schoolbag2.掌握句型:How many do you have? I have将所学新单词运用其中并能进行简单的口语情景练习。 课前尝试 我会英汉互译1.schoolbag_2.notebook_ 3.故事书_ 4.数学书_ 5.你有多少本书?_?6.我有5本语文书._ _.课堂探究1.我会读单词 2.Lets do 课后检测 我会连线1math book 笔记本 2pencil-case 数学书 3notebook 铅笔盒 4 .How many books? 书包5 .Here you are 我有一支钢笔6 .I have a new

5、 pen . 给你7 .schoolbag 多少本书? 作业设计 写本单词语文故事书Unit2 My Schoolbag第三课时 Lets spell班级:- 姓名:-学习目标 通过读、听、唱巩固所学内容,同时培养学生对英语的兴趣。课前尝试 根据各幅图,说说所表达的意思。课堂探究 我会给它们找邻居:1._ M _ 2._ P _ 3._ K _4._L _ 5._ j_ 6._ D_课后检测 我会情景对话:1.你想知道迈克有多少本书,你该怎么说? ( ) A How much books do you have ? B How many books do you have ? C Is thi

6、s your books?2.你想让别人看你的新书包,你该怎么说?( ) A I have a new bag,you seeB Look! I have a new schoolbag.C This is my schoolbag. 作业设计 ( )1. We have two _. A. eye B. ear C. hands ( )2. _ me sweep the floor. A. Let B. Lets C. lets ( )3. _ is the wall? Its white. A. What color B. What C. Where ( )4. _ the light,

7、please. A. Open B. Turn C. Turn on ( )5. Look at the picture. A. Its big. B. Its nice. C. ReallyUnit2 My Schoolbag第四课时 B Lets Learn & Draw and say班级: 姓名:学习目标1.学习并掌握本课时的四会单词:candy notebook, toy, key, 2.掌握句型:Whats in your schoolbag? My.所学新单词运用其中并能进行简单的口语情景练习。 课前尝试 小小翻译家语文书_ 数学书_故事书_ 书 包_ 笔记本_英语书_课堂探究

8、我会用Whats in your.?造句。课后检测 我会按要求写I have_ story-books in my schoolbag.(1 )In my classroom,I can see_ English books.(10) 作业设计 我会选择填空( )1.小红有一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色的,该怎么说? A Whats your new pen? B What colour is your new pen? C Where is your new pen?( )2.Amy: May I have a look? Chen Jie: A.Suer. B.Thank you. C.G

9、ood job.( )3.I have two story-books and she one. A.have B.has C.had( )4.你想看看同桌的新钢笔,你该怎样说? A .May I have a look at your new pen? B. I can see your pen ? C. I can look your pen ?( )5.陈洁背了新书包来到学校,你想知道里面有什么,该怎么说? A .What colour is your new schoolbag? B .Whats in your new schoolbag ? C .Wheres your new s

10、choolbag?( )6.I have bag. A.a C.two Unit2 My Schoolbag第五课时 B lets talk &Lets play班级: 姓名学习目标:1能听懂会说本课时的Lets talk内容。2理解并掌握句子“My schoolbag is . ”、“Whats in it?”及用50以内的数字表达物品的数量。并能在实际情景中运用,要求模仿正确,语调自然。课前尝试 小小翻译家笔记本 thirty 十三 story-bo ok forty heavy 许多 thirty-one My schoolbag is heavy. _。Whats in it

11、?_ _ ? 课堂探究1.朗读并理解lets talk内容,说说你的理解。2.试着用你的事物对话。3.和你的伙伴交流对话。课后检测 阅读短文, 判断对错.Amy: Look at our new classroom. John: Wow! So many books. Amy: How many Chinese books can you see? John: I can see twelve. Amy: How many desks and chairs can you see? John: I can see thirty-five. Amy: Oh, my schoolbag is he

12、avy. John: Whats in it? Amy: Ten story-books and fifty picture books. John: Oh, so many.( ) 1. There are many books in the classroom ( ) 2. I can see twenty Chinese books.( ) 3. I can see thirty-five desks. ( ) 4. Amys schoolbag is heavy.( ) 5. There are ten story-books and fifty picture books in th

13、e schoolbag.作业设计 连词成句1.have , a , pen , I , new2.what , it , is , colour , boxes , you , do , have , , my , heavy , schoolbag Unit2 My Schoolbag 第六课时 read and write 班级: 姓名: 学习目标 通过读、听、唱巩固所学内容,同时培养学生对英语的兴趣课前尝试 根据各幅图,说说所表达的意思。课堂探究1.听录音,跟读理解大意。2.根据所给的资料对完成任务3.听,圈、写。4.Story time 理解故事大意5.与

14、老师、同学交流故事内容6.演一演 课后检测1.结合P19页内容完成练习2.听一听说一说P20页内容完成练习 作业设计1.书写本课单词和句子。2.阅读理解,判断句子对错。对的打“”,错的打“”。Hello, boys and girls. My name is Amy. Im 12. This is my classroom.Its clean and big. You can see a big board , six fans ,a computer and eight lights. And there are 48 desks and chairs in the classroom.1. Amy is 13 years old. ( )2.My school is big and clean. ( )3.There is one board. Its small. ( )4.There are eight lights in the classroom. ( ) 5.There are fifty chairs in the classroom. ( )


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